Episode 29

Uncommon Valor | S1E29

We’re continuing coverage of the Ultimate Everymen, and today, we travel back to December of 1983 to discuss the action Vietnam War thriller with our Patrick Swayze as well as Gene Hackman and a great ensemble cast in Uncommon Valor!

I’m delighted to have Scott & Steve from Dropping a Bruce & The Cheeky Basterds Podcast (both also on Last of the Action Heroes Podcast Network) with me today! Here's where you can find them:



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I'm Katie and welcome to Retro

Made, your pop culture rewind.



take another trip down lane.



today are continuing our coverage of

the ultimate everyman and we'll be



traveling back to December of 1983 to

discuss the action Vietnam war thriller.



With our Patrick Swayze, as well as

Gene Hackman, and I think a great



ensemble cast in Uncommon Valor.



I am delighted to have Scott

and Steve from Dropping a Bruce,



which is also on the Last of the

Action Heroes podcast network.



And the Cheeky Bastards podcast with



me today.



Are there any other shows?






I get that right?



Scott: You did.



We have so the cheeky bastards is our

like main state name, but we are for that.



We're also the men of action from that.



So it's basically the cheesy

bastards with us, our name change.



And we too have that show on the

amazing last of the action heroes.



Katie: very nice.



Well, tell us a little more about you



guys and your show shows.



Scott: Well, we met it's a very long

way, but I had a show many years ago,



about three years ago called yeah.



Watch this or die.



And Steve was one of the few people

who ever reached out to us on the show.



when we were getting ready to bring

him on as a guest, my former co host,



he was about to have a second child.



And so life had kind of, sped up for him.



And I am.



So this is not normally where

you see my recording space.



I had to, my son has moved back in.



That's a lot of fun when

they leave and come back.



So I lost my office.



Katie: Mm-Hmm.



Scott: So now I record in my bedroom.



But so Steve had been reaching out.



And so I went on my own journey

and started the church of Tarantino



podcast, and Steve was my very first

guest and he was on so much in the



first season that we started talking.



And originally dropping a Bruce was

going to be a show we did together.



Honestly, the month we were getting

ready to start recording that Bruce



Willis announced to the world or his

family announced that he had aphasia.



so we said, man, I don't know that this is

the right time for me to start a podcast



talking about Bruce Willis's that he

only did for video release as he's just



been announced with having this horrible.



Memory disease.



So we were like, all right,

let's put a pin in that.



six months later, we opened up the

cheeky bastards and originally it was



just us kind of spewing our unpopular

opinions on certain films or certain



things that we did and didn't like.



And then we kind of changed it

over after the first season.



It started with us.



We talked a lot of shit about

Michael Bay, especially me.



I talked, we talked a lot of shit on me.



So we thought, you know what,

instead of just talking crap



about it, we'll start off season

two with an entire retrospective



look back at all 15 of his films.



So our first three episodes were, we

did with a special guest of ours, a



friend of ours, Petros Patsilovas, we

went through all 15 movies last summer.



Like we, it was a slog for all of us.



We watched all of them.



And we then did each episode.



The first was his good ones.



The second episode we did was

the five middle of the roads.



And the last were the ones we

thought were just pure dog shit.



And it was a lot of

fun, but it got Steven.



I think maybe we should just

lean into a action centered.



Philosophy of this podcast.



We were having more

fun talking about that.



So we kind of kicked off the new version

of the cheeky bastards are the men of



action with a Christmas spectacular

where we pitted against each other.



Fat man with Mel Gibson against

the amazing way that came out the



year before, but a violent night.



And so,



Katie: Night



Scott: oh, it was great.



We, we had a blast doing it.



And so from them, we have literally just

been taking action movies and trying



to find some kind of like maybe common

thread with them, but combining them.



So right now it's this, this season,

we've been doing a lot of like, looking



at two Van Damme movies, two Seagal

movies, two sorts of things, that kind



of thing, put him against each other.



And that's been a lot of fun.



So obviously you've kind of talked

more as I have that, you know.



That head host that.



You know, I've



Steve: Never shuts up.



Scott: shut the fuck up.



I have that lead singer, American thing.



So sorry, Steve, you, you

jump in and fill in more gaps.



Steve: Well yeah, because I'd worked

in internet radio for about 10 years.



And then Spotify kind of blew up.



And it made what I was doing feel

a bit redundant, because basically



people had the entire history of

music at the click of a button.



Whereas before, we were sort of,

the network I was part of, We



were trying to show people more

obscure underground stuff, but



now everyone could listen to it.



So, yeah, so I was doing that and

Scott's show, Watch This or Die,



it sort of was starting at the

same time that I finished mine.



So I was, I was a listener basically.



And that's how I contacted Scott saying,

you know, I listened to your show and



that we had very similar tastes in film.



And so I was at a place where I still

wanted to be active in some way.



But what I was doing

was no longer relevant.



And then Scott just

came up with this idea.



You know, he was doing his Church

of Tarantino, which I, , he asked me



to be on the first episode, talking

about funnily enough, what was my



favorite Tarantino movie anyway.



So the first episode was

Reservoir Dogs, which is my



favorite Tarantino movie anyway.



We really hit it off.



And then started



spitballing ideas, basically.



And like he said, you

know, Dropping a Bruce.



Felt a bit in bad taste at the time.



And we went with the cheeky

bastards and now, Here we are.



Scott: We circled back

around a year later.



We really, we said, well, I

think there's enough time, right?



I think enough time has passed.



I think we



Steve: Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Well that was too good

an idea, what he had.



, This was his idea, and I was, I was

into it, so I love Bruce Willis, anyway.



But yeah, it was just like,



do you think that's a bit in bad taste

if we do, if we, because we're gonna



probably make fun of a lot of these films.



Katie: Mm-Hmm.



Steve: And I sort of thought, we both did,

we both thought, no, maybe we'll, so we



did The Cheeky Pass, and then like Scott

said, yeah, a year's passed, screw it.



Scott: Yeah.



Steve: Ah, let's go.



Scott: people forgot about it.



Don't worry about it.






Steve: Yeah, yeah, so yeah, so

we're sort of a third of the way



through the journey, no, not even that.



Katie: Yeah.



No, I like, I especially like you pitting

the two movies up against each other.



Because sometimes






it's like one movie's not quite enough



to, you know, like



Scott: Yeah, too.






Steve: That's right.



Katie: In order to get us into the right

frame of mind for December of:



open the time capsule from that time.



Because this is, nearing the 30th

episode, we've covered a lot of this.



So with Kurt Russell






Scott: Mm.



Katie: movies from the 80s and

90s, I usually cover what was



going on in current events.



TV, music, et cetera.



We've literally covered December




week, too, in the Silkwood episode.



Scott: Mm mm.



Katie: And then also some of the other

stuff from 83 in the Red Dawn episode.



So if you listeners have not

checked out Silkwood, I also covered



in Silkwood, Mama's Family and

Cabbage Patch Kids craze of:









Scott: Remember it well.



Katie: Have you guys seen Silkwood?



It's like one of those that

hardly anybody has seen.









Scott: No,



Steve: No.



Katie: hard to get your

hands on, is what I mean.



Steve: Yeah.



Scott: haven't.






Katie: to stream anywhere.



It's very good.



Because we've already covered

that, we're going to do



something a little bit different



Scott: Okay.



Katie: provided Scott and Steve a list of

some of the popular prime time TV shows.



Some serious finales?



What had premiered at that time?



Got you guys?



Scott: The date you're, this is released

was five days after my eighth birthday.



So I was born at the end

, but basically:



So when I saw two names on here, when I

saw the 18 and he meant I was instantly



transported back to the little boy.



And I remember He Man vividly.



I still have some of the action figures.



I've saved them for my son and I

held on to them also for when I



have grandkids, just so they can,

except they don't make good toys.



Anyway, they just really don't

make the kind of quality toys.



But I mean, He Man was like a G.






Joe for me as well.



We come home every day from school

and you would just get in front of



the TV as soon as you got home and.



Pop this on.



And of course, I mean, Steve

being an English guy, this May,



this probably goes over his head.



'cause this isn't some of the thing that,

you know, obviously the same, we didn't



have the same upbringings or the same

stuff going on in each of our households.



But it's, and then the A team, of course,

I mean the, A team, funny, when I was



watching this movie, I couldn't think, but

Harken to the bit of the, a team feel of



Katie: Mm-Hmm?



Scott: the movie.



Like they just kind of, you

know, a, a team that, that comes



together, brought back together.



So I was like, wow, that feels

like, it's like we're just



missing the, a team theme here.



And it's kind of like a offshoot of the A

Team cause being so young, I, some of the



list, I mean, I would know Spectre Gadget

and all this other stuff, but the A Team



and He Man were prevalent in my life, Mr.



T, the, I mean, and, it's funny,

we look back now, but the A Team,



no, lot of shooting, and we've seen

this in just the shows we've done



for Bruce Willis, the Bullets don't

matter until bullets need to matter.



A lot of shooting going

on in the eight team.



A lot of fruit stands are

always getting run over



Katie: Oh,



Scott: the eight in these, in

these shows in the eighties.



if you were, if you were a purveyor

of fruits in the eighties, it was



a very precarious lifestyle to

have cause there was a good chance.



You were going to get hit in some kind of

chase there's a good chance your storage



was going to get run over by a car.



So, you know, it's just these great

moments of thinking back to, I know



it's like an old fuddy duddy when

you say things like this, but it was



like, so much a simpler time, but just

for me, it felt like a simpler time.



Cause when you're young, you have no cares

in the world, you know, for the most part.



And just to go back to these days of,

you know, just coming home, having a



snack, putting your feet up, watching

these shows, just enjoying being a kid.



Yeah, I mean, I wish I could go

back today to go back to the, to



the beginning of He Man and the

A Team being on at the same time.



Steve: Hmm.









Katie: sure if you guys were born yet.



You know, I









Scott: that.



Well, thank you.



Steve: Yeah, I was,



Katie: Steve?



Steve: I was,



Scott: He,



Steve: I was 13



Scott: 30.






Steve: in 1983.



Scott: wrong.



I'm sorry.



You said 30 wrong.



Ha, ha,



Steve: me cry.



Katie: look a lot younger than






Steve: Well, thank you very much.



But yeah, I was edging towards 13

and a lot of the shows you gave us



in the list, I wasn't familiar with.






Katie: uk



Steve: exactly.






Scott: More like you can't.






Steve: Oh, that's pretty good.



Scott: Thank you.



Steve: It's pretty good for you.



Yeah, so a lot, I mean, obviously,

you know, things like Chips, The A



Team, TJ Hooker, stuff like that.



You know, we'd only just, in 1983 in the

UK, we'd only just got four TV channels.



So, you know, the UK shows took

precedent and there were, you know,



some of them were on, you know,

obviously the A team was huge.



Yeah, so I did say to Scott

earlier, a lot of these shows,



Katie: Oh,



Steve: I didn't really, I remember, I

remember getting to, you know, films,



things like He Man, Inspector Gadget.



I'm nearly 13, so I'm already feeling a

little bit too old for that sort of thing.



Katie: Yeah.



Steve: also, when I obviously at

that time, the video, the home



video boom was, you know, the

whole VHS rental market was huge.



So I was really already

steeped in movies at that age,



you know,



Katie: Mm-Hmm?



Steve: not to be boring about it, but

my dad, he worked in a hi fi store



and we were one of the first people

to get a VHS, to get a video recorder.



Katie: Well, I was gonna




We didn't have a VCR



Steve: Yeah, see, we did.






Scott: he couldn't watch



Steve: yeah, you know,



Scott: he could record if he could,

you know, he had the opportunity.



Steve: So at that time we just

started getting, you know, video



was just starting to take off and.



My dad used to bring home

some crazy movies, because



the knowledge wasn't there.



We, you know, we didn't obviously,

obviously have the internet then, so.



I get to see some crazy

movies when I was young.



I was, films like Shogun

Assassin and stuff like that.



I was, my dad just brought them home.



He didn't know what they were.



He just put them on and we'd all just sit

there, like blood spurting everywhere.



When you sent that list

and I saw the, I saw Taxi.



I was just like, Mary Lou Hannah.



She was like my, sort of

one of my first crushes.



But yeah, so a lot of the shows, apart

from the A Team, Chicks, kind of,



Katie: Yeah,



Steve: I'm not familiar with.



Katie: well, to be fair, these are

a lot of these are before my time.



I've never seen Dallas or dynasty.



I'm familiar with them.



Same with Simon and Simon,

Falcon Crest, Knott's Landing.



I know of them, but I've

literally never seen them



Scott: Those are all those like.



They're almost, they were almost

like the nighttime version of the



soap operas we had here in America.



I don't know if you had soap operas

over there in UK or not, Steven, but



Steve: Yeah, well not,



Scott: the, it's like the, you

know, like those are like the



daytime ones, but these are like

the really prestigious night ones.



You know, I remember my parents

watched Dallas dynasty, Falcon



crest, like these are all, all



terrible shows.



It was yes.



Katie: yeah, it definitely was.






Scott: Big time soap operas at night.



Basically what is what those five,

these four shows you have on here were.






Steve: think at that time,

at that particular time, we



didn't have soap operas, yet.



Katie: Oh,



Steve: Not quite.






Scott: I mean, you had Masterpiece



Steve: would have been imports.






Yeah They would have been imports.



They would have been that I think

there was some Australian ones And



obviously I remembered I remember

I totally remember Dallas Dynasty



Falcon Crest because my mum used to

watch them and maybe I'd get to sit up



and watch like Dynasty or something.



I remember who shot Jr.



I remember,



Scott: Yeah, that was a big moment.



Steve: I remember.



It was a the Ewings, the one who

they made out that she was dreaming



the whole, the whole season was her

having, I can't remember his name.



The one who came back,



Scott: know what you mean, yeah.



Steve: Jr's brother.



So I can remember all that.



Not vivid, you know,

not, not like vividly.



I, I just sort of, you know, memories

of being able to sit up a little



bit late and watch something and not

knowing what the hell was going on.






Katie: I do kind of miss the times

of, it did seem like a simpler time.



I don't know.



Was it because I was a kid, but

I do think the internet was such



a massive shift that pre internet

really was a simpler time, like more



Scott: Oh, it was.



Well, I



Steve: we talk about all the time with

my friends when we're about when we talk



about music, especially when we're like,

you know, you just go to the record



store and your new your favorite band

would have a new album out and you didn't



even know there was going to be one.



Katie: Yeah.



Steve: just, you couldn't, you weren't

waiting for albums to come out or



necessarily new films to come out either.



You were just.



They would just be there one day.



Scott: yeah,



Steve: It was an amazing time.



Scott: and you'd be like,

Oh, shit, Empire Strikes Back



Steve: Yeah, exactly.









Yeah crazy.



Scott: And plus, you

had to be informed, too.



So, nowadays, I don't think

on the internet you have



to be informed or anything.



You can just say whatever the Fuck

you want anything stupid and you



just throw it out there and you

don't even have to be informed.



But if you were going to talk about

these shows or TV, you know, I know



we've cut back on bullying in all the

countries, but there was something about



the intelligence bullying where you'd

say, you know, you'd be talking about



what we could be about He Man and you,

and so I'm like, Oh yeah, I watch He Man.



And they'd say something like,

you didn't fucking watch He Man.



You know what the fuck you shut up.



You're like, shut the fuck up, Todd.



You know what I mean?



Can I, when I'm talking to you,

you know what you're talking



Steve: Ah,



Scott: know,



Steve: poor Todd.



Scott: you can have these

conversations with people and you



would have to have a knowledge.



You have to bring some kind of

knowledge to each conversation and not



just be like, that's fucking stupid.



Send, you know, and without ever

watching it, you know what I mean?



Oh, there's a black guy in the show.



Send, you know, they're

like, wait a minute.



What do you, have you watched Mr.



T, have you watched any of these things?



I miss those times because.



While they were simpler, but you also

had to educate yourself because you



were afraid to look like an idiot

in front of people and you wanted



to be in the know back then, right?






Steve: Hmm.



Scott: something, you, Steve

knows about Jr being shot.



I know about it because.



I never saw it, but I remember TV guide.



It was all anyone could talk

about when that season ended.



And I remember when the TV guy

came out to, you know, announce the



new seasons coming out, my parents

would have it and on the front.



They knew the first episode who shot Jay.



They're finally going to find out

after an entire summer of waiting, who



shot Jr tonight at 10 o'clock on CBS.



You know, that kind of



Steve: I, I mainly remember who

shot, JR I think is I brought my dad.



A mug with I Shot JR on it for

his birthday when I was a kid.



Katie: What was the collective experience?



Scott: The water cooler

moments as they talk about.



Steve: Yes, that's right.



Katie: disparate now.



I think it's time before we get

into the movie Uncommon Valor.



I always ask my guests a couple of

questions because this season is



focused on both Patrick Swayze and Kurt

Russell, I call the ultimate everymen.



Do you guys have any like thoughts

or fandom about either Kurt



or Patrick that come to mind?



Scott: So, yes, for me, it's Kurt Russell.



As a young boy growing up in central

New York, we had a channel out



of New York City called WPIX11.



When cable finally kicked in.



And so my first introduction to either

one of these gentlemen was, Snake



Plissken from escape from New York.






Katie: covered



Scott: I'm at an age now where I'm

thinking about possibly getting an



eyepatch just to have an eyepatch.



Cause no one has made the eyepatch

look fucking cooler than Kurt



Russell did as snake Plissken.



And I remember just thinking.



he was the coolest fucking guy,

the way Kurt Russell commanded



that role walked across the screen.



And I understand he's, you

know, he's in the thing as well.



And he's great, but I still think that

snake Plissken role is such an iconic



moment, especially Gen Xers, like as a

Gen Xer, especially as a young kid, very



impressionable at the time, snake Plissken

was the coolest motherfucker around.



I was like, Oh, he's so cool.



You know, cause normally your parents

are like, Oh, you're going to shoot



your eye out kid kind of thing.



I'd be like, Well, I

would get an eye patch.



You're kind of like, I mean,

it works for snake bliskin.



It's going to work for me.



So yeah, I just think,



Katie: need the









Scott: well,



Katie: You need the



Scott: this is true.



This is, this is very true.



I, you know, but



Steve: That was brutal.



Scott: no, but it was fair.



It's a fair assumption.



I don't have the hair, but



Katie: on, you guys.






Scott: I think, I



Steve: Hey, over here.



Scott: and an eyepatch.



It does still, I mean it's not

Snake Pliskin, but it's maybe his



Steve: I tell you what, you're

absolutely right though.



Escape from New York.



Scott: yep



Steve: changed my life.



That, as a young like I say, I got

into films quite early and, and



Escape from New York was one of them.



And like I said, you know, my

dad bringing movies home and,



you know, Escape from Alcatraz.



I'm sure that's no different

to Escape from New York.



And suddenly, I mean, that's a,

you know, even now, I mean, I watch



Escape from New York still now.



And that's a scary movie in moments.



There's some, that's quite a dark film.



Yeah, Kurt Russell just, he's, I mean,

he still is, he's just, he is a mark of



quality, that guy, you know, even Captain

Wrong, okay, I won't have the bad words,



Katie: Another eye patch.






Steve: there you go, see if it, if it,



Scott: a little looser brother, it's just



Steve: if it works, if it works, it works,

you know, yeah, it's always a sign of



like, yeah, if Kurt, if Kurt Russell's

in the movie, you know, and still now,



you know, you look at Bone Tomahawk,



Scott: Bone Tomahawk,



Steve: Eight, it's



Scott: Proof,



Steve: Yeah, but in your previous

one, you know, Breakdown, I mean,



Scott: Oh,



Steve: the thing, obviously, but

Breakdown, I mean, what a movie that



is, you know, he's, and you're right

with the everyman thing, you're



totally right about that, because, in

Breakdown, he's just a regular Joe,



Katie: Got



Steve: yeah?






he's just a bit, but, when shit gets

real, he, and you know he can pull it



off, that's the thing, that's the clever

thing about him, he can play a meek guy,



you know, But when the shit hits the

fan, he can really switch it on as well.



And, and he's just so believable.



He's got that presence where

he's just so believable.



So yeah, like Scott escaped

from New York for me.



And because of our video certification

system, we had in the UK, me



watching the thing was, unlikely,

but somehow I managed to see it,



but a big trouble in little China.



Scott: yes, Jack Burton.



Katie: I



Steve: It's all in the reflexes.



So yeah, you're right.



I totally, I totally agree with you

that every man thing is your spot on.



Scott: I think Patrick was more of a,

you know, we got to see him a lot in



kind of like the combination roles.



You know, he's in the Outsiders, right?



So he's the older, so you're

like, Oh, he's pretty cool.



He's in Red Dawn.



You're like, Oh, but again, in an

ensemble cast, I really feel like for



me, And I wasn't a huge fan of, you

know, dirty dancing that, that just did



as a teenage boy.



It didn't, it didn't hit you.



It just didn't land.



However, however, point break on the

other hand, that was for me, I was



like, this dude's pretty fucking cool.



Like for me, point break was really

that breakout moment where Swayze



was no longer, I know he's still

in with a kind of an ensemble cast,



but he really stood out as being

a really great, likable villain.



And I don't know.



There's something I just love point break.



And I know something



Katie: was



spectacular in that.



Scott: and point break.



I mean, he acts Keanu Reeves off

the screen and no disrespect to Mr.



Keanu Reeves, but he's acting

everyone in that movie off the screen.



And I was like, man, this dude is amazing.






And you're right.



He also then pops up and a lot of people

forget he pops up again, many years



down the road, but in Donnie Darko



Katie: Is



Scott: the



Katie: Mm-Hmm.



Scott: the, supposed, you know, speaker

that's trying to motivate people,



but also may also be a pedophile.



And it's kind of like a

very shocking turn for him.



And so, so he is very he's very

flexible in his ability to his



actions, especially as he got

further down the line in his career.



But I think for me, Kurt made the

biggest impact because of who he was.



had such an iconic moment in that.



And then for, you know, for, from that

moment on, it's anything Kurt Russell's



in, I mean, he's in a tank on cash.



We forget that we forget tango and cash.






Steve: You're not going

to get much better.



Katie: episodes.



It was like my third



Steve: Great.



Scott: look at a lot of these

shows and we look back at them.



You go, all right.



At the time they were great.



But when I was a kid, tangled

cash was, was brilliant.



I fucking loved it because that was

the greatest thing I've ever seen.



Katie: a good, it's not a great



Scott: No.



Now when you look back at it.



Katie: Yeah.






Scott: Yeah,



Katie: so fun.






Steve: Swayze.



I don't know.



I mean, I love the Outsiders to this day.



I think I mainly remember

him from Red Dawn.



Katie: really?



Steve: Yeah, that was you

know, it's another John Milius.



It's got to be a crossover too.



Katie: Yep.



Steve: Dirty Dancing.



Yeah, I, I wasn't, that wasn't for me.



And in fact, I still haven't seen it.



Scott: really?



Katie: no,






Steve: I don't know what you mean,

but but I was just going to say,



Scott: it.



Like I get, I mean, I totally

get why I get the appeal.



I get the appeal for, for women.



I mean, I'm not going to be foolish.



It's like the appeal for Salma

Hayek and from Dusseldawn.



I think everyone understands why the men

enjoy Salma Hayek and from Dusseldawn.



I totally understand why the women enjoy.



Katie: What about roadhouse






Steve: Patrick, that's where,

that's where I was, that's, that's



where I was then going, actually.



Roadhouse is an incredible film, really.



I mean, it's just an action,



Katie: it's



Steve: you know, it's just



Katie: Like it got a lot.



I covered it obviously and a

bonus episode on the remake.



It's not gonna get me started.



But It wrote as it's one of those

movies that kind of has a, the



moniker of like, it's so bad.



It's good.



But it's actually really good.



Like when we covered it and broke

it down, it's a great movie.



Scott: got a great



Steve: totally delivers.



Totally delivers.






Scott: that's



Steve: you know, Sam

Elliot as well, I mean.



Scott: that's why the remake

falls badly is there's no.



Supporting cast.



There's no amazing cast of characters

that you're like, Oh, these guys are like



the true Swayze's the star, but there's

so many great characters in that movie.



And even the villains are good villain.



And I,



Steve: absolutely.



You've got Ben Gazzara in Roadhouse.



I mean,



Katie: Yeah.



For me, that's the biggest difference and

I hate, I really dislike the CGI fights.



Scott: Yeah.



Steve: thing.



And also Colin McGregor's the only

one who knows what movies he's in.



Katie: Yeah.



Scott: But



Steve: You know,



Scott: he knew he couldn't play

the same character as Patrick.



So he had to completely go in

a completely different way.



He could not play it the cool fucking guy.



But I, I told this to Steve, the funny

thing about some of these movies from



the eighties and nineties is that.



Is a lot of these movies, it was like,

they were telling stories of these



undergrounds that were real, that we

didn't know about like the way they



talk about them as bouncers, as if

there's this underground society.



I know who the note, like

there's like a ranking system.



The number one bouncer is this guy.






Steve: I thought that was an

American thing that was totally real.



Scott: people are driving around

like in for still loans, like over



the top truck drivers driving across

America, just arm wrestling each other.



It's so many things that I thought,



Steve: are you crushing me with it?



Scott: quicksand here in America.



Like all these things we thought

were real never happened.



So it was very disappointing

when I got to be older,



Katie: Mm hmm.






Well, thank you guys for that.



One final question.



Do you think that Patrick

and Kurt look alike at all?



Steve: I do.



Scott: I,



Steve: they got that, that chiseled kinda,



Katie: Mm hmm.



Steve: It's the chin man, I got that,



Scott: they were younger, maybe,

maybe as they were younger, like



their younger roles, but now

they've gotten, well, obviously Mr.






Steve: I was gonna say they

don't look alike now man,



Scott: bad, but even if Swayze

was, was alive, I do believe.



They definitely have

grown different looking.



Because Kurt Russell can pull off

a fucking facial like no one else's



business you know, Tom Selleck pulls

off the mustache, Kurt Russell can



pull off the mustache, the mutton

shops, the beard, the whole thing,



Kurt Russell has some of the greatest

facial hair in the history of cinema.



Steve: Yeah.



Scott: when they were younger, I could

see a Patrick Swayze, like if Patrick



Swayze was born now, he would be a

very convincing stand in as a new



snake plus can, like they were going

to remake it, which they almost did.



Thank God they haven't.



But if they were, you could go, yeah,

young Patrick Swayze could absolutely



100 percent give the snake plus can look.



Steve: Kind of that all american kind of



Katie: Mm hmm.



Steve: thing.



Yeah, I think they do.



Katie: Yeah.



All right.



Well, should we get into

the movie Uncommon Valor?



it was released December 16th, 1983.



It is an R rated movie.



Now, it got a 6.



3 on IMDb, which, you know

how I feel about that.



A quick description of the movie before

we get into the cast and everything.



those of you who, you know, maybe it's

been 30 years, I'm 40 years, maybe



since you've seen this movie, or if

you haven't seen it at all, 10 years



after his son went MIA in Vietnam, U.






Marine retired Colonel Jason Rhodes,

assembles a private rescue team to find



Americans held in POW camps in Laos.



So, Ted Kochef was the director.



Does he sound familiar to anyone?



Steve: He is with me.



He's familiar with me

for another film as well,



Katie: Weekend at



Steve: Wake.



No, there's a film he made in the

early 70s called Wake and Fright, which



is an Australian movie, and that is

Apparent Scorsese was a fan it's about



an English teacher who, who goes off

the rails on a, on a sort of vacation.



Well, he's a teacher in Australia,

he's got a short vacation where he's



meant to meet his girlfriend and

he just gets progressively drunker



throughout the movie and falls in

with some real shady characters.



That was hard to see for years, but thanks

to Blu ray that's now available too.



But, but yeah, obviously First Blood.



Waking Fright came, although

it's an earlier film, that wasn't



even available until later,



Katie: Got



Steve: First Blood.






you can see why he was the choice



to direct Uncommon Valor.



Katie: immediate, like it

was a consecutive film,



both covering like Vietnam.






Steve: Yeah.



Katie: He also directed Winter People

starring Kurt Russell, which I haven't



covered yet, but I will on this season.



The writers I found interesting.



We have Joe Gaten.



He's known for Western TV series, Hell on



Scott: Mm hmm.






Katie: And then the other writer

is Wings Houser, which first of



all, what a great name, Wings.



Scott: hmm.



Katie: Wings Houser.



He's Cole Houser's



Scott: Yes, we've had Cole

on the last episode of season



one for Dropping a Bruce.



He was in reprisal.



Steve: Ooh,



Katie: Kohlhauser quite a bit.



I unfamiliar with Wingshauser

at all, but he had some like



TV episodes where he acted in.



Did you guys watch the show Roseanne



Scott: Yes, I've seen Roseanne Yes,



Katie: Well, do you remember when

they had a neighbor, his name was



Ty and he had two daughters and then

they like go on an RV trip together.



Anyway, the neighbor Ty.



Scott: his wings.



Katie: wings.






Steve: right.



Ah, well, I read a quote from

Moinshauser, because he got story credit



in the end, I think, not screen time.



Katie: correct.



That's correct.



He was also an associate producer

on this film as was John Milius.






Steve: Yeah,



Katie: y.



Steve: well, this is the quote

I found from Wingshauser.



John Milius is a scumbag

right wing bastard and I



can't wait for his day to die.



That, that son of a bitch.



The guy who got the

writing credit was a punk.



I don't think he's sold anything since.



I have and he's a joke.



So, a little bit bitter, I think.






Scott: they sell it



Steve: Yeah, so he's not

a fan of John Milius.



Yeah, so he, he got

screwed over, apparently.



Scott: big fan of John the head

of the John Willis fan club wings



Steve: Scumbag right wing bastard.



, Katie: the big name for this movie

is actually Gene Hackman who plays



Jason Rhodes, which I just couldn't

get behind him being named Jason.






Scott: right, he



Steve: not really a



Scott: Jason.






Steve: Not really a tough guy name.



Katie: No.



And it's like a newer name

for somebody born in what?



The thirties?



Steve: Yeah, true.



That's a good point, actually.



Yeah, good point.



Katie: But Gene Hackman he was, he

actually did serve in the Marine



Corps in real life apparently.



It's an ensemble cast.



Patrick Swayze plays Kevin Scott

in this and at this time, so 83.



This is very early in Patrick's career.



was coming off of The Outsiders and

would go on right after this to do



Grandview USA and Red Dawn in 1984.



Covered Red Dawn and Grandview

USA is yet to be covered.



But prior to that he was

in a lot of TV movies.



He was also a dancer in

the video Rosanna by Toto.



Did you guys know



Steve: I never knew that.



Katie: I didn't either, but I, I

wanted to bring up his very 1st



movie role ever was in 1979 he was

in a movie called skate town USA.



You guys heard of



Scott: I have heard of



Steve: Nope.






Katie: dirty dancing on skates,

but it's why it's wild and crazy.



Marine McCormick is then it's got in it.



Scott: Scott Bale.



Katie: It's a wild ride and I,

I covered it and so you guys,



if you haven't listened to that

episode, it's, it's a fun 1.



Steve: I will.



Katie: you that.






Steve: I'll check it out.






Katie: What did you guys think

of Robert Stack as McGregor?



Steve: only know him from Airplane.



Scott: thing.



So, you know, from airplane, I know from

it was an unsolved mysteries over here,



soon as I saw it, I was like, Oh

shit, we got to solve a mystery.



Like something, there's a mystery here.



Robert's tax, but the Dallas who

disappeared, why they disappeared.



He was so underused.



I felt also in this film, but again.



That's probably because I'm looking

at it through the eyes of remembering



him through unsolved mysteries.






Katie: mysteries.



Scott: you know, so



I'm like, wait a minute, why is

Robert stack not more important in



this film than he, than he truly is.



So it was weird to see him, you

know, cause when you see someone



post what you remember them for

and you forget, oh my God, they



had a life before they did this

thing, you go, oh, Robert stack.



I'm like, huh.



that voice, that voice of his, he

was perfect for unsolved mysteries.



I mean, he was good in this.



He's only unscreened,

maybe, maybe four scenes.






out of the blue,



out of the blue, Gene calls him that one

time and that's the first time you see



him, he tells him to keep sending the

money, because for a while you kind of go,



how is Gene Hackman affording this shit?



You know what I mean?



Steve: Yeah.



Scott: kind of like,

who's bankrolling this?



Like, is he selling drugs too?



Like, how?



And then you find out, you know,

kind of through that, probably



some of the stuff lost in editing

because, you know, back in the 80s,



you didn't have three hour movies.



You, made your two hour movie and

move the fuck onto your next project.



That was it.



So I'm sure we lost a

few things that got cut.



And then he's shows up again,

out of the blue, holding that



clipboard with the timer.



At one point I was like, when

did they invite him to this?



Sometimes he just popped up.



You're kind of like, that's the

unsolved mystery is when's Robert



Stack going to pop up in this movie?



Katie: mysteries in this.






So he he's, yeah, he's like

an oil tycoon or something.



Scott: Yes.



Katie: bankrolls this



Scott: It makes, it



Steve: Because his son is,

because his son was over.



Scott: Oh



Steve: Yes, I, I kind of liked that.



I thought that,



Scott: First,



Steve: right,



Scott: that, well, his, then Gene



Steve: that Gene Hackman's But,



Scott: and they're unable to make it to



Steve: but I, I thought that was

a pretty good, you know, beat.



Good little story beat there

that explained a lot and



was easier to swallow.



Katie: though.



We'll get to it later, but we only

find that out at the very end we, cause



this whole time, and I had a theory

about who he was, but this whole time



we're like, why is he so invested?



Or at least I was, cause we don't find out



Steve: No, you're right.



Katie: I was like, why is he so

invested in this, this, mission?



Scott: He



Steve: Yeah.



Scott: something about to Gene's

character about bring them home.



So I assumed at that moment, the

only reason he's paying for this is



that his son was also over there.



I didn't know that that was the gentleman

shot in the beginning until we get



to the end, like you said, but I, I

had assumed when he said that, I was



like, okay, one of them over there.






One of the four guys that apparently

they'd seen at this prison was going



to be Somehow his son to oh, you know,

had to be somehow, otherwise he's



just not bankrolling it or anything.



I was like, well, that may be

Robert stacks is like a grandfather.



Like I couldn't figure it out

because Gene Hackman's 94.









Steve: I know.



Scott: I saw a picture and he doesn't

look anything like himself anymore.



I can't believe



Steve: No.



Scott: he was 1930, but 94.






Katie: I was



guessing at his



Steve: Yeah, I mean



Scott: that made him 50.



You're right.



It made him 53 in this film.



Steve: I mean, I've seen I've



Katie: Yeah.



Scott: Steve, you're



Steve: Oh, man!



Scott: Jason Rhodes!



Katie: You



Steve: No um, but Well, I saw

But I, I mean, to be clear, I



saw Uncommon Valor pretty much

around the time that it came out.



Maybe a couple of years later.



But I saw it a lot of times.



I probably, yeah, like I said

earlier, I've seen it about ten times,



but I haven't seen it for years.



That was so familiar with me when

I watched it again the other day.



That was like, I could, I could

remember everything about it.



So it must have made a

massive impression on me.



The man on a mission thing to a, obviously

to a kid who's like 13, probably,



resonates or just fills your head with

you know, I, I mean, Red Brown, the



Katie: Blaster.



Steve: I, I, that really, I loved him

in this when I, because when I watched



it again the other day, I was like,

this is the guy, I, he was my favorite



character in the movie, you know,



Katie: I really liked most of them.



Steve: Well, no, I mean, no,

I mean, you know, Fred Ward.



I mean, I love Fred Ward.



Scott: I like



Randall Tex Cobb, he,



Katie: Yeah.



Steve: well,



Scott: I



Steve: well, you know,



Scott: most of us know him,

especially when you're younger,



you know, him from raising Arizona.



And so



Steve: the Lone Biker of the Apocalypse.



Scott: And she



Steve: Yeah.



Scott: so when I saw him

again, then he's dance.



I'm like, I was like, this is



Steve: Yeah.



Well, that's it.



Well, that's the thing that, you know,

watching Uncommon Valor again reminded



me of when I watched Raising Arizona

and when he came on I was like, It's



the guy from Uncommon Valor, and I've

got, you know, give him props, he's a



quick fighter for a big guy, you know,

when he kicks, when he beats up Patrick



Swayze, I mean, he's doing all these

flying kicks and stuff, he's, sorry,



Scott: Spoiler alert.



That's the Uncommon Valor part.



That's good.



Steve: but yeah, yeah but yeah, Red

Brown was just, I thought he was awesome,



and you know, I didn't know who he was.



But I just thought he was great.



Scott: Does anyone know, did Adidas

get some kind of sponsorship?






Steve: I've got that written.



Scott: they were working out like,






Steve: Yeah,



Scott: the military and I was like, we

never, and again, no, they weren't in the



military at the time they were doing their

extra training was like Adidas sneakers.



Don't seem like the best fit to go on.



when we get overseas, when

they land, the only person that



were in them is Gene Hackman.






Steve: I've got that.



Yeah, that's what.



Yeah, you beat me to it.






Scott: must've got, they

were really in on the game.



Katie: it was a major product placement

because not only did they have Adidas, all



of them had Adidas on but different ones



Scott: Yes.



Oh, yes.



Steve: Yeah.



Katie: And, but they were, the rest of

their outfit was the standard, like.



Scott: Yes.



That's what I was saying.


00:42:14,088 --> 00:42:14,398

I was like,


00:42:14,533 --> 00:42:15,183

Katie: wearing their boots?


00:42:15,758 --> 00:42:16,118

Steve: Yeah.


00:42:16,138 --> 00:42:18,478

Scott: they changed because it must

be some kind of clothing thing or they


00:42:18,488 --> 00:42:19,808

had like maybe separate themselves.


00:42:19,808 --> 00:42:21,868

Like they were like the the

village people, because they were


00:42:21,868 --> 00:42:23,768

in their green olive drab stuff.


00:42:23,768 --> 00:42:26,828

They normally, when they're training, they

get over there and they're dressed like


00:42:26,828 --> 00:42:31,048

fishermen or they're dressed like this

guy's a coach and I have a soccer team,


00:42:31,058 --> 00:42:32,128

like they all had a different outfit.


00:42:32,198 --> 00:42:33,838

I was like, wait a minute.


00:42:34,878 --> 00:42:36,358

We all just train in the green.


00:42:36,358 --> 00:42:37,718

So why are we not going over?


00:42:38,088 --> 00:42:39,608

It seems like that's a better camouflage.


00:42:39,608 --> 00:42:39,888

They're kind


00:42:40,098 --> 00:42:41,918

Steve: But like you, but


00:42:41,988 --> 00:42:42,378

Scott: jacket.


00:42:43,178 --> 00:42:46,098

Steve: like you say, through the

entire siege at the end, Gene Hackman's


00:42:46,108 --> 00:42:47,438

wearing, still wearing his Adidas.


00:42:47,548 --> 00:42:48,418

Scott: Adidas, baby!


00:42:49,028 --> 00:42:50,548

I kick ass when he's in Adidas, huh?


00:42:52,133 --> 00:42:54,053

Katie: Let's get through

the rest of the cast


00:42:54,153 --> 00:42:58,223

. So, Fred ward, he is so handsome in this.


00:42:58,373 --> 00:43:03,233

He is just that he is that plays

always like that kind of a role.


00:43:03,243 --> 00:43:05,403

He is that ruggedly handsome dude.


00:43:05,813 --> 00:43:09,903

He plays Wilkes in this funny

enough, he's in 2 other movies.


00:43:10,138 --> 00:43:14,458

It's covered in, in my Patrick Swayze

and Kurt Russell season Silkwood.


00:43:14,498 --> 00:43:16,298

He was in Silkwood with Kurt.


00:43:16,658 --> 00:43:18,458

Also in Swing Shift with Kurt.


00:43:19,118 --> 00:43:19,648



00:43:20,188 --> 00:43:21,358

Steve: I think, I've seen Swing Shift.


00:43:21,388 --> 00:43:21,818

Is that, is


00:43:22,258 --> 00:43:22,608

Katie: Goldie


00:43:22,928 --> 00:43:23,578

Steve: Hawn in that?


00:43:23,708 --> 00:43:28,408

Scott: I feel like Fred Ward was on

the precipice of them pushing him,


00:43:28,418 --> 00:43:29,428

especially in Hollywood, to be something.


00:43:29,468 --> 00:43:31,008

Because he was in Remo Williams,

which was supposed to be


00:43:31,008 --> 00:43:32,488

like this action movie thing.


00:43:32,728 --> 00:43:33,368

Steve: I've seen that.


00:43:33,555 --> 00:43:36,523

Scott: was It felt like

he was this close, right?


00:43:36,533 --> 00:43:39,173

I feel like he was being

pushed into the Kurt Russell,


00:43:39,523 --> 00:43:40,083

Patrick Swayze,


00:43:40,453 --> 00:43:41,663

but just never made it.


00:43:41,703 --> 00:43:45,133

Like it just ends up being a really

good character actor or a guy you


00:43:45,133 --> 00:43:50,033

go, I remember him, but he never,

maybe it was because Remo Williamson


00:43:50,123 --> 00:43:55,133

wasn't successful, but it just felt

like he was in line to be that guy.


00:43:55,563 --> 00:43:57,913

And then just never made

it unfortunately for him.


00:43:57,913 --> 00:43:58,913

He's, he's the Rick


00:43:58,948 --> 00:43:59,098

Steve: He,


00:43:59,293 --> 00:44:00,533

Scott: of this piece of what we're talking


00:44:00,538 --> 00:44:01,488

Steve: he was in Tremors.


00:44:01,518 --> 00:44:03,018

He was in Tremors though, which is,


00:44:03,063 --> 00:44:04,083

Scott: he hasn't been in some good stuff.


00:44:04,113 --> 00:44:04,533

I'm just saying,


00:44:04,543 --> 00:44:05,823

Steve: No, no, I know, no.


00:44:06,473 --> 00:44:10,013

Scott: the guy as opposed to Oh my

God, I know that guy type of guy.


00:44:10,053 --> 00:44:10,293

Steve: Yeah.


00:44:10,303 --> 00:44:12,463

He's more of a character

actor type, isn't he?


00:44:12,463 --> 00:44:13,043

So, yeah.


00:44:13,353 --> 00:44:13,523

Scott: Yeah.


00:44:13,523 --> 00:44:14,033

Patrick should


00:44:14,123 --> 00:44:14,903

Steve: I love him, love him.


00:44:14,903 --> 00:44:15,763

Scott: to be on this episode.


00:44:15,773 --> 00:44:19,193

He's supposed to be Kurt Russell and

Fred Ward and not Patrick Swayze.


00:44:19,203 --> 00:44:20,083

And unfortunately


00:44:20,153 --> 00:44:20,443

Katie: no,


00:44:20,473 --> 00:44:22,203

Scott: Swayze danced his way past


00:44:22,383 --> 00:44:25,603

Steve: I can imagine Fred Ward in Dirty

Dancing, even though I haven't seen it.


00:44:25,743 --> 00:44:26,963

Scott: could, neither could Fred Ward.


00:44:27,703 --> 00:44:28,253

Katie: no.


00:44:28,463 --> 00:44:30,653

Patrick is like an amazing athlete.


00:44:30,873 --> 00:44:31,033



00:44:31,073 --> 00:44:31,593

Scott: Oh God.


00:44:31,593 --> 00:44:31,893



00:44:32,073 --> 00:44:32,753

Katie: he's so good.


00:44:33,223 --> 00:44:35,963

So Red Brown, I did not know him from


00:44:36,258 --> 00:44:36,378

Scott: mm.


00:44:36,418 --> 00:44:36,678



00:44:37,633 --> 00:44:39,613

Katie: So he plays blaster

to your point, Steve.


00:44:40,053 --> 00:44:40,623

Steve: Sorry, yeah.


00:44:40,953 --> 00:44:42,963

Katie: Randall techs Cobb


00:44:43,068 --> 00:44:43,778

Scott: Mm hmm.


00:44:43,968 --> 00:44:44,058



00:44:44,193 --> 00:44:45,403

Katie: the crazy one.


00:44:45,638 --> 00:44:46,308

Scott: amazing.


00:44:46,533 --> 00:44:47,143

Katie: the group.


00:44:47,543 --> 00:44:49,723

Noted that he was in Kickboxer.


00:44:50,643 --> 00:44:51,583

Steve: Yeah, yeah, you're right.


00:44:51,583 --> 00:44:53,203

Yeah, he's a, he's a, and a boxer.


00:44:53,503 --> 00:44:56,433

I think he beat Leon Spinks in

a boxing match as well, so he's


00:44:56,463 --> 00:44:57,763

Katie: actual real


00:44:57,933 --> 00:44:58,383

Steve: yeah, yeah,


00:44:58,503 --> 00:45:03,423

Katie: real life, but he plays, he

plays the gruff type, con man type


00:45:03,938 --> 00:45:04,573

Steve: yeah, yeah.


00:45:04,733 --> 00:45:05,613

Katie: Every, in everything.


00:45:06,083 --> 00:45:09,813

Did you guys recognize Harold

Sylvester from anything?


00:45:09,813 --> 00:45:13,603

He plays Johnson, one of the

helicopter pilots, the black guy.


00:45:14,543 --> 00:45:15,343

Did you recognize


00:45:15,478 --> 00:45:15,638

Scott: This


00:45:15,643 --> 00:45:16,633

Steve: A familiar face.


00:45:16,633 --> 00:45:16,963



00:45:17,173 --> 00:45:17,373

Scott: face.


00:45:17,413 --> 00:45:20,473

And that sounds terrible, but if a

familiar face, especially considering


00:45:20,613 --> 00:45:24,633

the timeframe we're in, so there

would be a standard, I know this is


00:45:24,633 --> 00:45:27,433

going to sound terrible, but it'd

be a standard set of like black


00:45:27,453 --> 00:45:31,843

actors that you would see traveling

hrough the same movies in the:


00:45:31,883 --> 00:45:33,673

And, and even in the TV shows, right?


00:45:33,673 --> 00:45:34,563

Like a Mr.


00:45:34,563 --> 00:45:35,993

T's a, a unicorn.


00:45:36,063 --> 00:45:38,953

He's someone who comes out of

nowhere and rises to stardom,


00:45:38,953 --> 00:45:40,383

but there would be your standard.


00:45:40,383 --> 00:45:40,763



00:45:40,763 --> 00:45:41,453

We're going to use.


00:45:42,133 --> 00:45:43,693

Place him in this spot.


00:45:43,973 --> 00:45:45,023

It's yeah, exactly.


00:45:45,023 --> 00:45:46,373

You're choking black guys in this film.


00:45:46,373 --> 00:45:52,443

And he filled that role, especially one

who doesn't have the air like a a Denzel


00:45:52,553 --> 00:45:54,943

came to be, or even Lawrence Fishburne.


00:45:54,943 --> 00:45:57,193

Like he, you know, those

guys wouldn't be just.


00:45:57,383 --> 00:46:00,523

Pigeonholed in because they were such

great actors, not that this gentleman


00:46:00,523 --> 00:46:04,373

wasn't, but he would have been a guy who

was like, okay, and so is not available.


00:46:04,393 --> 00:46:05,363

Who's next on the list?


00:46:05,373 --> 00:46:08,293

I know all the words coming out

sound terrible, but that was the


00:46:08,293 --> 00:46:09,883

times that they were in and he would


00:46:10,003 --> 00:46:10,753

Steve: that was the times.


00:46:10,753 --> 00:46:10,963



00:46:11,003 --> 00:46:11,973

Scott: person on the list.


00:46:11,983 --> 00:46:13,523

They'd be like, yeah, he'll

fit the role perfectly.


00:46:14,213 --> 00:46:14,713

Katie: He's like


00:46:14,713 --> 00:46:14,783



00:46:14,838 --> 00:46:14,968

Scott: We're


00:46:15,183 --> 00:46:15,603

Katie: actor.


00:46:15,603 --> 00:46:17,233

He had a ton of credits.


00:46:17,263 --> 00:46:18,123

A lot of TV.


00:46:18,123 --> 00:46:27,323

But, he played Bundy's friend

Griff in Married with Children.


00:46:27,573 --> 00:46:27,723

Steve: Wow.


00:46:28,868 --> 00:46:29,238

Scott: not.


00:46:29,258 --> 00:46:29,628



00:46:29,793 --> 00:46:30,703

Katie: That's who he is.


00:46:32,088 --> 00:46:33,118

Scott: What a show that was too.


00:46:33,148 --> 00:46:33,808

Oh my God.


00:46:34,913 --> 00:46:35,673

Katie: Al, not Ted.


00:46:35,858 --> 00:46:36,278

Scott: I mean, sorry.


00:46:36,278 --> 00:46:36,758

Yeah, Al.


00:46:36,758 --> 00:46:37,248

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


00:46:37,508 --> 00:46:37,918



00:46:38,408 --> 00:46:39,588

Different kind of shoe salesman.


00:46:39,933 --> 00:46:42,153

Steve: He was Ted Bundy,

Bundy's that best friend.


00:46:42,743 --> 00:46:44,333

No wonder his career didn't take off.


00:46:45,873 --> 00:46:47,293

Katie: Tim Thomerson.


00:46:47,323 --> 00:46:48,213

That's quite a name.


00:46:48,223 --> 00:46:50,963

He plays charts, the

other helicopter pilot.


00:46:51,103 --> 00:46:51,883

Steve: Part part.


00:46:51,913 --> 00:46:53,003

Katie: familiar character actor


00:46:53,238 --> 00:46:53,748

Scott: Yeah.


00:46:53,748 --> 00:46:54,428

What else has he been


00:46:54,443 --> 00:46:58,043

Steve: He used to be a, he used to be a,

he used to be a standup comedian as well.


00:46:58,043 --> 00:47:02,283

I think I, I read a bit about him

before he was, I love that guy.


00:47:02,343 --> 00:47:07,233

He's, there's a eighties

like B movie called Trances.


00:47:08,123 --> 00:47:13,103

where he played a detective who has to

go, I think he has to go forward in time.


00:47:13,573 --> 00:47:14,593

to solve a crime.


00:47:15,133 --> 00:47:18,123

And I used to, I like, that was like

a familiar video rental in the 80's.


00:47:18,143 --> 00:47:22,983

I think the tagline was, his

name is Jack Death in trances.


00:47:22,983 --> 00:47:28,563

And, and the tagline was, Jack Death is

back and he's never even been here before.


00:47:29,113 --> 00:47:29,513

I just remember,


00:47:31,013 --> 00:47:32,033

Katie: You do a good movie guy


00:47:32,043 --> 00:47:32,343



00:47:32,448 --> 00:47:34,338

Steve: But no, so I love that guy.


00:47:34,338 --> 00:47:37,058

And, and that's probably, I saw

him first and definitely saw


00:47:37,058 --> 00:47:38,728

him first in Uncommon Valor.


00:47:38,808 --> 00:47:39,858

Scott: Can't seem to pinpoint it.


00:47:40,198 --> 00:47:40,988

He's one of


00:47:41,023 --> 00:47:43,433

Steve: Bit of a Thomas

Jane of his time, Scott.


00:47:43,578 --> 00:47:44,248

Scott: a Thomas


00:47:44,633 --> 00:47:46,933

Steve: One of my, one

of my favorites, sorry.


00:47:46,968 --> 00:47:48,158

Katie: yes, this sounds familiar.


00:47:48,158 --> 00:47:49,538

I don't know where I heard that from.


00:47:49,728 --> 00:47:51,968

Scott: You know, he's, you know

why I think he was in a bunch of


00:47:51,968 --> 00:47:53,518

Hawaii, five, Oh, Mark and Mindy.


00:47:53,518 --> 00:47:55,388

He did a lot of eighties TV shows as


00:47:55,613 --> 00:47:56,963

Steve: Ah, right, okay.


00:47:57,798 --> 00:47:58,198

Scott: especially


00:47:58,353 --> 00:47:59,913

Steve: I only saw Jack dead.


00:47:59,913 --> 00:48:00,403



00:48:00,648 --> 00:48:03,088

Scott: see him in these shows and

you go, oh yeah, that guy, but


00:48:03,358 --> 00:48:03,858

Katie: Okay.


00:48:03,898 --> 00:48:04,668

Scott: just that guy


00:48:05,438 --> 00:48:06,798

he becomes Jack death in:


00:48:08,538 --> 00:48:10,108

Oh, he's also an iron Eagle.


00:48:10,118 --> 00:48:10,848

That's another one.


00:48:11,138 --> 00:48:12,278

Steve: Top Gun rip off, right?


00:48:12,358 --> 00:48:14,618



00:48:14,633 --> 00:48:16,063

Scott: a Top Gun rip off, basically.


00:48:16,163 --> 00:48:18,293

Steve: Actually, have

you ever seen Near Dark?


00:48:19,143 --> 00:48:20,683

The vampire movie?


00:48:21,393 --> 00:48:24,113

Yeah no, sorry, no, he's

in that, he plays the


00:48:24,153 --> 00:48:24,373

Katie: Okay.


00:48:24,643 --> 00:48:25,923

Steve: Dad of the League character.


00:48:25,923 --> 00:48:27,933

It's like a vampire love story thing.


00:48:28,363 --> 00:48:31,733

That's got a bit of a cult following,

but he's been, you know, he's one of them


00:48:31,733 --> 00:48:36,783

guys, he just crops up in things and, you

know, he's got that, that vibe about him.


00:48:37,943 --> 00:48:41,113

Katie: Quan He Lim

hopefully I am pronouncing


00:48:41,113 --> 00:48:41,633

that correctly.


00:48:43,173 --> 00:48:44,433

He plays Jiang.


00:48:44,643 --> 00:48:45,343



00:48:45,913 --> 00:48:48,183

He, and he's great in this.


00:48:48,213 --> 00:48:48,953

I liked him a lot.


00:48:48,963 --> 00:48:50,233

I liked this character.


00:48:50,583 --> 00:48:55,263

He's most known, apparently, for

playing Lieutenant Tanaka on Magnum P.


00:48:55,263 --> 00:48:55,693



00:48:55,798 --> 00:48:56,968

Scott: Oh, Jesus.


00:48:57,903 --> 00:48:58,373

Steve: Right.


00:48:58,923 --> 00:49:02,403

Katie: Yeah, then Kelly

Junkerman plays McGregor's kid.


00:49:02,723 --> 00:49:07,203

Todd Allen plays Rhodes's,

Jason Rhodes's kid, Frank.


00:49:07,213 --> 00:49:12,803

That's, he's the whole reason for this

mission is to, to save Jason's son.


00:49:12,833 --> 00:49:14,703

I feel like their names

need to be swapped.


00:49:14,743 --> 00:49:16,933

I feel like and Jason,


00:49:17,353 --> 00:49:17,843

Steve: Yeah.


00:49:17,963 --> 00:49:18,393



00:49:18,543 --> 00:49:19,323

Katie: Jason's the young guy


00:49:19,473 --> 00:49:19,773

Steve: Yeah.


00:49:19,773 --> 00:49:20,003



00:49:20,003 --> 00:49:20,583

You're right.


00:49:20,631 --> 00:49:21,898

Scott: heh heh heh heh heh.


00:49:21,898 --> 00:49:22,405

Mm hmm.


00:49:22,405 --> 00:49:22,658



00:49:23,523 --> 00:49:25,653

Katie: Todd Allen was also in Swing Shift.


00:49:26,513 --> 00:49:26,693



00:49:26,823 --> 00:49:26,983

Steve: Yeah.


00:49:27,173 --> 00:49:27,563

Katie: but he was


00:49:27,563 --> 00:49:29,253

in wide Earp and


00:49:29,568 --> 00:49:30,688

Scott: Unchained.


00:49:31,018 --> 00:49:31,538



00:49:32,543 --> 00:49:33,023

Steve: Wow.


00:49:33,203 --> 00:49:37,053

Katie: So the wife of Jean Hackman

is played by Gail Strickland.


00:49:37,793 --> 00:49:42,563

She in this a fair amount,

but she does not speak in this


00:49:42,563 --> 00:49:44,443

movie, no speaking role for


00:49:44,448 --> 00:49:44,743



00:49:44,753 --> 00:49:45,173

Steve: Hmm.


00:49:45,623 --> 00:49:47,338

Katie: And then Jane Kme as


00:49:47,933 --> 00:49:48,383



00:49:49,558 --> 00:49:50,098

Scott: Yes.


00:49:50,128 --> 00:49:50,748



00:49:50,928 --> 00:49:51,218

Mm hmm.


00:49:51,218 --> 00:49:51,808



00:49:52,793 --> 00:49:55,703

Steve: I recognize that, but

I didn't notice it from that.


00:49:56,343 --> 00:49:59,623

Katie: The, music was quite good.


00:50:00,773 --> 00:50:04,393

But I, I don't know if I would

have pinpointed who it was.


00:50:04,403 --> 00:50:05,763

It's James Horner,


00:50:06,523 --> 00:50:07,003

Steve: Right.


00:50:07,078 --> 00:50:07,398

Scott: have either.


00:50:07,673 --> 00:50:10,263

Katie: Award winning James

Horner, Horner for he must've


00:50:10,273 --> 00:50:11,673

worked with James Cameron a lot.


00:50:11,803 --> 00:50:12,673



00:50:12,998 --> 00:50:13,678

Scott: Aliens,


00:50:14,343 --> 00:50:14,763

Katie: Yeah.


00:50:14,933 --> 00:50:16,423

Oh, that Avatar.


00:50:17,073 --> 00:50:20,893

And then like Un American Tale,

Braveheart, A Beautiful Mind Field


00:50:20,893 --> 00:50:23,093

of Dreams, Apollo 13, tons of stuff.


00:50:23,433 --> 00:50:26,673

Steve: Can I just quickly

go back to the cast?


00:50:27,133 --> 00:50:27,963

Katie: Yes.


00:50:29,373 --> 00:50:29,803

Did I miss


00:50:29,948 --> 00:50:30,068

Steve: a,


00:50:30,338 --> 00:50:30,478

Scott: Oh


00:50:30,753 --> 00:50:34,413

Steve: there's a no, there's a,

not, not really No, but you, but


00:50:34,923 --> 00:50:35,793

I'll explain.


00:50:35,803 --> 00:50:36,403

Katie: Okay.


00:50:36,453 --> 00:50:37,443

Steve: I'll be very quick though.


00:50:37,473 --> 00:50:41,863

'cause it, it's got a

very early role for Mr.


00:50:41,863 --> 00:50:44,413

Michael Doff, the American Ninja


00:50:44,773 --> 00:50:44,923

Katie: He


00:50:45,073 --> 00:50:45,583

Steve: we just


00:50:45,683 --> 00:50:46,243

Katie: down.


00:50:46,778 --> 00:50:47,568

Steve: So on the


00:50:47,598 --> 00:50:48,908

Scott: Our next episode coming out in


00:50:49,088 --> 00:50:52,618

Steve: on the next, next episode of the

cheek of the cheeky bosses men of action,


00:50:52,618 --> 00:50:57,498

we do beast master and Avenging force


00:50:57,498 --> 00:50:58,078

Scott: force.


00:50:58,368 --> 00:50:58,678

Steve: and mr.


00:50:58,678 --> 00:50:59,758



00:50:59,758 --> 00:51:00,878



00:51:01,293 --> 00:51:04,933

Katie: Beastmaster was one of

those that was like on TBS or


00:51:05,148 --> 00:51:05,528

Scott: Yep.


00:51:05,773 --> 00:51:06,133

Katie: Saturday


00:51:06,298 --> 00:51:07,108

Scott: we discover that


00:51:07,738 --> 00:51:08,528

Steve: Yeah


00:51:08,728 --> 00:51:10,978

Scott: channel has a

nickname for what it was on.


00:51:10,978 --> 00:51:14,628

HBO is, Hey, Beastmasters on

TBS is the Beastmaster channel.


00:51:14,628 --> 00:51:17,788

It's like, so all these, the

Beastmaster days is amazing.


00:51:17,798 --> 00:51:20,218

Steve: But yeah, no,

I was yeah, I'm a bit.


00:51:20,218 --> 00:51:22,453

I'm a bit of a Michael Dudikoff fan.


00:51:22,453 --> 00:51:23,933

So, I'm sorry, I just wanted to,


00:51:24,363 --> 00:51:24,883

yeah, I just,


00:51:25,003 --> 00:51:25,673

Katie: He, I


00:51:25,728 --> 00:51:27,578

Scott: had a poster from

above his bed as a young boy.


00:51:28,463 --> 00:51:30,043

Steve: that was over,

that's actually over there.


00:51:31,898 --> 00:51:34,308

Katie: So this movie, I

was kind of surprised.


00:51:34,348 --> 00:51:37,338

It didn't cost more because

of the practical effects, like


00:51:37,338 --> 00:51:38,498

all the explosions and stuff.


00:51:38,928 --> 00:51:39,478

It costs.


00:51:39,918 --> 00:51:43,368

Somewhere between 11 and $14

million, depending on the source.


00:51:44,138 --> 00:51:49,768

And then it grossed 30.5 million

worldwide, which is pretty


00:51:49,773 --> 00:51:50,218



00:51:50,378 --> 00:51:51,158

Steve: really would have been a hit.


00:51:51,428 --> 00:51:52,438

Scott: Christmas time, right?


00:51:52,438 --> 00:51:53,618

Like it comes out at Christmas time.


00:51:53,798 --> 00:51:54,468

Steve: True, yeah.


00:51:54,598 --> 00:51:57,238

Scott: not exactly a family

friendly movie, you know, Hey,


00:51:57,428 --> 00:51:58,808

Katie: hey, here's some Vietnam War for


00:51:58,938 --> 00:51:59,788

Scott: exactly.


00:52:01,628 --> 00:52:05,518

Katie: Okay, you guys, I had

not seen this movie before, so


00:52:05,678 --> 00:52:06,428

Scott: had not either.


00:52:06,818 --> 00:52:07,558

Me as well.


00:52:07,868 --> 00:52:08,398



00:52:08,508 --> 00:52:10,978

He and I kind of talked about

this before we recorded with you.


00:52:11,478 --> 00:52:13,418

I was a big Vietnam war fan.


00:52:13,418 --> 00:52:14,608

Like I probably got into it.


00:52:15,533 --> 00:52:19,983

Around the time when obviously platoon

comes out and then you've also got a


00:52:19,993 --> 00:52:24,033

full metal jacket coming out There's

hamburger hair like the late 80s where


00:52:24,033 --> 00:52:26,963

it felt like it was safe to start

making Vietnam movies because we're


00:52:27,113 --> 00:52:29,973

moving away from the actual of the war.


00:52:30,403 --> 00:52:32,123

So I became enamored with it.


00:52:32,123 --> 00:52:33,023

Born on the 4th of July.


00:52:33,023 --> 00:52:34,213

Like I loved them.


00:52:34,413 --> 00:52:37,393

This is one of the ones I had

heard about, but never got to.


00:52:37,703 --> 00:52:40,873

And so when I was talking with Steve about

what episode we movie we should do with


00:52:40,873 --> 00:52:42,473

you, he was like, let's do Uncommon Valor.


00:52:42,473 --> 00:52:42,913

I was like, you know what?


00:52:42,963 --> 00:52:43,723

I haven't seen it.


00:52:44,153 --> 00:52:45,653

So Vietnam, let's do this.


00:52:45,693 --> 00:52:46,693

The, this is kind of in my wheelhouse.


00:52:46,723 --> 00:52:48,143

I want to see something

that I haven't seen.


00:52:48,483 --> 00:52:50,803

You know, we could talk to death

about stuff I've already seen, but


00:52:50,803 --> 00:52:53,433

it'd be fun to be able to go and

watch something with fresh eyes


00:52:53,843 --> 00:52:54,863

and bringing nothing to it.


00:52:54,963 --> 00:52:55,283



00:52:55,688 --> 00:52:55,818



00:52:55,818 --> 00:53:01,678

This is my first time as

well as it was yours, but


00:53:02,998 --> 00:53:04,608

Katie: Multiple viewer, Steve.


00:53:04,868 --> 00:53:05,828

Steve: Yeah, well,


00:53:05,928 --> 00:53:08,758

Katie: guys, your overall thoughts like,

and do you feel differently watching


00:53:08,758 --> 00:53:11,068

it now as you remembered it, Steve too?


00:53:11,068 --> 00:53:13,008



00:53:13,078 --> 00:53:17,748

Steve: a lot, like I said, I remembered

so much about it, that was quite bizarre.


00:53:17,868 --> 00:53:22,368

It's a lot less gritty, gritty

than I thought, than I remembered.


00:53:22,618 --> 00:53:25,688

It's not a particularly

bloody film or anything.


00:53:26,218 --> 00:53:30,298

It is, It kind of made sense, it's

the kind of film you would be able


00:53:30,298 --> 00:53:31,708

to sit down with your dad and watch.


00:53:33,078 --> 00:53:33,968

You know, that was,


00:53:33,968 --> 00:53:34,168

Katie: it.


00:53:34,698 --> 00:53:40,128

Steve: yeah, it's not quite

a nasty sort of brutal film.


00:53:40,448 --> 00:53:45,718

It's quite emotional at the end, obviously

but I think it suffers a bit in the same


00:53:45,718 --> 00:53:50,598

way that, Like the, like the Man on a

Mission movie say, The Dirty Dozen, right?


00:53:50,638 --> 00:53:54,738

Which, everyone loves The Dirty

Dozen, and the cast is incredible.


00:53:55,198 --> 00:53:58,638

But there's at least an hour in the middle

of The Dirty Dozen where nothing happens.


00:53:59,338 --> 00:54:03,808

So, it's kind of, you're, you're

seduced by the cast, you know, you've


00:54:03,808 --> 00:54:08,268

got Telly Savalas, John Cassavetes, Lee

Marvin, Charles Bronson, so on, so on.


00:54:10,258 --> 00:54:12,098

You're, you're remembering

that they're in it.


00:54:12,513 --> 00:54:17,653

But the film itself, like I say,

it's a bit of a slog to get through.


00:54:17,813 --> 00:54:24,273

And I did find in this movie, I found

it, it's, the mission itself is like


00:54:24,273 --> 00:54:25,783

the last 10 minutes of the movie.


00:54:26,503 --> 00:54:29,483

Whereas in my mind, I remembered

it being an action fest.


00:54:30,568 --> 00:54:34,598

Katie: Well, because I think the

reason for that was because the


00:54:34,608 --> 00:54:39,368

middle of it was them training and

practicing and doing like the dry run.


00:54:39,493 --> 00:54:40,753

Steve: Right, there's a lot of that,


00:54:41,058 --> 00:54:42,978

Katie: they were doing the mission


00:54:43,503 --> 00:54:44,083

Steve: but not.


00:54:44,083 --> 00:54:46,673



00:54:46,728 --> 00:54:48,278

Katie: Yeah,


00:54:48,353 --> 00:54:48,583

Steve: so,


00:54:48,718 --> 00:54:50,908

Scott: there's a lot of Patrick

Swayze either crying about


00:54:50,908 --> 00:54:53,168

to cry or being very angry.


00:54:53,258 --> 00:54:55,068

It was a lot of Patrick Swayze went from


00:54:55,133 --> 00:54:55,553

Steve: but,


00:54:55,788 --> 00:54:56,668

Scott: I'm tearful.


00:54:56,708 --> 00:54:57,758

Cause you don't accept me.


00:54:58,178 --> 00:54:58,718

I'm angry.


00:54:58,718 --> 00:54:59,448

Cause you don't accept me.


00:54:59,448 --> 00:55:01,148

It was like a lot of Patrick Swayze.


00:55:01,643 --> 00:55:01,903

Was a


00:55:02,043 --> 00:55:02,513

Steve: yeah.


00:55:02,693 --> 00:55:04,953

But I think, but he does

get an arc, doesn't he?


00:55:04,953 --> 00:55:05,653

He does get a good arc.


00:55:05,663 --> 00:55:05,883

Scott: does.


00:55:05,883 --> 00:55:06,243



00:55:06,308 --> 00:55:08,198

Steve: You know, that does all

sort of come together when he's


00:55:08,198 --> 00:55:10,988

running over the hill going, I'm

gonna kill you motherfuckers, man!


00:55:11,018 --> 00:55:13,398

Like at the end, like when he goes

running over that hill and you're


00:55:13,398 --> 00:55:15,618

like, well, finally he came through.


00:55:15,688 --> 00:55:20,748

So it was, it does do his

fair share of crying and


00:55:21,193 --> 00:55:22,263

Scott: very emotional.


00:55:22,308 --> 00:55:22,818

Katie: crying


00:55:22,823 --> 00:55:26,393

Scott: If you look at his eyes, he's

always on the verge of tears in this film.


00:55:26,453 --> 00:55:29,933

Katie: because he, so, so

you guys, he, the other guys


00:55:30,093 --> 00:55:30,283

Scott: Yeah.


00:55:30,283 --> 00:55:31,773

They've been in the nom and he hasn't.


00:55:31,773 --> 00:55:31,823



00:55:32,243 --> 00:55:35,233

Katie: He hasn't, he was too

young and he is very young looking


00:55:35,233 --> 00:55:35,353



00:55:35,448 --> 00:55:36,018

Scott: He is


00:55:36,283 --> 00:55:37,923

Katie: like in real life, like 29


00:55:38,183 --> 00:55:38,363



00:55:38,588 --> 00:55:39,478

Steve: yeah, yeah,


00:55:39,723 --> 00:55:43,653

Katie: very young, he is sort

of like, he's the straight,


00:55:43,683 --> 00:55:47,153

like very proper military man.


00:55:47,233 --> 00:55:48,263

That's going to help them train.


00:55:48,263 --> 00:55:52,463

He knows all the, so he's the outsider

and he can't get their respect until.


00:55:53,238 --> 00:55:54,108

Gene Hackman


00:55:54,358 --> 00:55:54,808



00:55:54,818 --> 00:55:55,458

Steve: you're right.


00:55:55,518 --> 00:55:55,828

Katie: they're


00:55:55,908 --> 00:55:56,648

Steve: Yeah, you're right.


00:55:56,668 --> 00:55:57,338

Katie: you doing this?


00:55:57,338 --> 00:55:58,378

What, what's in it for you?


00:55:58,698 --> 00:56:00,978

And Gene Hackman's well,

his dad's missing too.


00:56:00,978 --> 00:56:02,278



00:56:02,468 --> 00:56:05,798

Scott: that they in the movie because

when he shows up I'm like, there's no


00:56:05,798 --> 00:56:10,328

way he was in Vietnam, too And then when

and I was like, oh no, please don't tell


00:56:10,328 --> 00:56:13,568

me he's like some special forces guy

I mean, I mean, he's the guy's gonna


00:56:13,568 --> 00:56:16,958

retrain you and when they said that he

hadn't been and he was too young I was


00:56:16,958 --> 00:56:20,308

like, oh I was like, thank you It's cuz

you know modern movies sometimes we try


00:56:20,318 --> 00:56:23,178

to shoehorn a character because he's

cool You're like, there's no fucking way.


00:56:23,178 --> 00:56:24,138

He was in that war.


00:56:24,288 --> 00:56:24,618

He was


00:56:24,898 --> 00:56:28,828

Steve: I cheat, I cheated the draft

when I was four years old or something.


00:56:30,348 --> 00:56:32,408

Katie: but I love how they

show him like ironing.


00:56:32,458 --> 00:56:32,798



00:56:32,798 --> 00:56:35,398

training sequences are

in, they go to Galveston,


00:56:35,708 --> 00:56:36,048

Scott: Hmm.


00:56:38,418 --> 00:56:44,008

Katie: What the exact replica I loved

that somehow they were able to exactly


00:56:44,008 --> 00:56:47,548

replicate the POW camp in Laos in Texas.


00:56:47,588 --> 00:56:48,168

And that's where they're


00:56:48,398 --> 00:56:51,228

Scott: Well, the reason was, is because

they had the same crew who built,


00:56:51,518 --> 00:56:52,598

who built the set over there.


00:56:52,818 --> 00:56:53,218

I'm just kidding.


00:56:53,518 --> 00:56:55,568

I, I said to my kids all the

time dad, why'd that happen?


00:56:55,568 --> 00:56:56,348

I go, it was in the script.


00:56:56,748 --> 00:56:59,538

Like I said, it's the worst, but

because it was in the script,


00:57:01,348 --> 00:57:02,668

yeah, that was, it was interesting.


00:57:03,098 --> 00:57:07,118

And like what Steve says is do

get a buildup and it does take


00:57:07,118 --> 00:57:08,988

a long time to finally get to.


00:57:09,848 --> 00:57:14,088

actual events and if you know, films

long enough, you know, that no matter


00:57:14,088 --> 00:57:16,518

what they're training for, it's not

going to work out like we already


00:57:16,518 --> 00:57:20,848

know, you know, if you watch enough

movies, you go this, this sequence


00:57:20,848 --> 00:57:23,548

that they're doing here is not going

to play out in the end of the film.


00:57:23,548 --> 00:57:25,978

We're going to, yeah, it's going to

go, it's always going to go awry.


00:57:26,708 --> 00:57:28,048

Steve: It's a pretty explosive.


00:57:29,368 --> 00:57:33,328

Finale though with the, with the

whole bridge that in Red Brown guys,


00:57:33,338 --> 00:57:33,868

Scott: was the best part.


00:57:33,868 --> 00:57:34,978

I mean, to me, that was one of my


00:57:35,188 --> 00:57:36,148

Steve: that's not the best part.


00:57:36,238 --> 00:57:37,018

Scott: that coming because.


00:57:37,338 --> 00:57:40,968


yeah, that's the thing we do, but


00:57:40,968 --> 00:57:43,288



00:57:44,038 --> 00:57:44,368

Steve: Mm-Hmm.


00:57:44,438 --> 00:57:48,938

Scott: the only thing I think is

interesting is it kind of shows


00:57:48,948 --> 00:57:53,638

what directors have carte blanche

in Hollywood and what ones, even


00:57:53,638 --> 00:57:56,608

if they made a successful film,

still don't have full carte blanche.


00:57:56,608 --> 00:58:01,198

Because if you don't tell somebody

who directed Uncommon Valor.


00:58:01,453 --> 00:58:02,683

And who director first blood.


00:58:02,763 --> 00:58:04,053

And you say, Hey, what do

you think of these movies?


00:58:04,873 --> 00:58:10,173

completely two different movies, different

tones, different styles, everything.


00:58:10,203 --> 00:58:11,863

And you would be like, it's

always the same director.


00:58:11,863 --> 00:58:13,253

You'd be like, there's no fucking way.


00:58:13,263 --> 00:58:14,093

It's that same director.


00:58:14,373 --> 00:58:16,683

If you could, you can kind

of see like a Scorsese movie.


00:58:16,683 --> 00:58:17,073

You go,


00:58:17,433 --> 00:58:18,253

that's a Scorsese film,


00:58:18,318 --> 00:58:18,708

Katie: station.


00:58:18,713 --> 00:58:19,043

Scott: You know what I mean?


00:58:19,043 --> 00:58:19,913

And then you say the guy, Oh yeah.


00:58:19,913 --> 00:58:20,833

He also did weekend at Bernie's.


00:58:20,863 --> 00:58:21,933

You go, he did what,


00:58:22,698 --> 00:58:22,918

Katie: Yeah.


00:58:23,073 --> 00:58:23,493

Scott: know what I mean?


00:58:23,493 --> 00:58:25,773

You're like first blood

and weekend at Bernie's.


00:58:25,773 --> 00:58:27,283

And that's a big bridge to jump


00:58:27,588 --> 00:58:30,558

Steve: Makes total sense to

me on a, on a narrative level.


00:58:30,563 --> 00:58:30,888



00:58:30,888 --> 00:58:36,238

I mean, but I think that goes to,

I mean, I'm to Hazard a guess.


00:58:36,328 --> 00:58:42,258

I think that goes to show how

involved Stallone was in the


00:58:42,258 --> 00:58:44,628

making of First Blood, perhaps.


00:58:44,728 --> 00:58:45,448

Katie: Stallone at


00:58:45,518 --> 00:58:46,058

Scott: A hundred percent.


00:58:46,058 --> 00:58:46,288



00:58:46,398 --> 00:58:46,848

Steve: Yeah.


00:58:46,938 --> 00:58:47,198

Scott: right.


00:58:47,888 --> 00:58:48,338

Steve: Yeah.


00:58:48,398 --> 00:58:48,788



00:58:49,358 --> 00:58:51,698

Scott: But you know, just,

it's just like, even tonally,


00:58:52,138 --> 00:58:52,528

Steve: Hmm.


00:58:52,618 --> 00:58:52,828



00:58:52,828 --> 00:58:53,458

Yeah, yeah,


00:58:53,588 --> 00:58:54,128

Scott: the same thing.


00:58:54,128 --> 00:58:55,898

Cause once again, it's

not a Vietnam movie.


00:58:56,178 --> 00:58:57,728

It's a post Vietnam movie.


00:58:58,008 --> 00:59:01,458

And we're like, first bud is talking

about what it's like for that soldiers


00:59:01,458 --> 00:59:05,338

just come home and how they were

not treated like the, you know, now


00:59:05,338 --> 00:59:09,708

everyone's every veteran is amazing

for Americans now, but back then


00:59:09,788 --> 00:59:11,458

they weren't, they did not like them.


00:59:11,458 --> 00:59:13,448

They were baby kills and

they, they spit on them.


00:59:13,498 --> 00:59:15,588

So that was what Stallone's

character was going through.


00:59:15,918 --> 00:59:16,188

And then


00:59:16,303 --> 00:59:16,603

Steve: yeah.


00:59:16,603 --> 00:59:17,143

Well in,


00:59:17,198 --> 00:59:20,218

Scott: about the real thing about how

kind of the, they felt the government had


00:59:20,288 --> 00:59:23,728

turned its back on its soldiers and left

them behind and never did any missions to


00:59:23,728 --> 00:59:25,598

go and save the tribe, try to find them.


00:59:25,938 --> 00:59:28,958

So you would think there'd be still

a little bit of that tone that we


00:59:28,958 --> 00:59:32,958

got from first blood would leak

into this as it's just as serious.


00:59:33,733 --> 00:59:38,423

thing, but I think to Steve's point,

what maybe loses the tone is they, they


00:59:38,423 --> 00:59:43,273

sided more with, this is our version

of the, without them being prisoners,


00:59:43,413 --> 00:59:46,463

but this is our version of the dirty

dozen, but this time it's going to


00:59:46,523 --> 00:59:46,883

Steve: yeah.


00:59:47,053 --> 00:59:49,203

Scott: it's going to

be wild and crazy biker


00:59:49,343 --> 00:59:50,313

Steve: But that's the thing, isn't it?


00:59:50,313 --> 00:59:55,523

Because, because like in the mid, in

the mid to late 70s, you had a lot of


00:59:55,533 --> 01:00:01,513

films about Vietnam veterans, like Taxi

Driver, Rubble and Thunder, Billy Jack,


01:00:01,753 --> 01:00:02,323

Scott: Dear Hunter,


01:00:02,463 --> 01:00:08,793

Steve: Stuntman when Common Valor

comes along, it kind of kickstarts


01:00:08,793 --> 01:00:13,443

this POW rescue subgenre and you get

Missing in Action with Chuck Norris.


01:00:14,258 --> 01:00:16,098

And obviously First Blood Part 2 as well.


01:00:16,273 --> 01:00:16,713

Katie: Yep.


01:00:16,908 --> 01:00:22,978

Steve: Yeah, so, I, in my head,

I thought Uncommon Valor came


01:00:23,008 --> 01:00:24,638

after First Blood, actually.


01:00:25,388 --> 01:00:26,108

And I thought,


01:00:26,633 --> 01:00:27,003

Katie: Part two.


01:00:27,003 --> 01:00:27,343

You mean.


01:00:28,298 --> 01:00:29,428

Steve: sorry, yeah, yeah.


01:00:29,633 --> 01:00:30,003

Katie: Yeah,


01:00:30,223 --> 01:00:30,813

Scott: cause you were right, it


01:00:30,848 --> 01:00:33,688

100 percent right, in your

head you're right, it did come


01:00:33,703 --> 01:00:34,163

Steve: yeah.


01:00:34,368 --> 01:00:35,068

Scott: you're correct.


01:00:35,148 --> 01:00:36,278

Katie: but they did.


01:00:36,378 --> 01:00:41,008

I, you know, what I liked about this, it

was like a kind of a combination of tones


01:00:41,008 --> 01:00:45,378

because, which I found realistic because

Jean, there's something that Jean says


01:00:45,428 --> 01:00:50,268

like, they hate us this is 10 years after

the war, but we see the sequence of him.


01:00:51,958 --> 01:00:52,978

We start in 73.


01:00:54,343 --> 01:00:58,333

Right 73 and then we

end up in 83 or 72 80,


01:00:58,393 --> 01:00:59,943

Steve: But that happens really

quickly, though, doesn't it?


01:01:00,763 --> 01:01:02,023

So I was a little bit confused.


01:01:02,308 --> 01:01:05,148

Katie: up the fact that

they hate us the baby killer


01:01:05,308 --> 01:01:05,738

Scott: Mm


01:01:06,168 --> 01:01:06,638

Katie: that.


01:01:06,648 --> 01:01:10,858

And then the sequence, I

loved the sequence of him


01:01:10,858 --> 01:01:13,348

going in order with each guy.


01:01:13,798 --> 01:01:14,998

And trying to recruit


01:01:15,288 --> 01:01:15,698

Scott: hmm.


01:01:15,698 --> 01:01:18,638

Mm hmm.


01:01:18,918 --> 01:01:21,468

Katie: their world looks

like now, and they're vastly


01:01:21,468 --> 01:01:23,088

different and they're handling


01:01:23,088 --> 01:01:24,968

things different.


01:01:24,968 --> 01:01:27,838

And that gene has to use different

tactics, which with each of


01:01:27,838 --> 01:01:29,268

them, and especially Wilkes is.


01:01:29,958 --> 01:01:36,718

Character, you know, as we learn how off

I can't even imagine if just from the


01:01:36,718 --> 01:01:40,708

movies and things that I've watched and

read Vietnam just was something else.


01:01:41,173 --> 01:01:41,663

Steve: Mm,


01:01:41,993 --> 01:01:42,423



01:01:42,753 --> 01:01:43,153



01:01:43,508 --> 01:01:44,498

Katie: affected these guys.


01:01:44,648 --> 01:01:45,928

So, yeah, I don't know.


01:01:45,948 --> 01:01:49,398

I so, yeah, we, 1 by 1, we meet each guy.


01:01:49,998 --> 01:01:53,978

I love that charts his wife

was really interesting.


01:01:54,038 --> 01:01:57,488

And she is only interested in how

much money is going to be involved.


01:01:58,268 --> 01:02:00,258

And then black and not blaster.


01:02:01,263 --> 01:02:03,023

Sailor, I think was my favorite one.


01:02:03,043 --> 01:02:03,223



01:02:03,503 --> 01:02:04,313

Steve: I love that.


01:02:04,313 --> 01:02:04,763

I just,


01:02:05,283 --> 01:02:10,493

Katie: what did you he's this crazy

biker guy, confederate flag on


01:02:10,708 --> 01:02:11,478

Scott: Yeah, the


01:02:12,183 --> 01:02:12,473

Katie: I don't know.


01:02:12,483 --> 01:02:15,163

What did you guys think of the

sequence of meeting the guys?


01:02:16,153 --> 01:02:18,293

Steve: well, that's a

staple now, isn't it?


01:02:18,303 --> 01:02:22,703

If that, oh, that's, that's, that's,

I think that's just what I love.


01:02:22,903 --> 01:02:24,543

Scott: Putting the team together segments.


01:02:24,928 --> 01:02:27,938

Steve: That's always a great I mean

that's happened in a million movies


01:02:27,938 --> 01:02:32,543

now, but There is something, and

I, like I said, I talked about Red


01:02:32,543 --> 01:02:35,043

Brown and um, what's his name, Tex


01:02:35,303 --> 01:02:36,853

Cobb, Randall Tex Cobb.


01:02:38,483 --> 01:02:42,553

If you're a young kid who's 12 years

old, this, you're gonna love this,


01:02:42,753 --> 01:02:47,353

this movie, you know, and I'm like,

that was my favorite bit of the movie.


01:02:47,820 --> 01:02:48,900

Meeting the guys,


01:02:49,110 --> 01:02:49,260

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:02:49,270 --> 01:02:54,010

Steve: like you say, recruiting the guys

in his own tactical ways, is, to me,


01:02:54,690 --> 01:02:56,980

far more entertaining than the siege,


01:02:57,770 --> 01:02:58,210

Katie: hmm.


01:02:58,350 --> 01:03:02,740

Steve: is not a bad siege, don't

get me wrong, but I just loved that.


01:03:04,480 --> 01:03:07,210

I'm not sure that's the first

time that's been done in a movie,


01:03:07,270 --> 01:03:10,690

but that's the most, one of the

most memorable, I think, for me.


01:03:10,900 --> 01:03:14,770

When he, when he, and Tex Cobb,

yeah, he's, you know, he's got that


01:03:14,770 --> 01:03:16,300

grenade around his neck, you know.


01:03:17,440 --> 01:03:21,190

Katie: Which am so glad

there was a payoff to


01:03:21,790 --> 01:03:23,140

Steve: Yeah, because they're not, yeah,


01:03:23,675 --> 01:03:25,605

Scott: it's one of those things I

knew it was going to be in this one.


01:03:25,705 --> 01:03:28,565

Cause we've watched so many damn movies

now over my time, like this, that


01:03:28,610 --> 01:03:28,810

Katie: this


01:03:29,005 --> 01:03:30,365

Scott: it's not on his neck for nothing.


01:03:30,635 --> 01:03:33,115

You know, he's not telling us

about this grenade for nothing.


01:03:33,405 --> 01:03:35,505

I was like, at one point

I knew he was dying.


01:03:35,515 --> 01:03:38,005

Cause he was always said, I'll just

pull the pin and that'll be then.


01:03:38,005 --> 01:03:40,335

I was like, and then when he

does, I was like, here it comes.


01:03:40,335 --> 01:03:40,725

I knew it.


01:03:40,725 --> 01:03:42,405

I was like, it's, it's, here we


01:03:42,420 --> 01:03:43,540

Steve: what a way to go out.


01:03:43,555 --> 01:03:43,885

Scott: awesome.


01:03:43,955 --> 01:03:44,115



01:03:44,200 --> 01:03:45,020

Katie: helped but but


01:03:45,205 --> 01:03:45,775

Scott: was great.


01:03:46,300 --> 01:03:47,360

Katie: it's like he sacrificed.


01:03:47,360 --> 01:03:47,450



01:03:47,500 --> 01:03:47,690



01:03:47,775 --> 01:03:48,165

Scott: Yeah.


01:03:48,170 --> 01:03:51,660

Katie: going to dying anyway, but

it that explosion massive epic


01:03:51,875 --> 01:03:52,315

Scott: Yeah.


01:03:53,300 --> 01:03:53,970

Katie: allowed.


01:03:54,130 --> 01:03:54,720

Who was it?


01:03:54,770 --> 01:04:00,370

Scott and charts or Scott's 2 of the guys

were like, we can't get to the chopper.


01:04:00,630 --> 01:04:01,080

Steve: Yeah.


01:04:01,275 --> 01:04:04,775

Scott: Was it was it Gene Hackman

and his or was it, was it charts and


01:04:04,785 --> 01:04:08,475

Swayze's character, or was that when

Gene Hackman and his son was just, or


01:04:08,475 --> 01:04:11,875

the guy's son was just getting on the

Stacks, Robert Stacks character's son.


01:04:11,900 --> 01:04:12,190

Katie: two


01:04:12,585 --> 01:04:12,935

Scott: Yeah.


01:04:13,120 --> 01:04:15,590

Katie: duos that had a hard

time getting to the chopper.


01:04:15,590 --> 01:04:18,570

This, that particular one was

Patrick Swayze's character and


01:04:18,570 --> 01:04:18,960



01:04:20,900 --> 01:04:21,250

Steve: Yeah


01:04:21,410 --> 01:04:21,850

Katie: Yeah,


01:04:21,965 --> 01:04:23,105

Steve: but that was a great payoff.


01:04:23,275 --> 01:04:23,760

Scott: hmm.


01:04:23,760 --> 01:04:24,245



01:04:24,930 --> 01:04:31,360

Katie: I, the, I am just a sucker for

old time special effects, like real


01:04:31,415 --> 01:04:31,904

Scott: The real stuff.


01:04:31,904 --> 01:04:32,154



01:04:32,175 --> 01:04:32,615

Mm hmm.


01:04:33,260 --> 01:04:34,160

Katie: The explosions were


01:04:34,495 --> 01:04:35,035

Scott: Great.


01:04:35,085 --> 01:04:36,154

The bridge explosion.


01:04:36,165 --> 01:04:40,845

Like you said, when a blaster

takes his life, was impressive.


01:04:40,865 --> 01:04:42,935

Like that was, that was

an impressive explosion.


01:04:42,935 --> 01:04:44,115

That thing, that bridge went.


01:04:44,925 --> 01:04:45,665

boom, boom, boom, boom.


01:04:46,125 --> 01:04:46,305



01:04:46,305 --> 01:04:49,245

They really, mean, look

all that much, that budget.


01:04:49,315 --> 01:04:52,325

That's why, that's why Gene Hackman's

the star and everyone else is kind


01:04:52,325 --> 01:04:55,595

of like, Hey, I know who that guy

is because they're like the star of


01:04:55,605 --> 01:04:58,755

this films, the explosions at the end

and they were, they were worth it.


01:04:58,765 --> 01:04:59,505

They were really great.


01:05:00,525 --> 01:05:03,135

Steve: That's the great thing

talking about movies like in


01:05:03,135 --> 01:05:05,654

this way is I'm beginning.


01:05:05,685 --> 01:05:06,555

I like it more


01:05:08,805 --> 01:05:10,015

Scott: Everything's better in hindsight,


01:05:10,165 --> 01:05:11,145

Steve: I'm like, you know what?


01:05:11,275 --> 01:05:12,815

Yeah, I'm just like this was awesome.


01:05:12,865 --> 01:05:13,115



01:05:13,345 --> 01:05:14,715

Scott: it's because at

the end, the end is good.


01:05:14,725 --> 01:05:15,525

The end is good.


01:05:15,795 --> 01:05:17,645

A lot of the movie is a, is a slow


01:05:17,795 --> 01:05:20,415

Steve: Well, not yeah, not always

but I'm just like, you know,


01:05:20,415 --> 01:05:21,625

there's enough in this movie.


01:05:21,675 --> 01:05:22,735

Even if you don't love it


01:05:23,595 --> 01:05:25,375

Scott: you know, I will give a credit

this, you know, even though it was


01:05:25,375 --> 01:05:30,955

slow, I do think it took a definite

beat from the Dirty Dozen, but today's


01:05:30,965 --> 01:05:35,805

modern movie would have been that

training sequence is a montage of I'll


01:05:35,805 --> 01:05:38,055

have Rocky to a cool fucking song.


01:05:38,095 --> 01:05:41,235

And we get to the nitty gritty

because as today's modern audience,


01:05:41,495 --> 01:05:47,555

we don't have time for a 45 minute

drain sequence of Patrick Swayze being


01:05:47,565 --> 01:05:49,685

angry and sad for 45 minutes at these


01:05:49,975 --> 01:05:51,225

Steve: Stop picking on Swayze.


01:05:51,225 --> 01:05:51,645

All right


01:05:51,895 --> 01:05:52,565

Scott: I love Swayze.


01:05:53,245 --> 01:05:54,435

Katie: He looked really nice.


01:05:54,435 --> 01:05:54,665



01:05:54,745 --> 01:05:54,845



01:05:54,885 --> 01:05:55,915

Scott: I listen, I get it.


01:05:55,915 --> 01:05:56,345

I get it.


01:05:56,355 --> 01:05:59,845

He was, he was, he was, he was the,

he was the only one who looked like


01:05:59,845 --> 01:06:01,465

a soldier for a while, him and ward.


01:06:01,465 --> 01:06:02,675

I was like the rest of them.


01:06:02,675 --> 01:06:04,435

I don't know if they're going to

be able to take over anything,


01:06:04,765 --> 01:06:05,025



01:06:05,025 --> 01:06:06,075

Katie: Ward was, yeah.


01:06:06,105 --> 01:06:06,675



01:06:06,725 --> 01:06:07,215



01:06:07,305 --> 01:06:09,515

And for the ladies, they're

the reason to watch this


01:06:09,635 --> 01:06:10,035



01:06:10,260 --> 01:06:11,240

Scott: a hundred percent.


01:06:11,250 --> 01:06:11,640

No, no.


01:06:11,650 --> 01:06:14,820

We, Steve and I fully understand

why people watch certain


01:06:14,820 --> 01:06:16,050

movies and we're totally fine


01:06:16,095 --> 01:06:16,465

Steve: Absolutely


01:06:16,630 --> 01:06:18,190

Scott: always said like in

our Bruce Willis journey.


01:06:18,485 --> 01:06:20,325

Just give us nudity for everybody.


01:06:20,325 --> 01:06:21,355

Cause they're so boring.


01:06:21,355 --> 01:06:25,885

So there's like, give us something

nudity, a head bluff, something to


01:06:25,895 --> 01:06:28,895

at least make it worth anyone's time

to sit through it and half the time.


01:06:28,895 --> 01:06:28,945



01:06:29,125 --> 01:06:29,465

Steve: hashed.


01:06:29,495 --> 01:06:31,445

Yeah Yeah, hashtag


01:06:31,595 --> 01:06:34,275

Scott: we got full frontal for every movie

was really like, well, that's what happens


01:06:34,275 --> 01:06:35,965

when you say, and it wasn't gross male.


01:06:35,965 --> 01:06:36,845

We're like, yep, there we go.


01:06:37,055 --> 01:06:37,404

We asked


01:06:37,425 --> 01:06:38,045

Steve: that.


01:06:38,115 --> 01:06:38,785

Scott: got full frontal


01:06:38,815 --> 01:06:39,535

Steve: We got it.


01:06:39,685 --> 01:06:40,115

Scott: fantastic,


01:06:41,965 --> 01:06:42,395

But yeah.


01:06:42,505 --> 01:06:45,755

Katie: about them taking their time,

I actually really appreciated this.


01:06:45,775 --> 01:06:52,125

I mean, because I hadn't seen it before,

just an adult watching it, I thought it


01:06:52,125 --> 01:06:56,875

was necessary to develop the characters

and the relationships between them.


01:06:56,895 --> 01:06:57,335

I, I


01:06:57,335 --> 01:06:57,605



01:06:57,705 --> 01:06:57,995

Scott: Oh, no.


01:06:57,995 --> 01:06:58,935

I agree with a hundred percent.


01:06:58,935 --> 01:06:59,425

They had to.


01:06:59,595 --> 01:07:03,945

Steve: I think, yeah, I think that's,

like I say, I'm, I'm bringing nostalgia


01:07:03,945 --> 01:07:07,685

with me and thinking that's like this

amazing action movie when that's, that's


01:07:07,685 --> 01:07:09,505

not, that's not trying to be though.


01:07:09,615 --> 01:07:10,225

Scott: really, it really isn't


01:07:10,255 --> 01:07:11,365

Steve: Then, then my head,


01:07:11,435 --> 01:07:11,685

Scott: end.


01:07:11,695 --> 01:07:12,465

Like it's really


01:07:12,635 --> 01:07:13,945

Steve: in my head it was, but


01:07:13,955 --> 01:07:14,154

Scott: hit it.


01:07:14,165 --> 01:07:14,355



01:07:14,425 --> 01:07:14,795

Steve: yeah,


01:07:15,175 --> 01:07:16,675

Scott: beats last 10


01:07:16,815 --> 01:07:17,225

Steve: yeah.


01:07:17,395 --> 01:07:18,275

Scott: of it's just drama.


01:07:18,275 --> 01:07:18,375



01:07:18,535 --> 01:07:21,895

Steve: Because you do, because you

do care about these guys and that's


01:07:21,895 --> 01:07:23,965

because of what you're saying, you know.


01:07:24,154 --> 01:07:24,654

Scott: And


01:07:24,865 --> 01:07:26,255

Steve: care about these guys at the end.


01:07:26,325 --> 01:07:27,305

They're not just fodder.


01:07:27,425 --> 01:07:27,635

Scott: are we


01:07:27,775 --> 01:07:28,935

Steve: They're not just cannon fodder.


01:07:28,935 --> 01:07:30,275

Scott: it, are we okay.


01:07:30,385 --> 01:07:33,904

I don't want to say something,

but I also appreciate it again.


01:07:33,904 --> 01:07:34,995

We're talking:


01:07:34,995 --> 01:07:35,450

So this is the.


01:07:35,450 --> 01:07:37,580

You know, a timeframe where a

lot of the eighties movies, you


01:07:37,580 --> 01:07:39,810

could pretty much know what you're

going to get when you go into it.


01:07:39,810 --> 01:07:40,000



01:07:40,000 --> 01:07:42,140

Like I knew Patrick Swayze

was making it to the end.


01:07:42,150 --> 01:07:43,380

I knew Gene Hackman was

making it to the end.


01:07:43,580 --> 01:07:46,210

They're the two biggest names

that, you know, they're not getting


01:07:46,210 --> 01:07:47,610

shot and killed in the movie.


01:07:47,675 --> 01:07:47,925

Katie: hmm.


01:07:48,005 --> 01:07:51,875

Scott: But, I did not see the twist

of the whole reason we're going


01:07:51,875 --> 01:07:57,115

there is for Colonel Jason Rhoad's

son, who does not make it, who dies


01:07:57,125 --> 01:08:01,085

of basically dysentery, he wore the

that might have been Butch's father,


01:08:01,145 --> 01:08:03,125

Steve: He might have had

a watch stuck up his ass.


01:08:03,205 --> 01:08:05,645

Scott: for five years, he died

of dysentery, he gave it to


01:08:05,645 --> 01:08:08,115

this guy, that's Colonel Goons,


01:08:08,565 --> 01:08:09,045

Steve: Oh man,


01:08:09,255 --> 01:08:09,315

Scott: that's


01:08:09,315 --> 01:08:09,645

Steve: look.


01:08:09,925 --> 01:08:12,095

That's a


01:08:12,325 --> 01:08:16,189

Scott: the fact that here

we are, Watching this movie.


01:08:16,210 --> 01:08:19,279

And the whole point is we're going

to go get this person and we don't


01:08:19,279 --> 01:08:20,729

save the person we want to go get.


01:08:21,010 --> 01:08:23,220

And so then Gene Hackman, even at the end.


01:08:23,870 --> 01:08:26,580

It's kind of like this bittersweet,

like all these other people getting


01:08:26,580 --> 01:08:29,109

this reunion and he thought he

was going to, and he didn't.


01:08:29,470 --> 01:08:32,580

And it's just that kind of, I did like

that twist at the end of the story.


01:08:32,580 --> 01:08:35,410

It did, it did make it feel a little,

sit a little bit better with me.


01:08:35,420 --> 01:08:37,010

That was like, Ooh, he

didn't get what he wanted.


01:08:37,010 --> 01:08:39,450

And I kind of liked that

because that's reality of life.


01:08:39,450 --> 01:08:40,550

Like I was like, Oh, I kind


01:08:40,555 --> 01:08:40,944

Steve: bummer.


01:08:40,955 --> 01:08:42,595

That's kind of a bummer end.


01:08:42,790 --> 01:08:43,600

Scott: life version of


01:08:43,645 --> 01:08:47,705

Steve: But that's more of a 70s thing,

you know, like nihilistic, like bad


01:08:47,705 --> 01:08:49,104

endings were more of a 70s thing.


01:08:49,104 --> 01:08:52,585

So that does kind of come out of nowhere

and you are kind of surprised by it.


01:08:52,625 --> 01:08:55,194

And that's, that's very, you

know, that's quite touching.


01:08:56,135 --> 01:08:58,805

And at the end in the

chopper, that's quite sad.


01:08:59,450 --> 01:08:59,960



01:09:01,434 --> 01:09:06,865

Katie: So, okay, to, to that ending,

there was something this whole movie.


01:09:06,865 --> 01:09:08,075

I was very suspicious.


01:09:08,965 --> 01:09:11,575

I don't I was, were they trying

to throw me off or am I an idiot?


01:09:11,604 --> 01:09:12,225



01:09:13,075 --> 01:09:16,484

see these like the, our

own CIA gets in the way,


01:09:16,590 --> 01:09:17,430

Scott: Yes, it does.


01:09:17,865 --> 01:09:19,854

Katie: and we see these suits.


01:09:20,125 --> 01:09:23,215

So also we see Jason being surveilled.


01:09:23,229 --> 01:09:23,660

Scott: Mm hmm.


01:09:23,774 --> 01:09:26,305

Katie: And then we see the

same people trying to convince


01:09:26,965 --> 01:09:28,274

McGregor to pull the plug


01:09:28,460 --> 01:09:28,930

Scott: Mm hmm.


01:09:29,045 --> 01:09:29,715

Katie: so this whole


01:09:29,715 --> 01:09:34,015

time I'm like, okay, why, what's going on?


01:09:34,045 --> 01:09:34,845

Why, why


01:09:34,845 --> 01:09:35,175



01:09:35,180 --> 01:09:40,399

Scott: I think I have an idea why it was

and it wasn't stated in the film is the


01:09:40,399 --> 01:09:44,800

problem was is the American the American

statement back in during the Vietnam


01:09:44,800 --> 01:09:48,229

War war was we never did any kind of.


01:09:49,490 --> 01:09:50,850

in Laos or Cambodia.


01:09:51,149 --> 01:09:52,620

And as time has gone on,


01:09:52,825 --> 01:09:53,965

Katie: Oh,


01:09:54,050 --> 01:09:57,270

Scott: know that we have had special

forces missions going through Laos and


01:09:57,270 --> 01:09:58,970

Cambodia throughout the entire war.


01:09:58,970 --> 01:10:01,370

But we always stood as

we're only in Vietnam.


01:10:01,530 --> 01:10:03,540

We never incurred

ourselves into these other


01:10:03,710 --> 01:10:04,110

Steve: Mmm.


01:10:04,210 --> 01:10:07,230

Scott: but that's not stated in the

film, like that's a backstory that you


01:10:07,230 --> 01:10:10,180

would have to know now through history,



01:10:10,920 --> 01:10:11,740

fuck's happening.


01:10:11,740 --> 01:10:12,080

You know what I mean?


01:10:12,080 --> 01:10:15,760

Like it wasn't ever stated properly,

but thank you bringing it up.


01:10:15,760 --> 01:10:20,660

Cause the worst person in this film,

worst person is whoever they hired


01:10:20,830 --> 01:10:23,240

to play the CIA guy over in Bangkok.


01:10:23,530 --> 01:10:24,800

He fucking was terrible.


01:10:25,040 --> 01:10:26,190

He was awful.


01:10:26,480 --> 01:10:27,080

Steve: he was.


01:10:27,150 --> 01:10:27,470

Scott: was like,


01:10:27,800 --> 01:10:30,450

he must've been like, they were like,

whoever was probably hired, maybe he got


01:10:30,450 --> 01:10:33,440

sick, maybe he got the flu over there,

maybe stayed a little too late and they're


01:10:33,440 --> 01:10:37,110

like, Joe, you look like a guy who could

be, and they just brought him in off of


01:10:37,470 --> 01:10:40,090

Steve: He was one of the, he was

one of the elect, he was like


01:10:40,090 --> 01:10:41,370

an electrician or something.


01:10:41,370 --> 01:10:42,900

They said, hey, could you just do this?


01:10:43,035 --> 01:10:44,965

Scott: because I really

don't want to do this.


01:10:44,965 --> 01:10:45,434

Do you?


01:10:45,434 --> 01:10:46,585

I was like, who's this fucking


01:10:46,809 --> 01:10:47,860

Steve: That was pretty bad.


01:10:48,325 --> 01:10:50,605

Scott: But no, I think that's

why again, that should have


01:10:50,605 --> 01:10:52,934

been stated better the film.


01:10:52,985 --> 01:10:56,495

nd I think maybe because it's:

and it's so close, maybe they don't


01:10:56,505 --> 01:10:58,585

want to make a big statement like that.


01:10:59,145 --> 01:11:01,405

But, didn't stop friends for Coppola.


01:11:01,445 --> 01:11:05,445

I mean, the whole point of, of Apocalypse

now is to do exactly what we're not


01:11:05,445 --> 01:11:08,965

supposed to be doing is we're going

into Cambodian Laos to get this guy.


01:11:08,965 --> 01:11:10,365

We're doing an illegal mission.


01:11:10,645 --> 01:11:11,905

So yeah, I don't know.


01:11:11,905 --> 01:11:15,005

Maybe they just didn't want to deal

with that as part of the storyline,


01:11:15,005 --> 01:11:18,295

but that's why that storyline was

happening is because if you go in


01:11:18,295 --> 01:11:20,855

there and you save these guys and they

were captured over there, that means


01:11:20,855 --> 01:11:22,005

we were doing an illegal mission.


01:11:22,740 --> 01:11:22,890



01:11:22,890 --> 01:11:24,830

Cause clearly his son

was captured in Laos.


01:11:25,020 --> 01:11:29,910

They're not supposed to be in Laos or


01:11:30,045 --> 01:11:33,645

Katie: of McGregor then because

when everything goes wrong.


01:11:33,715 --> 01:11:38,165

So again, spoiler alert, they

get there and oh, the helicopters


01:11:38,165 --> 01:11:39,115

aren't where they're supposed to.


01:11:39,155 --> 01:11:41,155

Oh, it looks like the campus deserted.


01:11:41,155 --> 01:11:42,045

Things go wrong.


01:11:42,045 --> 01:11:46,915

And so I'm like, oh, my

brain went to McGregor.


01:11:47,590 --> 01:11:54,340

Did this I didn't know until the end

that the kid is McGregor's kid that is


01:11:54,390 --> 01:11:59,930

actually saved and along the same lines

when McGregor and I can't it's I have


01:11:59,930 --> 01:12:01,340

such a hard time calling him Jason.


01:12:01,900 --> 01:12:04,010

When they're having a conversation about.


01:12:04,750 --> 01:12:09,980

You know, Jason Rhodes says something

like, Oh, I just, I, I want my son


01:12:09,980 --> 01:12:12,510

back so bad, something like that.


01:12:12,750 --> 01:12:17,740

Then McGregor says something like what I

wouldn't give for just one hour with him.


01:12:18,615 --> 01:12:23,155

I didn't realize that he was

talking about his son too.


01:12:23,155 --> 01:12:28,345

I thought is cause we didn't know

the motivation of McGregor yet.


01:12:28,345 --> 01:12:32,215

So I was like, is McGregor

Frank's real dad somehow?


01:12:32,535 --> 01:12:32,835

I don't


01:12:34,230 --> 01:12:35,090

Steve: Well, yeah, some,


01:12:35,715 --> 01:12:39,515

Katie: of everything because of the, I was

like, were they trying to throw me off?


01:12:39,555 --> 01:12:39,995

I don't know.


01:12:39,995 --> 01:12:40,615

I went down


01:12:41,040 --> 01:12:42,860

Steve: maybe it was just

badly written, you know.


01:12:42,940 --> 01:12:43,700

Scott: again, editing.


01:12:43,790 --> 01:12:44,580

Maybe they said, we're going to


01:12:44,620 --> 01:12:44,820

Steve: That's,


01:12:44,950 --> 01:12:45,380

Scott: part out.


01:12:45,470 --> 01:12:46,150

Steve: yeah, yeah, that's


01:12:46,170 --> 01:12:46,510

Scott: to cut this


01:12:46,690 --> 01:12:49,059

Steve: blame, like, that's

probably just blame Wingshauser.


01:12:49,395 --> 01:12:54,925

Katie: we, yeah,


01:12:55,000 --> 01:12:55,540

Scott: of a bitch.


01:12:55,540 --> 01:12:56,540

He's covering it up.


01:12:57,860 --> 01:12:58,640

Don't call him Jason.


01:12:58,650 --> 01:13:01,620

We just call him wings, wings

road, Colonel wings roads.


01:13:03,250 --> 01:13:05,080

That's actually a really

good name for a Colonel.


01:13:05,290 --> 01:13:06,500

Like you'd follow that guy into hell.


01:13:06,965 --> 01:13:07,675

Who's our Colonel?


01:13:07,684 --> 01:13:08,375

Wings roads.


01:13:08,415 --> 01:13:08,934

We're on it.


01:13:08,945 --> 01:13:09,295

Let's do


01:13:09,300 --> 01:13:09,880

Steve: Oh.


01:13:10,025 --> 01:13:11,915

Katie: no, that sounds

like a Sylvester Stallone


01:13:12,095 --> 01:13:12,815

Scott: It does.


01:13:14,830 --> 01:13:15,580

Steve: It does, yeah.


01:13:16,505 --> 01:13:17,975

Katie: One of my favorite scenes.


01:13:18,005 --> 01:13:23,735

I'm curious to see what you guys think of

when we meet Jiang Am I saying it wrong?


01:13:23,975 --> 01:13:25,745

Scott: what is that is that

the, the gentlemen where


01:13:25,870 --> 01:13:26,320

Steve: Jang.


01:13:26,555 --> 01:13:31,225

Scott: they first pull up to the house

and there's an armed now opium dealer, I


01:13:31,225 --> 01:13:34,775

guess is not living there and they have a

conversation and then they go to this CD


01:13:35,115 --> 01:13:36,705

strip bar, you know, whatever it is.


01:13:36,705 --> 01:13:36,955



01:13:37,135 --> 01:13:38,745

The, the Copa cabana.


01:13:39,595 --> 01:13:41,545

Katie: yeah, yeah, it's his club.


01:13:41,635 --> 01:13:42,925

I loved that scene.


01:13:42,934 --> 01:13:44,125

The menu of


01:13:44,245 --> 01:13:46,295

Scott: Yes, that was great.


01:13:46,535 --> 01:13:47,075

And then again,


01:13:47,320 --> 01:13:47,670

Steve: Yeah.


01:13:48,330 --> 01:13:49,360

Scott: He grabs Budweiser.


01:13:49,520 --> 01:13:50,240

Can we take this?


01:13:50,280 --> 01:13:51,050

It's on the house.


01:13:51,050 --> 01:13:54,360

Like Adidas and Budweiser

today's movie sponsored by


01:13:55,270 --> 01:13:55,980

Steve: America.


01:13:56,325 --> 01:13:58,015

Katie: they're not quite getting it.


01:13:58,145 --> 01:14:00,905

The, the team is trying, so

their weapons are stolen.


01:14:00,905 --> 01:14:03,505

So now they have to buy bargain basement


01:14:03,785 --> 01:14:04,475



01:14:04,480 --> 01:14:05,580

Scott: weapons from World War II.


01:14:05,590 --> 01:14:06,970

They're using Tommy guns.


01:14:07,540 --> 01:14:09,820

It's literally like watching

safe and private Ryan.


01:14:09,820 --> 01:14:09,980



01:14:10,270 --> 01:14:10,690



01:14:10,690 --> 01:14:11,809

They're like taking Normandy.


01:14:11,960 --> 01:14:12,120



01:14:12,120 --> 01:14:13,200

They're using the Tommy guns.


01:14:13,470 --> 01:14:17,480

So if you see the timing guns in The

gangster lore, they've got the drum


01:14:18,205 --> 01:14:18,655

Steve: Yeah.


01:14:18,855 --> 01:14:19,165



01:14:19,210 --> 01:14:22,870

Scott: fighting in the war, they've got

more of the actual stick looking magazine.


01:14:23,230 --> 01:14:23,460



01:14:23,515 --> 01:14:23,755

Steve: Yeah.


01:14:23,755 --> 01:14:23,825



01:14:23,825 --> 01:14:23,895



01:14:23,895 --> 01:14:25,645



01:14:25,720 --> 01:14:27,930

Scott: say, if I ride and you'll

see them, especially Tom Cruise


01:14:27,970 --> 01:14:31,290

or Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, his

character, that's his weapon of choice


01:14:31,300 --> 01:14:32,490

throughout the majority of that film.


01:14:32,870 --> 01:14:37,050

So it was just weird to see them

taking on the lousy and army.


01:14:37,170 --> 01:14:40,650

They were lousy and they're using

Tommy guns, like this is World


01:14:40,730 --> 01:14:42,390

War II shit, but was kind of.


01:14:43,555 --> 01:14:49,825

to the film because like a Stallone, we've

got two M 60s, which is double pumping


01:14:49,845 --> 01:14:54,275

them, you know, and these guys are now

fighting with basically sticks and rocks.


01:14:54,675 --> 01:14:57,485

As opposed to what they thought

they were going to have, you know,


01:14:57,775 --> 01:15:00,395

I mean, they practice with really

high speed weapons and now they're


01:15:00,405 --> 01:15:02,995

like, well, make a slingshot.


01:15:02,995 --> 01:15:04,825

I'll make a bow and arrow, you know,


01:15:05,675 --> 01:15:06,495

we'll figure this out.


01:15:07,250 --> 01:15:11,700

Katie: dusty trunk and then we have to

dusty trunk of weapons and I'm like, all


01:15:11,700 --> 01:15:13,550

right, I guess this is what we got now.


01:15:13,675 --> 01:15:13,785

Scott: I


01:15:13,905 --> 01:15:14,335

Steve: Yeah.


01:15:14,455 --> 01:15:14,675

Scott: it too.


01:15:14,675 --> 01:15:17,595

There's as slow as the

movie is, there is some.


01:15:17,915 --> 01:15:20,905

Detention to detail that is kind of

paid to that does give it a little bit


01:15:20,905 --> 01:15:24,625

of like a genesis quality where they're

like, they're spending extra time


01:15:24,845 --> 01:15:27,545

cleaning off these dirty ass weapons

that have been fired since the, you


01:15:27,545 --> 01:15:31,105

know, the:

years later, trying to fire them again.


01:15:31,495 --> 01:15:32,865

And some of the weapons

is just throw away.


01:15:32,865 --> 01:15:34,445

Cause they're not even going to be used.


01:15:34,934 --> 01:15:38,434

You know, like they open that box in the,

our biker boy, he's just kind of grab and


01:15:38,434 --> 01:15:39,715

put, you know, that's not gonna be used.


01:15:39,835 --> 01:15:40,775

That's not useful.


01:15:40,795 --> 01:15:41,045



01:15:41,430 --> 01:15:42,330

It was kind of, that was fun.


01:15:42,340 --> 01:15:42,350



01:15:42,950 --> 01:15:46,630

Katie: So we learn a couple of

things I wanted to point out.


01:15:47,005 --> 01:15:50,705

I really liked, to your point

Steve about Patrick Swayze's


01:15:50,705 --> 01:15:51,805

character does get an arc.


01:15:51,805 --> 01:15:53,525

So he's never been in combat and he


01:15:53,735 --> 01:15:54,125

Steve: Mm.


01:15:54,135 --> 01:15:57,655

Katie: like, Guess I

don't know how I'll be.


01:15:57,675 --> 01:16:03,965

And when he gets his first kill, he's

like, my God this is what it's like.


01:16:04,245 --> 01:16:04,684

Steve: Mm.


01:16:04,695 --> 01:16:05,115

Katie: did you guys


01:16:05,115 --> 01:16:05,920

feel about that?


01:16:07,865 --> 01:16:08,285

Steve: Well,


01:16:09,625 --> 01:16:14,475

like Gene Hackman says to him early

on during the whole training segment


01:16:14,515 --> 01:16:19,335

is, you know, you've got to earn these

guys respect, you know, they're not


01:16:19,335 --> 01:16:20,795

just going to respect you because of


01:16:21,300 --> 01:16:21,460

Katie: Mm


01:16:21,470 --> 01:16:21,800



01:16:21,805 --> 01:16:22,945

Steve: the position you're in.


01:16:23,505 --> 01:16:27,265

But I just found that whole,

during that whole siege.


01:16:28,090 --> 01:16:34,290

Where he holds his own, rescues, kills,

then, you know, that is, like I said


01:16:34,320 --> 01:16:39,700

earlier, that is the arc of his character,

and you needed that, you know, he, he does


01:16:39,710 --> 01:16:46,580

earn their respect, he, he participates,

and so yeah, you know, that, because


01:16:46,580 --> 01:16:49,550

he's obviously at that point in his

career, he's up and coming, he's gonna


01:16:49,550 --> 01:16:54,240

want, he's not just gonna take any role,

he's, he's wanting something with a bit


01:16:54,240 --> 01:17:00,330

of, you know, weight to it, and, You

know, because they, they do rightfully


01:17:00,330 --> 01:17:01,720

kick the shit out of him, actually,


01:17:02,040 --> 01:17:02,290

early on


01:17:02,550 --> 01:17:03,150

in the film.


01:17:03,380 --> 01:17:03,790

Katie: hmm.


01:17:03,840 --> 01:17:05,420

Steve: He deserves a kicking, you know.


01:17:05,800 --> 01:17:13,510

But that's a bit of a, reminds me a little

bit of in Cool Hand Luke, Paul Newman's


01:17:13,510 --> 01:17:14,890

getting the crap kicked out of him.


01:17:15,860 --> 01:17:17,950

And he keeps getting up.


01:17:19,530 --> 01:17:24,430

But that kind of shows you

what a brute the other guy is.


01:17:25,440 --> 01:17:26,100

Do you know what I mean?


01:17:26,540 --> 01:17:30,160

So you sort, you sort of end

up having sympathy for Swayze.


01:17:30,600 --> 01:17:31,020

Katie: Yeah.


01:17:31,120 --> 01:17:35,300

Steve: Because You know, he

keeps getting up, doesn't he?


01:17:35,300 --> 01:17:39,900

And then with the log, he tries to

pull the log himself, and he's trying.


01:17:40,530 --> 01:17:47,460

But these guys, you need to kill someone

if you want our respect, or, you know, you


01:17:47,460 --> 01:17:50,520

need to pull your weight in, in their way.


01:17:51,220 --> 01:17:52,780

You're pulling a log, you know?


01:17:53,020 --> 01:17:53,150

Katie: Mm


01:17:53,309 --> 01:17:55,100

Steve: That's not gonna

earn you our respect.


01:17:56,000 --> 01:17:59,960

When, when the shit hits the fan,

and lives are at risk, you know, like


01:17:59,960 --> 01:18:01,970

they say, you know, I know that much.


01:18:02,520 --> 01:18:05,760

I don't know nothing, but I know that

much, that it's about the guy next to you.


01:18:06,520 --> 01:18:10,340

And then he, he proves himself

to be a worthy guy next to you.


01:18:10,870 --> 01:18:13,170

So I think that's important.


01:18:13,220 --> 01:18:15,100

That's a very important

part of the film, I think.


01:18:15,575 --> 01:18:18,325

Scott: think it also demonstrates

having been in the military.


01:18:18,765 --> 01:18:24,975

It also demonstrates that sometimes

people get the idea of combat and war as.


01:18:25,815 --> 01:18:27,415

Yeah, I'm Johnny big balls.


01:18:27,415 --> 01:18:28,625

I'm going to, I'm Rambo.


01:18:28,635 --> 01:18:28,925



01:18:29,235 --> 01:18:31,955

And, and I think some of them kicking

his ass was kind of like, look,


01:18:31,975 --> 01:18:33,975

you're really high strung right now.


01:18:35,005 --> 01:18:35,595

been there.


01:18:35,635 --> 01:18:37,455

We know you have not been there.


01:18:37,465 --> 01:18:38,135

It's not a mean thing.


01:18:38,135 --> 01:18:38,245

It's like.


01:18:38,725 --> 01:18:39,375

Take it from us.


01:18:39,385 --> 01:18:40,184

We're seasoned veterans.


01:18:40,315 --> 01:18:40,505

Katie: hmm.


01:18:40,875 --> 01:18:44,385

Scott: put a little pause on the fact of

how excited you are to get over there.


01:18:44,385 --> 01:18:44,805



01:18:45,845 --> 01:18:49,045

when you're on a, when you're on a

firing range and a lot of people get


01:18:49,045 --> 01:18:52,225

all excited about having guns and on

the firing range, they're not shooting


01:18:52,235 --> 01:18:57,285

back at you, you find out the test of

who you are when we call it the two way


01:18:57,285 --> 01:19:00,434

live firing range, where you're not being

shot at, you're now a target as well.


01:19:00,434 --> 01:19:02,535

You're not just the

person shooting a target.


01:19:02,765 --> 01:19:04,345

And I think what they

did a good job with is.


01:19:04,934 --> 01:19:08,505

Him realizing in that moment that

here he was just like I cannot


01:19:08,505 --> 01:19:10,465

wait to get my first kill and then


01:19:10,530 --> 01:19:10,920

Steve: Hmm.


01:19:11,055 --> 01:19:14,655

Scott: realizes It's not everything he

cracked up to be, you know what I mean?


01:19:14,665 --> 01:19:15,595

And and it was


01:19:15,665 --> 01:19:15,895

Katie: going


01:19:16,095 --> 01:19:16,945

Scott: yeah, there's no going


01:19:17,130 --> 01:19:17,600

Steve: Hmm.


01:19:18,305 --> 01:19:21,375

Scott: and especially realizes

that this moment because it's that


01:19:21,375 --> 01:19:25,965

that the fuck up when the allows

the the Laos border guard kind of


01:19:26,205 --> 01:19:26,555

Katie: Yep.


01:19:26,675 --> 01:19:29,660

Scott: on him and gets one of the

sisters killed and You know what I mean?


01:19:29,660 --> 01:19:33,080

So it's kind of like realizes that there

are real, this is not just training.


01:19:33,080 --> 01:19:36,570

There are real consequences to

the things and actions we do.


01:19:36,630 --> 01:19:42,160

I like that part because it really,

he really starts to see yeah, I think


01:19:42,160 --> 01:19:46,309

I was, you know, I was, I thought I

was a big bad ass and I'm going to


01:19:46,309 --> 01:19:48,250

show these old timers how it's done.


01:19:49,020 --> 01:19:50,240

You know, sometimes you go, you know what?


01:19:50,240 --> 01:19:53,320

Maybe I should just take a cue from,

from those who have been there.


01:19:53,520 --> 01:19:56,120

And he then works his way

into his role at that point.


01:19:56,130 --> 01:19:59,460

You know, he kind of figures out

and he becomes part of the team.


01:20:00,275 --> 01:20:02,725

It was really not so much that he

had to have his first kill, he had


01:20:02,735 --> 01:20:05,905

to know what it was like to actually

be in combat for the first time and


01:20:05,905 --> 01:20:07,515

realize this isn't fun and games.


01:20:07,905 --> 01:20:10,475

As they said in the military, we

have a plan A, but we have plan


01:20:10,475 --> 01:20:15,455

B, C and D because plan A almost

always goes to shit immediately.


01:20:15,765 --> 01:20:17,625

And he had to learn that firsthand.


01:20:17,625 --> 01:20:19,525

And until you've been

there, you just don't know.


01:20:19,525 --> 01:20:20,905

So I really did appreciate.


01:20:21,325 --> 01:20:24,415

That part as opposed to like suddenly

him being like the guy who's like


01:20:24,415 --> 01:20:29,195

running down the hill strong grenade

like saving everybody like what where


01:20:29,195 --> 01:20:33,105

did this come from i mean i know he can

dance but why are you saving everybody


01:20:34,415 --> 01:20:37,615

you know that i think that's what

separates even the movies that we talked


01:20:37,615 --> 01:20:41,295

about the other director from first

blood to first blood part two first


01:20:41,295 --> 01:20:47,340

you Is about Rambo not wanting to have

to use what he knows he doesn't want


01:20:47,350 --> 01:20:48,900

to and then they force him and more.


01:20:48,900 --> 01:20:51,430

And number two, it's more like,

look what I, you know, it's


01:20:51,430 --> 01:20:53,750

almost like we're full eighties.


01:20:53,750 --> 01:20:55,580

He's like, I'm going to kill everybody.


01:20:55,580 --> 01:20:59,340

So Rambo changes as a character

between the two movies, but.


01:20:59,415 --> 01:21:00,705

Katie: two completely different.


01:21:00,715 --> 01:21:00,735



01:21:01,410 --> 01:21:01,640

Scott: But


01:21:01,730 --> 01:21:02,070

Steve: Yeah.


01:21:02,120 --> 01:21:04,760

Scott: the fact that at least this is

still playing in the first blood territory


01:21:04,760 --> 01:21:07,680

of like we'd like war is not glamorous.


01:21:07,740 --> 01:21:08,210

There's nothing


01:21:08,380 --> 01:21:08,760

Steve: Hmm.


01:21:08,930 --> 01:21:09,460

Scott: war and


01:21:10,460 --> 01:21:11,630

great to be prepared for it.


01:21:11,630 --> 01:21:12,610

But don't ask for it.


01:21:12,610 --> 01:21:14,910

You know, it's so I did appreciate that.


01:21:15,040 --> 01:21:16,220

Swayze did get that flip


01:21:16,920 --> 01:21:19,020

where I think he got beat up

because he needed to be put


01:21:19,020 --> 01:21:20,100

in his place is like, look.


01:21:20,120 --> 01:21:20,500

Katie: Yeah.


01:21:21,045 --> 01:21:22,225

Scott: You think you're above us.


01:21:22,235 --> 01:21:24,345

You are not, you have not been there.


01:21:24,365 --> 01:21:24,934

You don't know.


01:21:24,934 --> 01:21:28,265

And then once, then once he knows,

you know, so yeah, this, I mean, like


01:21:28,265 --> 01:21:30,335

I said, this film is actually getting

better as we talk about it for me,


01:21:30,600 --> 01:21:30,800

Steve: Yeah.


01:21:30,885 --> 01:21:33,995

Scott: because I think, I think it hits

on some good key points, like I think it


01:21:33,995 --> 01:21:36,395

does do a good job of taking its time.


01:21:37,125 --> 01:21:39,285

to build things because otherwise

we would just rush through it.


01:21:39,315 --> 01:21:42,605

And we wouldn't have these moments where

we give a shit about Patrick Swayze and


01:21:42,605 --> 01:21:44,325

his role and how these other guys are.


01:21:44,325 --> 01:21:45,205

We wouldn't care.


01:21:45,465 --> 01:21:48,295

It would just be like, all right, we're

going, we're going, we're taking them.


01:21:48,295 --> 01:21:50,135

It's like, yeah, kill

those sons of bitches.


01:21:50,135 --> 01:21:50,755

You know what I mean?


01:21:50,755 --> 01:21:55,525

So it definitely gets slow, but

it does have some good moments.


01:21:55,880 --> 01:21:58,000

Except for the fact that

they tried to shoehorn the


01:21:58,000 --> 01:22:00,190

girlfriend thing in with charts.


01:22:00,990 --> 01:22:02,620

That rapist son of a bitch.


01:22:02,650 --> 01:22:04,040

I just want to keep warm, I promise.


01:22:04,070 --> 01:22:05,330

I was like, we don't need this.


01:22:05,500 --> 01:22:06,440

Steve and I talk about this all the time.


01:22:06,530 --> 01:22:09,610

We're shoehorning in a character

in a love story we don't need.


01:22:09,890 --> 01:22:11,930

I don't need charts to fall

in love because his wife's a


01:22:11,940 --> 01:22:12,990

bitch because he ignores her.


01:22:12,990 --> 01:22:14,120

I don't care about that.


01:22:14,960 --> 01:22:15,870

stick to the story.


01:22:15,870 --> 01:22:17,500

We're going to save this guy's kid.


01:22:17,530 --> 01:22:20,240

Katie: been completely cut

their weird Roma because


01:22:20,390 --> 01:22:22,840

Scott: And then she like starts to

like him like I don't what where


01:22:23,190 --> 01:22:24,559

Katie: know it's by the end.


01:22:24,559 --> 01:22:26,300

She they're like a couple


01:22:26,570 --> 01:22:30,050

Scott: I mean, you're a female It

says that what what was that even


01:22:30,080 --> 01:22:33,390

because as men, you know, that probably

worked He did just the right thing


01:22:33,390 --> 01:22:37,570

like but in reality what the hell

that was the creepiest thing ever


01:22:37,785 --> 01:22:38,345

Katie: creepy.


01:22:38,385 --> 01:22:39,825

I, it should have been cut.


01:22:39,855 --> 01:22:44,195

I feel like there were a lot of

other scenes that were cut and


01:22:44,195 --> 01:22:45,785

those weird ones were left in.


01:22:45,825 --> 01:22:47,105

So it's either all or nothing.


01:22:47,115 --> 01:22:49,295

And I, yeah, I didn't like that at


01:22:49,295 --> 01:22:49,645



01:22:49,670 --> 01:22:52,250

Scott: don't even understand

the point of why mean


01:22:53,035 --> 01:22:53,505

Katie: because it


01:22:53,650 --> 01:22:53,670

Scott: Yeah


01:22:53,705 --> 01:22:54,445

Katie: us dislike


01:22:54,445 --> 01:22:54,755



01:22:55,165 --> 01:22:59,184

Scott: No, no, I think, but back



01:22:59,184 --> 01:23:00,895

don't, like, I didn't hate his wife.


01:23:00,934 --> 01:23:03,655

I understood why she was

upset with him, because he, he


01:23:03,655 --> 01:23:05,175

could, he, look, he had PTSD.


01:23:05,395 --> 01:23:07,365

He wasn't present and didn't

want to hang out with her.


01:23:07,365 --> 01:23:09,035

So she was like, I'm going

to still live my life.


01:23:09,035 --> 01:23:10,255

You clearly don't want to.


01:23:10,455 --> 01:23:11,625

And it's been 10 years now.


01:23:11,795 --> 01:23:14,725

Not, you know, not to say that you

have to get over things, but you


01:23:14,725 --> 01:23:17,335

know, you're not even making any

attempts to move forward in your life.


01:23:17,565 --> 01:23:20,695

So I didn't feel like if if we'd walked

in and he'd get out of the helicopter


01:23:20,695 --> 01:23:23,915

and she's banging three other dudes,

you go, okay, now I understand.


01:23:23,925 --> 01:23:25,955

I feel, Oh, Hey, he found love, true love.


01:23:26,015 --> 01:23:26,385



01:23:26,450 --> 01:23:26,600

Katie: Mm


01:23:26,765 --> 01:23:29,115

Scott: But I didn't, we didn't

get that impression with the wife.


01:23:29,415 --> 01:23:33,035

And then out of the blue, I knew as

soon as he get eyes with her, when


01:23:33,035 --> 01:23:36,285

she had the mask up, I was like, and

they brought the mules like, ah, shit,


01:23:36,300 --> 01:23:36,830

Katie: Yep.


01:23:36,855 --> 01:23:37,405

Scott: to text Steve.


01:23:37,445 --> 01:23:39,335

I think they're going to

shoehorn a fucking love story.


01:23:39,335 --> 01:23:39,925

Not a Steve.


01:23:40,420 --> 01:23:41,250

Katie: You knew it.


01:23:41,280 --> 01:23:42,220

You knew it.


01:23:42,510 --> 01:23:46,120

You know what else you, I knew

immediately because when we,


01:23:46,160 --> 01:23:47,900

we see the scene of is it?


01:23:47,900 --> 01:23:50,882

Wilkes and Blaster in

the water, river water.


01:23:50,882 --> 01:23:53,314

I'm like, Ooh, what's in the water?


01:23:53,314 --> 01:23:54,008

I have.


01:23:54,008 --> 01:23:54,356



01:23:54,450 --> 01:23:55,020

Steve: Hmm.


01:23:55,255 --> 01:23:58,345

Scott: Yeah, the only unfortunate

part of that, and again, this is, I


01:23:58,345 --> 01:24:01,615

do love, this is what I do love about

movies though, is if you've ever seen


01:24:01,615 --> 01:24:03,195

the movie Thank You For Smoking with


01:24:03,210 --> 01:24:03,680

Steve: I haven't.


01:24:03,845 --> 01:24:09,735

Scott: and Rob Lowe, so Rob Lowe plays

this, this producer, and Aaron Eckhart is


01:24:09,735 --> 01:24:14,095

a lobbyist for the tobacco company, and

they're talking about, you know, is it,


01:24:14,415 --> 01:24:17,684

he's brought him in to ask him, can you

make, you know, can, can people smoke in


01:24:17,684 --> 01:24:21,745

space, and all, you know, And cause that's

what Aaron Eckhart says to Rob Lowe.


01:24:21,755 --> 01:24:23,395

And Rob Lowe's character goes,

we'll just write a Latin line


01:24:23,395 --> 01:24:24,355

dialogue and we'll make it happen.


01:24:24,415 --> 01:24:27,615

And it was just kind of like, when

he sees the snake, he just grabs the


01:24:27,615 --> 01:24:28,405

dead snake and goes, Oh, don't worry.


01:24:28,405 --> 01:24:28,955

It's not poisonous.


01:24:29,085 --> 01:24:33,005

I'm like, this guy knows

all the snakes too.


01:24:33,125 --> 01:24:33,465

It was just


01:24:33,835 --> 01:24:34,905

like, he got bit in the hand.


01:24:34,905 --> 01:24:36,095

He goes, Oh, don't worry about it.


01:24:36,535 --> 01:24:37,184

It's not poisonous.


01:24:37,184 --> 01:24:38,695

And I thought in my head, I was

like, well, then why do we have


01:24:38,695 --> 01:24:39,615

the snake bite him and all?


01:24:39,815 --> 01:24:42,565

If there's no stakes in this

snake biting him, cause I thought,


01:24:42,605 --> 01:24:43,705

Oh, we bit him in the hand.


01:24:44,005 --> 01:24:44,815

Now he's got to suck the poison.


01:24:44,875 --> 01:24:45,275

Oh shit.


01:24:45,275 --> 01:24:50,085

We're down the, the one guy who feels

like he's the guy who's going to.


01:24:50,365 --> 01:24:51,535

Make this mission happen.


01:24:51,535 --> 01:24:54,775

Like he's our Rambo S guy because

he's the one who, you know, when


01:24:54,775 --> 01:24:57,485

they're in the train exercise, kills

them all, he like sneaks up on them.


01:24:57,735 --> 01:24:58,934

And I thought, Oh, he's our guy.


01:24:58,945 --> 01:25:01,535

And I thought, Ooh, the filmmakers

have just taken him out of the


01:25:01,535 --> 01:25:03,205

equation, which is amazing.


01:25:03,215 --> 01:25:04,875

Like it's what makes snake Plissken.


01:25:04,885 --> 01:25:08,855

Great is he gets injured early on

and he limps the rest of the way


01:25:09,184 --> 01:25:10,275

through the movie.


01:25:10,375 --> 01:25:14,045

Katie: has the fight with that slag

dude and it affects him in no way.


01:25:14,635 --> 01:25:15,655

Scott: I understand, but

you know what I'm saying?


01:25:15,655 --> 01:25:17,725

Like the rest of them, he, he

limps except for the fight,


01:25:17,805 --> 01:25:18,065

Katie: yeah,


01:25:18,255 --> 01:25:21,434

Scott: So I thought, Oh, we're going

to take care of Fred Ward's character.


01:25:21,465 --> 01:25:24,184

And now we're like, he's going to

be down or he's gonna get paralyzed.


01:25:24,184 --> 01:25:27,785

And now we have to a whole new set of

circumstances are making this mission


01:25:27,805 --> 01:25:33,265

even more, and it just ended up being

trauma to crawl through, but the


01:25:33,265 --> 01:25:35,035

snakes coming down the tunnel at him.


01:25:35,035 --> 01:25:36,095

So how he didn't see it.


01:25:36,495 --> 01:25:38,195

I don't know, but he gets bitten.


01:25:38,195 --> 01:25:39,655

They're like, don't worry about it.


01:25:39,725 --> 01:25:40,635

His buddy Dan's like, Hey,


01:25:40,860 --> 01:25:41,150

Katie: that


01:25:41,315 --> 01:25:41,655

Scott: poisonous.


01:25:41,920 --> 01:25:42,160

Katie: thing


01:25:42,170 --> 01:25:42,370



01:25:42,465 --> 01:25:44,145

Scott: Yeah, that's what

it was because I thought,


01:25:44,430 --> 01:25:49,130

Katie: him because he had a whole,

he had, he's the most like PTSD


01:25:49,295 --> 01:25:50,815

Scott: yeah, he was a tunnel rat in there.


01:25:51,770 --> 01:25:52,250

Katie: And.


01:25:52,765 --> 01:25:54,255

I actually I thought the same thing.


01:25:54,255 --> 01:25:55,045

I'm like, oh, crap.


01:25:55,065 --> 01:25:56,145

Now they're going to take him out.


01:25:56,145 --> 01:25:59,235

But it's almost like it

gave us as an audience.


01:25:59,365 --> 01:26:01,115

That's that's stress of that.


01:26:01,125 --> 01:26:02,434

But then we are relieved.


01:26:02,585 --> 01:26:03,035

I don't know.


01:26:03,305 --> 01:26:04,045

I kind of liked


01:26:04,045 --> 01:26:04,325



01:26:04,335 --> 01:26:05,965

Scott: I just enjoyed the, him

going, he looked at the snake.


01:26:05,965 --> 01:26:06,565

He goes, don't worry about it.


01:26:06,565 --> 01:26:07,305

It's not, it's not poisonous.


01:26:07,365 --> 01:26:09,625

Like, Oh, he's a, he's a

snake charmer over here.


01:26:09,635 --> 01:26:10,745

And this guy knows all his snakes.


01:26:10,785 --> 01:26:11,115

I know.


01:26:11,315 --> 01:26:11,745

Steve: He just,


01:26:11,934 --> 01:26:12,135

Scott: no,


01:26:12,255 --> 01:26:13,355

Steve: he just knows his stuff.


01:26:13,415 --> 01:26:13,505

Scott: it.


01:26:13,505 --> 01:26:13,695

But it


01:26:13,705 --> 01:26:14,965

Steve: He knows his stuff!


01:26:15,175 --> 01:26:15,445

Scott: But I


01:26:15,485 --> 01:26:16,565

Steve: been here before!


01:26:16,665 --> 01:26:18,065

Scott: so like, Hey, don't worry about it.


01:26:18,195 --> 01:26:19,715

Don't, Hey, Hey, forget about it.


01:26:19,715 --> 01:26:20,085

It's all right.


01:26:20,085 --> 01:26:21,535

So this is a fucking regular guy.


01:26:21,535 --> 01:26:21,745



01:26:21,755 --> 01:26:22,165

Get up there.


01:26:22,195 --> 01:26:22,835

Get up the tunnel.


01:26:23,230 --> 01:26:24,309

Katie: And his hand is now injured.


01:26:24,309 --> 01:26:25,380

That was like a pretty good sized


01:26:25,755 --> 01:26:27,015

Scott: It was, it was,


01:26:27,040 --> 01:26:29,095

Katie: yeah,


01:26:29,305 --> 01:26:31,425

Scott: like with you, Kay,

I had not seen this film.


01:26:32,065 --> 01:26:35,135

actually was almost hoping that

they were at the wrong prison camp.


01:26:35,675 --> 01:26:40,245

Part of me was like, I actually thought

they were going to trick us and we,


01:26:40,265 --> 01:26:43,135

all this planning had been put in for

nothing and they'd moved the prison.


01:26:43,495 --> 01:26:47,175

I kind of was just a little

disappointed when it didn't happen.


01:26:47,175 --> 01:26:49,795

I was kind of like, it's been 10 years.


01:26:49,835 --> 01:26:50,875

Who knows how long ago that.


01:26:50,950 --> 01:26:51,220

Katie: think


01:26:51,380 --> 01:26:52,420

Scott: Yeah, they did.


01:26:52,420 --> 01:26:54,080

I really did like that feeling.


01:26:54,370 --> 01:26:54,920

Katie: Yeah.


01:26:55,350 --> 01:26:59,320

I think they do a several fake outs

like that just to give us that little


01:26:59,320 --> 01:27:01,180

bit of stress, but then it's relieved.


01:27:01,210 --> 01:27:01,470

I don't know.


01:27:01,470 --> 01:27:05,360

I thought they kept me on my

toes because I hadn't seen it.


01:27:05,380 --> 01:27:07,000

I didn't think that it was Yeah.


01:27:08,070 --> 01:27:11,590

in any way I, I was fully

engaged the whole time, but it


01:27:11,590 --> 01:27:12,540

sounds like you guys weren't


01:27:13,030 --> 01:27:15,240

Scott: I'm not going to speak with

Steve, but there was a moment when they


01:27:15,240 --> 01:27:19,550

got finished with the the training I

paused it to see how much was left.


01:27:19,550 --> 01:27:22,110

I figured we got 15 minutes left

and it was like another hour.


01:27:22,110 --> 01:27:23,470

I was like, Oh my God.


01:27:23,850 --> 01:27:24,980

Like I was like, that took four.


01:27:25,059 --> 01:27:26,720

I was like, wow, we've got another hour.


01:27:26,880 --> 01:27:27,130

Katie: even


01:27:27,140 --> 01:27:27,500



01:27:27,600 --> 01:27:27,990

Scott: Yeah.


01:27:27,990 --> 01:27:28,850

They hadn't done any of that stuff.


01:27:28,850 --> 01:27:30,230

And I was like, Oh my God.


01:27:30,745 --> 01:27:33,295

Steve: And then they get over there

and they get the weapons taken away


01:27:33,295 --> 01:27:34,505

from them and they're like, Oh my God.


01:27:34,910 --> 01:27:35,880

Scott: And then it's a whole nother.


01:27:36,220 --> 01:27:36,700



01:27:37,425 --> 01:27:38,015

So where


01:27:38,165 --> 01:27:38,625

Steve: I'm just


01:27:38,645 --> 01:27:39,205

Scott: no, I know what you mean.


01:27:39,205 --> 01:27:39,415



01:27:39,505 --> 01:27:39,905

Steve: Oh, sorry.


01:27:40,015 --> 01:27:40,805

Scott: moments in the film.


01:27:40,845 --> 01:27:44,075

And then there's also things that really

kind of like bring some of that down


01:27:44,075 --> 01:27:45,315

because you kind of get like taking the


01:27:45,415 --> 01:27:45,855

Steve: Yeah.


01:27:45,865 --> 01:27:46,085

Scott: sails


01:27:46,105 --> 01:27:48,275

Katie: can see that a

little bit the weapon part.


01:27:48,275 --> 01:27:48,985

I was like, oh,


01:27:48,985 --> 01:27:49,205



01:27:49,230 --> 01:27:49,320

Scott: I


01:27:49,320 --> 01:27:50,020

need another thing.


01:27:50,030 --> 01:27:51,690

And then it's like, Oh, the

helicopter things moved.


01:27:51,690 --> 01:27:53,990

And it's like, well, Jesus Christ, at this


01:27:54,000 --> 01:27:54,760

Steve: Yeah, it's like,


01:27:54,910 --> 01:27:55,600

Scott: point, your son's dead.


01:27:55,620 --> 01:27:56,190

I'm sorry.


01:27:56,220 --> 01:27:59,390

Steve: Enough already!


01:27:59,390 --> 01:28:00,530

Let's move!


01:28:00,600 --> 01:28:05,710

But by the end, But by the end, You

just get an amazing explosive finale.


01:28:06,200 --> 01:28:06,340

Scott: You


01:28:06,360 --> 01:28:06,950

Steve: you get the


01:28:07,070 --> 01:28:07,480

Scott: payoff.


01:28:07,585 --> 01:28:10,325

Steve: get the bump, you get the

sort of nihilistic bummer, not,


01:28:10,345 --> 01:28:13,845

not completely bummer ending

but for, for the main guy it is.


01:28:13,934 --> 01:28:19,035

And, and then though, I will say this,

it kind of ends on a dime, doesn't it?


01:28:19,045 --> 01:28:21,265

It's just like when he kisses

his wife and the credits start


01:28:21,275 --> 01:28:22,475

coming up and it's just like,


01:28:22,550 --> 01:28:25,380

Scott: they're kind of like,

how do we end this another way?


01:28:25,380 --> 01:28:25,790



01:28:26,165 --> 01:28:26,765

Steve: yeah.


01:28:27,080 --> 01:28:27,840

Scott: Oh, you're home.


01:28:27,840 --> 01:28:28,590

Hey, he's home.


01:28:28,640 --> 01:28:29,309

Oh, you're home.


01:28:29,540 --> 01:28:33,690

Then they're like, he looks at his

wife and she, and she's just I don't


01:28:33,690 --> 01:28:34,630

know, maybe she didn't want him to go.


01:28:34,630 --> 01:28:35,520

And she seems happy.


01:28:35,520 --> 01:28:38,138

Or she's probably proud

of him for doing this.


01:28:38,138 --> 01:28:38,257



01:28:38,375 --> 01:28:40,035

Steve: And the fact that he made it back,


01:28:40,405 --> 01:28:40,835

Katie: Yeah.


01:28:40,990 --> 01:28:42,770

Scott: did this, you

brought other people's back.


01:28:42,800 --> 01:28:44,700

You didn't bring our son

back, but it's still a very


01:28:44,700 --> 01:28:46,230

commendable thing that you did.


01:28:46,620 --> 01:28:50,100

So it maybe is a perfect ending

from the end because, because


01:28:50,100 --> 01:28:51,160

it does get sad after that.


01:28:51,160 --> 01:28:52,030

This is:


01:28:52,030 --> 01:28:53,670

We don't start doing sad endings yet.


01:28:53,890 --> 01:28:54,330

You know what I mean?


01:28:54,330 --> 01:28:54,410



01:28:54,585 --> 01:28:55,750

Steve: mm, mm.


01:28:55,840 --> 01:28:58,050

Scott: not like crying,

putting out a gravestone.


01:28:58,050 --> 01:28:58,600

He's not there anymore.


01:28:58,980 --> 01:28:59,750

There's none of that.


01:28:59,770 --> 01:29:03,000

So is there like a, I felt like

Uncommon Valor too was coming.


01:29:03,000 --> 01:29:04,600

It's like, now we got to go

over there and find his body.


01:29:04,690 --> 01:29:05,700

Well, now we got to go back.


01:29:05,870 --> 01:29:08,430

We got to exhume him, got to

bring him back, got a burial.


01:29:08,430 --> 01:29:08,530



01:29:09,360 --> 01:29:09,720

get that.


01:29:10,405 --> 01:29:11,635

Katie: I did like them.


01:29:12,025 --> 01:29:15,515

I mean, again, this is like very

movie tropey, but the way that the


01:29:15,515 --> 01:29:21,095

movie opens is also the same way

that the final fight scene happens.


01:29:21,715 --> 01:29:25,184

It's a, it's a gunfight, it's a

firefight, and there, a couple of


01:29:25,195 --> 01:29:27,715

people really trying to get the chopper,

but the chopper's like, we got to go.


01:29:27,715 --> 01:29:28,215

We got to go.


01:29:28,225 --> 01:29:28,825

We got to go.


01:29:29,015 --> 01:29:31,785

But this time they all make it

or everybody who can make it.


01:29:32,620 --> 01:29:33,090

Makes it


01:29:33,700 --> 01:29:34,920

Steve: Yeah, no, I mean,


01:29:35,020 --> 01:29:36,880

Scott: think they did a good job,

as Steve will saying, our show


01:29:36,880 --> 01:29:38,410

of doing economic filmmaking.


01:29:38,410 --> 01:29:41,440

Because you don't see who's shooting

at them in the beginning of that movie


01:29:41,940 --> 01:29:43,050

until they're finally helicopter.


01:29:43,050 --> 01:29:44,850

And then you see probably

a bunch of extras.


01:29:44,850 --> 01:29:48,210

'cause it's easier to not show that

you're not showing real Vietnamese people.


01:29:48,480 --> 01:29:50,610

And probably didn't have the, you know,

I don't know where they filmed it.


01:29:51,360 --> 01:29:54,030

They have people just charging through

the water that the patty, right?


01:29:54,030 --> 01:29:54,630

The rice patty.


01:29:54,870 --> 01:29:55,800

And you can't see them.


01:29:55,800 --> 01:29:56,610

They're just in outfits.


01:29:56,610 --> 01:29:57,480

So we don't know.


01:29:58,230 --> 01:30:01,020

matter what nationality, we don't know,

but we, we assume that's the Vietnamese.


01:30:01,430 --> 01:30:02,520

Army attacking them.


01:30:02,760 --> 01:30:05,860

And so I thought that was really

kind of economical and good because


01:30:06,280 --> 01:30:07,160

sometimes you don't have a budget.


01:30:07,160 --> 01:30:08,220

Like I said, there's not a big budget.


01:30:08,250 --> 01:30:09,880

So how are we going to

make this scene work?


01:30:10,100 --> 01:30:12,990

We're going to put the camera

facing our actors and we don't


01:30:12,990 --> 01:30:13,970

see the threat behind them.


01:30:14,140 --> 01:30:16,110

So it makes us want to turn

around and see the threat.


01:30:16,260 --> 01:30:18,750

And then we finally see it, but

they just keep getting shot.


01:30:18,750 --> 01:30:20,980

We don't know how close they are, how

far away they are, what's going on.


01:30:20,980 --> 01:30:23,350

So it does add a bit of element of chaos.


01:30:23,750 --> 01:30:27,490

When you are forced to do some kind of Oh,

basically independent economic filmmaking


01:30:27,490 --> 01:30:29,230

when you don't have cause 30 million.


01:30:29,640 --> 01:30:31,030

I mean, I know are 14.


01:30:31,720 --> 01:30:32,870

still pretty for:


01:30:32,870 --> 01:30:34,430

It's kind of a big budget for


01:30:34,760 --> 01:30:35,720

a film like this.


01:30:35,740 --> 01:30:36,059



01:30:36,270 --> 01:30:37,640

Katie: all the explosions


01:30:38,510 --> 01:30:38,760



01:30:38,760 --> 01:30:39,250

Steve: yeah, no,


01:30:39,330 --> 01:30:44,525

Katie: of people in it Like,

I guess only Gene Hackman was


01:30:44,535 --> 01:30:46,375

like a superstar at the time.


01:30:46,700 --> 01:30:48,059

Steve: yeah, yeah,


01:30:49,050 --> 01:30:49,320

Scott: which is


01:30:49,410 --> 01:30:50,050

Steve: the budget,


01:30:50,680 --> 01:30:52,420

Scott: at the time too,

which is mind boggling.


01:30:52,440 --> 01:30:54,260

He's the superstar at 53.


01:30:54,270 --> 01:30:59,450

We think, man, now at 53, you're, you're,

you're in bad granddad's or something like


01:30:59,750 --> 01:30:59,950



01:31:00,000 --> 01:31:01,738

You know what I mean?


01:31:02,388 --> 01:31:06,308

Katie: So this was filmed in Kauai,

Hawaii, The Laos prison camp.


01:31:07,258 --> 01:31:10,418

. It was really pretty like the

lush greenery, like those shots.


01:31:10,418 --> 01:31:11,238

It was really pretty.


01:31:11,858 --> 01:31:12,838

So John Milius.


01:31:13,633 --> 01:31:15,673

And Patrick Swayze,

two back to back roles.


01:31:16,463 --> 01:31:21,583

So this, and then Red Dawn,

which is a similar type movie.


01:31:21,753 --> 01:31:22,573

Scott: Yeah, in a way.


01:31:22,573 --> 01:31:22,823



01:31:22,993 --> 01:31:23,323

A bit.


01:31:23,323 --> 01:31:23,563



01:31:23,563 --> 01:31:25,343

He's, you know, the

Russians haven't invaded


01:31:26,223 --> 01:31:29,963

Steve: Well, actually John

Milius he did a film called Big


01:31:29,963 --> 01:31:32,263

Wednesday about some surfers.


01:31:33,118 --> 01:31:36,568

Who end up getting enlisted in

Vietnam, and Red Brown's in that.


01:31:37,743 --> 01:31:38,493

Katie: Oh, really?


01:31:38,728 --> 01:31:40,588

Steve: Yeah, not a big role, but,


01:31:41,303 --> 01:31:41,763

Scott: I mean, he was


01:31:42,008 --> 01:31:43,878

Steve: but Red Brown, Red, but Red Brown.


01:31:44,593 --> 01:31:45,853

Katie: you know, directors have


01:31:45,853 --> 01:31:46,183



01:31:46,388 --> 01:31:50,858

Steve: John Milius is a real kind

of cigar chomp and maniac, isn't he?


01:31:50,978 --> 01:31:51,338

Sort of.


01:31:51,543 --> 01:31:53,282

Scott: of shit right wing son of a bitch.


01:31:54,868 --> 01:31:55,508

Steve: Exactly.


01:31:56,013 --> 01:31:59,593

Katie: Well, he is known to be

like, I w on the Red Dawn episode,


01:31:59,643 --> 01:32:01,183

like he carried gun, like a gun


01:32:01,193 --> 01:32:01,653



01:32:01,858 --> 01:32:04,528

Steve: he's, he's a, he's

a bit of a loon, that guy.


01:32:04,628 --> 01:32:08,327

But yeah, but no, it's just another,

you know, it's another Vietnam movie.


01:32:09,008 --> 01:32:10,228

Gary Bussey was in that,


01:32:10,983 --> 01:32:11,663

Katie: Really?


01:32:12,018 --> 01:32:13,088

Steve: Jan Michael Vincent.


01:32:13,098 --> 01:32:13,118



01:32:13,788 --> 01:32:14,768

And William Catt.


01:32:15,768 --> 01:32:18,458

Yeah, it's just about, yeah,

it's about, they're just surf


01:32:18,478 --> 01:32:20,788

buddies and partying it up and,


01:32:20,833 --> 01:32:21,183

Katie: yeah.


01:32:21,468 --> 01:32:24,048

Steve: and Vietnam's coming and

that's all like, yeah, it's all


01:32:24,048 --> 01:32:28,788

about going over to Nam and then,

yeah, that's a good movie too.


01:32:28,838 --> 01:32:32,478

But yeah, no, it's just notable because

mainly more for Red Brown in it.


01:32:32,618 --> 01:32:35,838

And Red Brown, I think he played He

played the first Captain America, right?


01:32:36,348 --> 01:32:38,118

In a couple of TV movies, I think.


01:32:38,468 --> 01:32:39,248

Scott: he also,


01:32:39,278 --> 01:32:39,468

Steve: was


01:32:39,718 --> 01:32:41,958

Scott: This is kind of simpatico

for what just happened this year.


01:32:42,048 --> 01:32:47,358

He was recruited by the USC, University of

Southern California, to play running back.


01:32:47,778 --> 01:32:51,878

A year later, he left the school because

he lost his starting position to O.


01:32:52,128 --> 01:32:52,668



01:32:52,998 --> 01:32:53,598



01:32:54,188 --> 01:32:54,708

Steve: Oh,


01:32:55,118 --> 01:32:55,308

Scott: O.


01:32:55,308 --> 01:32:55,518



01:32:55,518 --> 01:32:55,948



01:32:55,948 --> 01:32:57,068

He left a year later because O.


01:32:57,068 --> 01:32:57,268



01:32:57,268 --> 01:33:00,128

came in, and that was

that, and away he went.


01:33:01,543 --> 01:33:05,282

So, wow,


01:33:05,768 --> 01:33:09,738

Katie: there was actually a

TV movie of Uncommon Valor.


01:33:10,428 --> 01:33:11,398

Steve: no, right,


01:33:11,688 --> 01:33:15,368

Katie: like different

plot, but the same name


01:33:16,028 --> 01:33:17,048

released the


01:33:17,048 --> 01:33:19,268

same year, apparently.


01:33:19,708 --> 01:33:23,798

And harold Sylvester, who played

Johnson, Al Bundy's friend had


01:33:23,798 --> 01:33:25,808

a role in that TV movie too.


01:33:25,948 --> 01:33:26,148

Steve: Yeah,


01:33:26,228 --> 01:33:26,808

Katie: So he's in both


01:33:26,808 --> 01:33:27,498

Uncommon Valor.


01:33:27,868 --> 01:33:28,998

Steve: I did not know that.


01:33:30,523 --> 01:33:32,523

Katie: A bit of trivia

about the potential titles.


01:33:32,663 --> 01:33:36,543

All terrible in my opinion, in Asia,


01:33:37,833 --> 01:33:38,583

Scott: wow.


01:33:38,913 --> 01:33:41,452

Someone who was like, that was back

before they're driving tongue and cheek.


01:33:41,603 --> 01:33:42,623

What do you think about euthanasia?


01:33:42,683 --> 01:33:42,893

I don't know.


01:33:42,893 --> 01:33:44,263

Won't you say that really close together?


01:33:44,653 --> 01:33:45,433

Say it really fast.


01:33:45,433 --> 01:33:46,633

What do you think that sounds like


01:33:47,173 --> 01:33:50,952

Katie: and then Last River

to Cross and The Eight.


01:33:51,163 --> 01:33:53,513

I guess The Eight wouldn't have

been that bad, but Uncommon


01:33:53,513 --> 01:33:54,733

Valor is by far the better


01:33:54,903 --> 01:33:55,693

Scott: much better?


01:33:55,988 --> 01:33:56,688

Steve: Definitely.


01:33:56,793 --> 01:33:57,123

Scott: better.


01:33:58,563 --> 01:34:02,723

Although a part of me wants us here

to see the poster for euthanasia.


01:34:02,868 --> 01:34:03,738

Katie: Euthanasia.


01:34:04,327 --> 01:34:05,657

Is this a horror movie or something?


01:34:06,008 --> 01:34:06,478

Scott: euthanasia.


01:34:06,918 --> 01:34:10,698

And the funny thing is that like

they were probably to 22 when


01:34:10,698 --> 01:34:11,487

they were originally in Vietnam.


01:34:11,487 --> 01:34:12,088

This is 10 years later.


01:34:12,118 --> 01:34:13,228

They're not in their youth anymore.


01:34:13,228 --> 01:34:15,237

They're like in their mid

thirties at this point.


01:34:15,398 --> 01:34:15,838

You know what I mean?


01:34:15,838 --> 01:34:15,998



01:34:16,138 --> 01:34:16,788

Steve: Yeah.


01:34:16,858 --> 01:34:17,958

Scott: is Patrick Swayze.


01:34:18,548 --> 01:34:19,818

Gene Hagman's 53.


01:34:19,818 --> 01:34:20,468

He's no youth.


01:34:20,468 --> 01:34:21,358

He's no youth.


01:34:22,258 --> 01:34:22,948

Steve: What's a youth?


01:34:23,487 --> 01:34:26,798

Katie: So did you guys know

that Patrick Swayze was not who


01:34:26,798 --> 01:34:30,388

they originally cast play Scott?


01:34:31,268 --> 01:34:31,778

Steve: Nope.


01:34:32,168 --> 01:34:32,968

I did not know.


01:34:33,028 --> 01:34:34,628

Scott: you gonna give us a chance

to guess who it might've been?


01:34:34,848 --> 01:34:35,348

Without knowing


01:34:35,508 --> 01:34:35,798

Katie: a guess.


01:34:35,918 --> 01:34:37,668

I don't think you're going

to get it, but take a guess.


01:34:38,077 --> 01:34:39,428

Scott: it was Charlie Sheen at that time.


01:34:40,428 --> 01:34:41,077

Katie: It's not Charlie


01:34:41,368 --> 01:34:41,698

Scott: He's probably


01:34:41,868 --> 01:34:42,508

Steve: Roblo?


01:34:43,068 --> 01:34:44,098

Scott: probably still too young.


01:34:44,338 --> 01:34:45,188

Katie: that too, but


01:34:45,577 --> 01:34:47,487

Scott: So Swayze is a little

bit older than them because


01:34:47,487 --> 01:34:50,327

remember in The Outsiders, he is

the older, the oldest brother.


01:34:50,327 --> 01:34:54,348

So you got to go almost five to

seven years older than those guys.


01:34:55,558 --> 01:34:58,338

So I'm thinking about It's not Scott Baio.


01:34:58,378 --> 01:34:59,327

God, please don't say Scott Baio.


01:35:00,018 --> 01:35:00,788

John Travolta?


01:35:01,737 --> 01:35:02,648

Katie: you're not going to guess it.


01:35:02,768 --> 01:35:03,458

I guarantee it.


01:35:03,918 --> 01:35:04,858

Steve: I've got, I've got nothing.


01:35:04,998 --> 01:35:05,907

Scott: Kohlhauser!


01:35:05,907 --> 01:35:06,138

That's good.


01:35:09,498 --> 01:35:10,878

Katie: James Remar,


01:35:11,118 --> 01:35:12,288

Scott: Oh my god!


01:35:12,428 --> 01:35:12,648

Steve: Rob


01:35:12,968 --> 01:35:13,418

Scott: Riemer!


01:35:13,418 --> 01:35:13,678



01:35:13,708 --> 01:35:14,948

Steve: Love James Remar.


01:35:15,178 --> 01:35:16,088

Scott: Yes!


01:35:16,448 --> 01:35:17,648

Katie: and Patrick Swayze replaced him.


01:35:17,648 --> 01:35:18,758

I dunno why.


01:35:18,818 --> 01:35:19,778

I don't know what happened,


01:35:20,448 --> 01:35:21,608

Steve: I think that's probably better that


01:35:21,987 --> 01:35:22,878

Swayze was in it.


01:35:22,923 --> 01:35:23,128

Katie: for


01:35:23,608 --> 01:35:24,038

Scott: I mean, I love


01:35:24,228 --> 01:35:26,038

Steve: James Remar always plays a psycho.


01:35:26,038 --> 01:35:26,458

he's a,


01:35:26,518 --> 01:35:26,938

Katie: Yeah.


01:35:26,998 --> 01:35:28,868

Scott: but he's a, he's

a, he's a, good character


01:35:29,068 --> 01:35:29,678

Steve: actor, yeah.


01:35:29,748 --> 01:35:30,798

No, he's a great actor.


01:35:31,108 --> 01:35:33,128

Scott: maybe Patrick was

considered a character actor


01:35:33,128 --> 01:35:34,528

is still at that time, but he


01:35:34,708 --> 01:35:35,268

Steve: Yeah.


01:35:35,478 --> 01:35:37,077

Scott: chops in the

look to take him further


01:35:37,508 --> 01:35:38,858

Katie: fully made it yet.


01:35:40,398 --> 01:35:41,077

Steve: Hmm.


01:35:41,418 --> 01:35:41,808

Katie: Okay.


01:35:41,813 --> 01:35:46,398

Well, do you guys have any final

thoughts on uncommon valor?


01:35:46,403 --> 01:35:46,813



01:35:48,308 --> 01:35:52,668

Scott: for as slow as it can

be at times for a war movie.


01:35:52,987 --> 01:35:54,748

It's really a thinking man's.


01:35:54,987 --> 01:35:55,808

It's really not one way.


01:35:55,808 --> 01:35:58,327

I should put a preface to that

for a man on a mission film.


01:35:58,327 --> 01:35:59,093

It really is a movie.


01:35:59,362 --> 01:36:00,853

Thinking man's man on the mission film.


01:36:01,032 --> 01:36:01,673

It is slow.


01:36:01,673 --> 01:36:06,683

There are moments in it that are just

drag, but when you look back on it, the


01:36:06,723 --> 01:36:11,183

creators, the filmmakers did a really

good job of really dotting their eyes


01:36:11,183 --> 01:36:15,143

and crossing their T's in a way where,

okay, we don't get the big shootouts.


01:36:15,153 --> 01:36:17,433

We don't get flashbacks

to Vietnam sequences.


01:36:17,623 --> 01:36:20,073

We don't get that kind of stuff,

which would probably fill in


01:36:20,073 --> 01:36:23,273

the gaps and give more of an

action feel if it was made today.


01:36:24,327 --> 01:36:27,448

But that being said, the

ending is spectacular.


01:36:27,448 --> 01:36:31,198

The fact that we go on a mission

and the mission in a sense, we


01:36:31,198 --> 01:36:32,628

don't get the guy we want to get.


01:36:33,058 --> 01:36:35,088

We didn't save that person.


01:36:35,438 --> 01:36:36,478

We saved other people.


01:36:36,508 --> 01:36:38,898

And then that character who was the

lead throughout the entire movie


01:36:39,098 --> 01:36:44,338

doesn't get the satisfaction of what

as moviegoers get is that the lead


01:36:44,338 --> 01:36:46,458

character is always going to get what

they want at the end of the movie.


01:36:46,898 --> 01:36:48,168

And they didn't get it in this one.


01:36:48,407 --> 01:36:53,407

And it does kind of, you know, for



01:36:53,407 --> 01:36:57,657

So we're not talking about modern

day film making techniques we've got


01:36:57,657 --> 01:37:01,568

going, but for that timeframe, it

does tell a decent story about a young


01:37:01,568 --> 01:37:06,827

man who feels like he's missed out

on his war and then realizes that.


01:37:07,518 --> 01:37:11,188

He wasn't missing out on anything, you

know, like he really, it's a, it's a hard


01:37:11,188 --> 01:37:13,428

lesson Patrick's character had to learn.


01:37:13,428 --> 01:37:18,718

So for its shortcomings, it's still

worth at least one viewing, just, just,


01:37:18,718 --> 01:37:21,798

just for some of the great acting in it

and some of the, the storytelling, it's


01:37:21,798 --> 01:37:26,628

definitely a a really well told story,

even if we don't get the excitement


01:37:26,638 --> 01:37:31,077

that we get from some of the Vietnam

movies that would it or, and follow it.


01:37:31,077 --> 01:37:31,358



01:37:32,473 --> 01:37:33,123

give it a shot.


01:37:33,123 --> 01:37:34,373

It's yeah, it's got Patrick


01:37:34,448 --> 01:37:34,858

Steve: Yeah.


01:37:35,043 --> 01:37:37,793

Scott: soon probably who wants, who

knows long as how much longer we're


01:37:37,793 --> 01:37:40,293

going to have, Gene Hackman walking.


01:37:40,293 --> 01:37:43,303

Cause he's 94, he's not acting

anymore, but you know, he may


01:37:43,303 --> 01:37:44,463

not be above ground much longer.


01:37:44,463 --> 01:37:47,483

So see a truly amazing actor.


01:37:47,843 --> 01:37:50,333

At the end, you know, in the

prime of his career, for sure.


01:37:51,538 --> 01:37:53,958

Steve: Yeah, I mean, pretty much.


01:37:54,818 --> 01:37:55,498

What you've just said.


01:37:55,538 --> 01:38:01,898

This is a good old fashioned man on a

mission movie that I would have watched.


01:38:02,298 --> 01:38:03,508

Like I said, I watched it a lot.


01:38:03,528 --> 01:38:04,628

I watched it with my dad.


01:38:04,698 --> 01:38:08,288

That was one of them films you

could all sort of get into.


01:38:08,318 --> 01:38:09,907

There was something for everyone, I think.


01:38:10,258 --> 01:38:12,598

Great cast, you know.


01:38:12,648 --> 01:38:15,148

It's one of the things where

you say I was tropey as hell.


01:38:16,548 --> 01:38:20,268

You know, you say that

now in in retrospect.


01:38:20,268 --> 01:38:22,123

Yeah, but you know.


01:38:22,853 --> 01:38:26,243

Yeah, no, there weren't necessarily a

lot of films like this in the early 80s.


01:38:26,303 --> 01:38:29,853

I mean, Red Brown, it's not that

they want to make Red Brown again.


01:38:30,403 --> 01:38:32,282

But I think a couple of

years later he starred,


01:38:32,282 --> 01:38:32,803

Katie: poster?


01:38:33,143 --> 01:38:33,483

Steve: oh no,


01:38:33,793 --> 01:38:34,503

Scott: I'm going to get him one for his


01:38:34,563 --> 01:38:35,023

Steve: no, but he,


01:38:35,353 --> 01:38:35,633

Scott: Antonio


01:38:36,093 --> 01:38:38,753

Steve: he did a, he did a Rick

Dalton and went over to Italy


01:38:39,013 --> 01:38:40,713

and he starred in a Italian,


01:38:40,893 --> 01:38:41,213

Scott: film.


01:38:41,952 --> 01:38:45,313

Steve: yeah, well no, that's You're

the Hunter of the Future, whatever it


01:38:45,313 --> 01:38:48,313

is, but there's one called, there's

one called Strike Commando, which is


01:38:48,313 --> 01:38:51,813

a Rambo rip off that he starred in and

so he went over to Italy and did that.


01:38:51,823 --> 01:38:58,383

But Anyway, yeah, Uncommon Valor is just

a good traditional man on a mission movie.


01:38:59,293 --> 01:39:04,633

And it's got all the familiar beats, but

that's why we like them sort of films.


01:39:05,343 --> 01:39:09,903

You know, that's a that's a comfort movie,

that's a comfort food movie, you know.


01:39:11,173 --> 01:39:14,423

I'll watch it again now, after

watching it the other night


01:39:14,423 --> 01:39:15,823

for the first time in decades.


01:39:16,293 --> 01:39:19,083

I was like, I'll go back

to that sometime, you know.


01:39:19,663 --> 01:39:21,843

Everyone's on form, you

know, it's well made.


01:39:23,273 --> 01:39:25,833

You know, you've got all the things

you love about that kind of movie


01:39:25,833 --> 01:39:30,933

and you've got a great action finale

and then a kind of dark ending.


01:39:32,683 --> 01:39:33,843

That's pure cinema, isn't it?


01:39:33,843 --> 01:39:34,573

That's what you want.


01:39:35,223 --> 01:39:37,093

So yeah, yeah.


01:39:38,183 --> 01:39:42,733

And you know, just watch it where

you're, you know, like I say,


01:39:42,753 --> 01:39:44,813

families can watch it, I think.


01:39:45,463 --> 01:39:46,653

It's not inaccessible.


01:39:46,668 --> 01:39:47,268

Scott: Exactly.


01:39:47,393 --> 01:39:49,823

Steve: know, it's not like Rambo 4

where you've got people's heads getting


01:39:49,843 --> 01:39:51,423

cut off and their guts ripped out.


01:39:51,853 --> 01:39:55,053

You know, that's only going to appeal

to a certain type of psychopath


01:39:55,178 --> 01:39:55,657

Scott: Like us.


01:39:55,702 --> 01:39:56,053

Steve: me.


01:39:56,053 --> 01:40:01,773

You Yes, but this one, there's, there's

sort of something that sort of ticks the


01:40:01,773 --> 01:40:03,373

boxes and there's enough for everyone.


01:40:03,603 --> 01:40:05,273

And that's, and like I

say, it's accessible.


01:40:05,313 --> 01:40:07,853

So yeah, watch it.


01:40:07,933 --> 01:40:08,423

Love it.


01:40:09,748 --> 01:40:10,508

Katie: I couldn't agree more.


01:40:10,508 --> 01:40:12,448

I very much enjoyed this.


01:40:12,748 --> 01:40:16,327

It's not like a genre that I love.


01:40:16,838 --> 01:40:18,568

You know, I don't seek it out.


01:40:18,568 --> 01:40:23,768

But I have really enjoyed

Uncommon Valor and Steve, Scott,


01:40:23,818 --> 01:40:25,218

I cannot thank you enough.


01:40:25,218 --> 01:40:29,758

This was so fun talking about



01:40:29,808 --> 01:40:31,948

Remind us where we can find you.


01:40:32,108 --> 01:40:32,558



01:40:32,612 --> 01:40:37,573

Scott: you can find us on socials

at cheeky bastards podcast,


01:40:37,612 --> 01:40:39,862

or also at dropping a Bruce.


01:40:39,913 --> 01:40:44,943

And you can find our shows on the last

of the action heroes podcast network.


01:40:44,973 --> 01:40:48,263

And we're happy to be a part of

the network cause it's kind of a,


01:40:48,603 --> 01:40:53,073

a great place to, to Showcase, you

know, action films and, they're


01:40:53,073 --> 01:40:54,083

not the same as they used to be.


01:40:54,083 --> 01:40:58,933

And these are fun to be able to, to talk

about movies with a like minded people who


01:40:58,933 --> 01:41:00,503

are really just here to to listen to us.


01:41:00,503 --> 01:41:04,723

So I, we're, we're very appreciative

that Ryan, who has also been a guest of


01:41:04,723 --> 01:41:08,202

mine and a very supportive person for my

other shows of the church of Tarantino.


01:41:08,202 --> 01:41:12,103

So it's, it's great that we were able to

be a part of his network that he started.


01:41:13,638 --> 01:41:17,248

Katie: And then just as a reminder,

guys, I'm on that network for One


01:41:17,248 --> 01:41:18,558

More Round, the Rocky Sears podcast.


01:41:18,768 --> 01:41:24,428

You know, as much fun as this was, it

is now time to return to the present day


01:41:24,458 --> 01:41:28,077

reality until the next retro made episode.


01:41:28,128 --> 01:41:31,778

I can't thank you all enough for

listening or watching on YouTube.


01:41:32,098 --> 01:41:38,088

Make sure you follow a retro made

Facebook page and do not forget about


01:41:38,088 --> 01:41:41,538

that writing and review until next time.


01:41:41,588 --> 01:41:43,688

Be kind rewind.

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