Episode 37

The Mean Season | S1E37

Today, we are going to travel back to February 1985 to discuss the crime thriller, The Mean Season, and all the other “happenings” of the time.

I’m delighted to have Scott Kraushaar from The Church of Tarantino Podcast, Dropping a Bruce & The Cheeky Basterds Podcast (both also on Last of the Action Heroes Podcast Network) and the new show Kill/Marry/Smash/Eat Podcast with me today! Here's where you can find him:





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I don't want to see my name

in the paper next to patient.



Reporters for court, which happens.



Stephen, one thing, you too.



Really well.






Are you older?



The situation has

developed where a reporter.



Is materially.



Really involved in this

story, he's covering.



I'm locked into this thing.



It's collaboration.



It's a lot easier to find.



Then it is.






We may be entering Pulitzer.






You were getting bigger.



I wanted you.



Or your girlfriend and be so easy.



I be talking to you, how.



Katie: Hello, hello.



I'm Katie and welcome back to Retro

Made, your pop culture rewind.



Are you guys ready for

another trip down memory lane?



Well, whether you like it or not,

we're going to go back to February



of 1985 today to discuss the crime

thriller, The Mean Season and all



the other happenings of the time.



We have not yet covered a 1985 movie.



If you don't count North and South, which

was a miniseries with Patrick, but okay.



Today I'm very honored to have

Scott Crouch are with me today.



Scott has a lot of super cool

shows, including a new one.



That is a super fun play on the game.



Fuck Mary kill Scott.



Thank you for joining me.



Notorious Scott K: Oh,

thank you for having me.






I was on before, but this



Katie: Yes.



Notorious Scott K: I'm

flying solo without Steve.



Katie: Yes.



So it's a little different.



We're doing a Kurt movie today.



So yeah.



Tell us about your projects.



, Notorious Scott K: I met you through Ryan,



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: Over on the last of

the action heroes podcast network, where



I have a show with my co host Steve Smith.



We have two shows We do the men of

action, which is a monthly pitting of



two Action movies against one another

either there for the first time



we did it We did it from either an

actor or directors catalog this year.



We're putting together sequels



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: away

from the big names.



We try to stay away from the

ones that everyone talks about.



We try to, you know, bring light to, you

know, movies that everyone knows diehard,



everyone knows, you know, Rambo, everyone

knows those, but we try to go into the



sequels or the stuff from people's catalog

that maybe not got talked about a lot,



you know, you can only say so much about.



you can only say so much about diehard

that everyone hasn't spoken about.



So we try to skirt our way around those.



speaking of diehard, we also do dropping

a Bruce, is also there every month,



every two weeks after the other show

well, Steve and I have decided to



do is we have decided to go through

all 40 of Bruce Willis's direct



to video releases over his career.



And I think we hit the halfway

point in October as we record.



So we'll.



Be at the 20 mark.



We have 20 more to go.



So little over a year and

a half left of the journey.



Katie: How are you feeling about it?



20 and 20 to go.



Ha ha ha.



Mm hmm.



Mm hmm.






Notorious Scott K: daunting task for sure.



It's weird.



Cause now we're on 20, we

talked about it with Steve.



I recorded it last week that it's also

kind of sad because you're watching this



now in the With the eyes knowing that we

know he has aphasia that he will never



act again That there's a real good chance

now He doesn't even remember a lot of



the stuff he did like the aphasia is

really set in How much he remembers and



functions as far as like a normal person?



We don't know obviously gonna keep

it private which I would expect them



to do as this family So it's kind of

sad because you're now now knowing



it You know, if we'd went into this

and there had never been an aphasia,



we could have this fun little, like,

why did he decided to go this route?



But when you know that he

has aphasia, we're really



starting to see it peek through.



So it is like if anyone's had a

family member who's had Alzheimer's



or dementia or has seen someone

they knew vibrant suddenly kind



of slip away from them slowly.



So we're kind of watching the decline

of Bruce Willis, our childhood hero.



And that's kind of.



It's been kind of sad.



It's really melancholy.



You know, you still enjoy watching

the films because you know, we try



to get the best item that we can.



They're really tough to

get through some of them,



Katie: hmm.



Notorious Scott K: the toughest part

is watching him slip away in front



of our eyes, you know, every month.



So, you know, it's kind of a downer

to bring your podcast down around



the gate, but that's been kind of a

bit of a downer now that we've gotten



Katie: It is a little bit, but you, but

you're, the Men of Action is super fun.



What was the most recent

one I just listened to?



It was like Prometheus versus



Notorious Scott K: and Dawn

of the Planet of the Apes.



Katie: Yeah, yeah.



Good one.



Notorious Scott K: Yeah, they



Katie: And then,



Notorious Scott K: good movies.






We really enjoyed them.



Katie: I actually haven't seen

either of those, but, you have



a new show too that is super fun.



Notorious Scott K: Kill

Mary smash and eat.



Basically it's, it's a couple of

friends of mine had started with



actually Craig, Craig Cohen, a friend

of ours who has done stuff over on the



last action heroes podcast network, a

good friend of Ryan's he's been on my



other show, the church of Tarantino.



He had started a podcast called

I believe he calls it the goat.



He's talking about Brian De Palma's films



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: Ryan to do one.



And what it inspired me to do between him

and some other people I've podcasted with



was I looked at it as like, how can I have

this fun little show that I'd actually



come up with this idea two years ago, but

I was so busy doing other things that I



couldn't, have the time in my schedule to

also put it together and keep it going.



So it, recorded two episodes

that never went on air.



Heard the light of day and then I decided

to it once these gentlemen started to



do theirs i've got them in 10 episode

like capsules So this year this first



season you were on it We are doing

movies and tv shows from the 90s I'll



probably take like a two month break to

two and a half month break Then start



recording once and then for season two

It'll be tv and movie from the 80s and I



Katie: Ooh, okay.



Notorious Scott K: sounds

like a 10 week on You 10 to



Katie: Mm hmm.



Heh heh heh heh.



Notorious Scott K: Give a little

bit of air to also be able to



record and put them together.



But Yeah, it's been really,

it's been a lot of fun.



It's just, you know, it's, a

bunch of lighthearted get as fun.



You know, you get a chance to

be a little deranged, show a bit



of your freak side and have some

fun talking about hypothetical



things with fictional characters.



Katie: it's, that's,



Notorious Scott K: getting



Katie: it's a very fun show.



I highly recommend it to listeners.



Notorious Scott K: congrats.



Katie: Well, a little

bit of a show update.



So you guys might have noticed that

there hasn't been a new episode of



RetroMade in the last month ish or so.



And it has been an unplanned hiatus

for Katie because I got a new job



and it's thanks very, very demanding

as you know, just being new and



also just, it's a demanding job.



So I have not quite

figured out how to balance.



You know, get that right new

job work life balance yet.



So, please bear with me.



I, I set out to do every 2 weeks and

I really tried to stick with that.



So I've missed a couple.



So if you're sticking with me,

thank you for sticking with me.






Actually hearing you and Ryan and

all these people with multiple shows.



How on earth do you do it all

with an actual job as well?



Notorious Scott K: It's not easy.



I'll be honest.



A lot of my free time is spent, you know,

the, the hard parts, not the recording.



Katie: Right?



Mm hmm.



Mm hmm.



Mm hmm.



Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: usually a max.



Like I will record one later this evening.



Probably take about three hours.



It's an anniversary episode for

Inglourious Bastard for my church.



But because I do some multiple ones,

I have really set up a schedule.



Like I have a recording schedule.



I try to do it months in advance.



That's where I learned from things

like trying to start another podcast



when I was doing two and realizing

where am I going to fit this in?



Katie: Got it.






Notorious Scott K: I'm waiting for

AI to get better at editing audio,



Katie: Oh my god, right?



Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: in

between some of my stuff.



Katie: Mm



Notorious Scott K: having it edit all

the way, I still have to listen to it.



Cause I would have to go and cut out.



Certain things like sometimes, you know,

you know, at it, you, you, we ramble



on about something you realize that

was a good conversation we had, but



you're like, that has nothing to do what

we're listening to the listeners want



Katie: hmm.



Notorious Scott K: okay, that's not

going to make it into the episode.



So I don't know that AI is there yet



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: know what

you or I like in our episodes



and be able to put stuff in.



Still, I would just like a little

help the heavy lifting, because



that really bogs you down as the



Katie: Yeah.






Notorious Scott K: hurts.



Katie: it does.






So here's where my natural

procrastination is not helping.



I used to be like a month

in advance, maybe two.



Maybe I need to get my shit back in order.



But at any rate.



It is October, you guys, and if

you're really into spooky season and



I don't have anything for you this

year, but last year, you can listen to



those episodes on the thing as well.



And so that was with our Kurt Russell



Notorious Scott K: Mm-Hmm.



Katie: Ghosts with Patrick Swayze.



So, those were last year's spooky

season episodes, so, I don't know,



if you haven't listened to them,

listen to them, or re listen to them.



So, that's the show update.



Now, it's time to open the time capsule

so we can get into the 80s frame of mind.



February 1985.



Notorious Scott K: Wow.






Katie: I think you're a little

bit older than me, Scott, but I



A lot of these things that I was

too young to watch or things, it's



like, shocking how early in the 80s.



I'm like, oh, yeah, I totally know that.



But I think it was just like reruns

or replays on the radio or something.



Notorious Scott K: Yep.



Katie: Because I very much

remember a lot of the mid 80s.



Notorious Scott K: Yeah,



Katie: Mm-Hmm.



Notorious Scott K: when cable

was starting to come out.



You know, we have the VHS

era, so it's, it's weird.



We're kind of in that that generation

where like you have all the social



media stuff now, but it felt like

that was kind of like the, almost



like the beginning of what social

media would be like is the ability



to have things at the touch of your

fingertips that weren't available before.



So, you know, to see a movie, you

used to have to go and see the



movie or you didn't see the movie

had to wait for it to hopefully be.



Syndicated on television, you know,

like one of the big, major TV stations



and that didn't always happen.



And then once cable came

out, they had to find enough



programming to cover all this hours



Katie: Mm-Hmm.



. Mm-Hmm.



Notorious Scott K: So then, you know, they

started to get these movies, places like



USA network would have things like up all



Katie: Yeah.



Notorious Scott K: You'd

have reruns on the weekends.



I mean, HBO would run movies to

death, you know, like I think we



did an episode on the beast master.



The beast master was



Katie: Oh my God.



Notorious Scott K: The time.






Katie: The bass Master.






TBSI think.



Notorious Scott K: Yeah.



and HBO, one of the, I forget what

comedian it was, but he said that



HBO Studio 4, hey, Beastmasters on.



So, so we were in that era where like, we

may not have got it spoon fed to us, or



right from the source right away, but we

did have that once, and pop video stores



popped up and blockbuster and stuff.



We were able to get stuff like at

a lightning fast rate, you know,



and now obviously now everything's

streaming, but we were able to we,



we had kind of had that early on.



We had the, the, the building blocks

for what would be today's streaming.






Katie: Mm-Hmm.



Notorious Scott K: kind of stuff was

happening right around the eighties.



It, was a great time to be alive.



Katie: It was now the TV shows,

, the episodes that I do where



the movie is set in the early

eighties, it's very clear that.



What was being offered to us, whether

that was what we wanted or that,



you know, whatever the case may be,

it was so heavy prime time soap.



And then later in the 80s, it was all

sitcom all the time, which I love.



I love a sitcom.



So February, 1985 would have

been the:



And it is a perfect combination of

we're easing out of that prime time



soap and easing into sitcom central.



So we have top shows dynasty, Dallas

the premier season of the Cosby show,



Notorious Scott K: Oh, wow.






Katie: Family ties.



The A team, Simon and Simon,

Murder, She Wrote, Knot's Landing,



Falcon Crest, Crazy Like a Fox.



Have no idea what that is.



Have you heard of that?



Notorious Scott K: I've heard

of, I don't know what it is.



Katie: Never even heard of it.



It must have been on just for one season.



I was gonna look it up, and I didn't.



Hotel, and Cheers.



So that's, those were like the top

shows according to Nielsen Ratings.



What, what speaks to you?



Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: so I knew

my parents you know, the Falcon



Crest, the Dynasty, the Dallas,

those, those are my parents shows.



Like that's, that's the Boomers



Katie: Yes.



Notorious Scott K: And that's

Boomer TV shows of the 80s.



Like they, you know, I mean, anyone who

was of our age knows that there was an



episode on Dallas where someone shot J.






Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: that was

talked about by family members



during the summer of that year.



You know,



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: on.



So as a kid, you knew about

it, but I, I could care less.



I didn't know who Jr was or what that was.



Katie: Yeah, I've literally never

seen that show, but I know the the



cultural phenomenon Yeah, yeah.






Notorious Scott K: I know A

team was a huge fan of A team.



The Cosby show.






Katie: Mm hmm.



I know



Notorious Scott K: When you were going

through them, I was wondering if you



were going to say the Cosby show.



And then when you say it, I

always wonder, it's like, it's



the chicken and the egg scenario.



Did Bill Cosby become the

creep he ends up being?



Because of the fame of the Cosby

show, or was he always that right?



Like when, so cause you were

recording the P Diddy is a big,



Katie: Mm hmm.






Notorious Scott K: It's a

cultural touchstone moment.



Now what's going on with him and

you wonder, was he always this guy



Katie: Yes



Notorious Scott K: the sudden ability

to now have, you know, like maybe had



the mentality of it, but that he has.



The power and the fame to, to, you know,

maybe tap into some of these disturbing



fantasies of his, is that, you know, is,

which is the part that pushed him over?



Was he always going to be this way?



Or did that fame setting like really



Katie: I see what you're saying.



I think these people always have that

nastiness in them and the fame gives them



opportunity that they maybe wouldn't have

had if they were just an average show.



But I will say average shows act that

way to just, you know, They don't have



Notorious Scott K: don't have the



Katie: set.



Notorious Scott K: scale with which



Katie: Yeah.









So, but yeah, the Cosby show.



Oh, I loved it too.



Notorious Scott K: I know

you separating the artist



Katie: Yes.



Notorious Scott K: or two things

like Michael Jackson fan, I



love his music, but I also know.



Who he became so that that's always

those tough things you have to kind of



deal with but I think it's also a good

Exercise for us to be able to separate



art from the artist but I love the

couch show family ties michael j fox



I mean that was I mean amazing those

three shows family and then cheers.



I mean



Katie: Yeah.



Notorious Scott K: little bit older again

is more of a I mean I it as I got older.



'cause I would watch it in rerun.



So I really enjoyed



Katie: Yeah.



Notorious Scott K: Harrelson

later on in, in episodes or in



Katie: It's not like a kid show,

you know, like you have to, yeah.



Notorious Scott K: mature into



Katie: Right.



Notorious Scott K: lot of funny stuff.



Katie: Yeah.






Notorious Scott K: again,

it's a boomer sitcom.



It really, you know, it spoke

to the boomer generation at the



time, so you get into those.



But man, cheers.



Family Ties Cozy show and the

A team plus all the other, you



know, dramas you talked about.



I mean, those are some of like the

major TV shows of that timeframe.



Like those are a stamp to that era.



And I mean, there's some great shows.



They really were some really good shows.



I don't know that we have many

shows that come down the pipeline.



I know that we've gone to

streaming, so maybe streaming



services have better dramas, but.



The sitcom seems to be dying.



Like the,



Katie: Oh, yeah.



Notorious Scott K: of the sitcom,

what makes it comes funny seems



to really being a dying art form.



Cause I, you probably remember.



NBC had that Thursday night



Katie: Oh,



Notorious Scott K: for years.



Katie: so good.



Notorious Scott K: shows like from,

was it eight up to 10 o'clock?



So eight, eight 39, nine 30, there

were four sitcoms and then they'd have



whatever it was ER in the nineties, but



Katie: Mm.



Notorious Scott K: selling point on

Thursday nights for them, would have that



Katie: Friends and will and grace.



Notorious Scott K: So it was like Seinfeld



Katie: Yep,



Notorious Scott K: or friends in

the Seinfeld and then two and then



boom, er, would we be the last one?



Katie: must see TV and you would tape it.



You would, if you had something

going on, you had, you would tape it.









Notorious Scott K: Wow.



Oh, wow.



Katie: a few notable premieres for this

season too, that weren't necessarily



in the top or they were a cartoon.



And these spoke to me cause I

am a small child at this time.



Muppet babies was one

of my favorite cartoons.



My little pony, punky Brewster.



These all premiered this season.



Kids incorporated.



Which I think was on like

a channel we didn't get.



So I watched it at like

my neighbors or something.



I don't know.



It was a pay channel, but

then nightly shows, Miami vice



premiered 84, 85 season night court.



Notorious Scott K: Remember that?



Well, are these, so some of these are

like all, as you get older, like late



eighties, when these are all syndicated,

these are when I start to really



Katie: Yes.



Notorious Scott K: and really

start to watch Miami vice.



Cause you know, like

you're saying you're young.



I was nine.



I just turned nine in December

of 84 before we got into



Katie: Mm.






Notorious Scott K: like

you said, I'm still, I'm in



Katie: This is, yeah, it's great stuff.



Charles in charge.



Do you remember Charles in charge?



Notorious Scott K: Scott



Katie: freaking



Notorious Scott K: since



Katie: oh, how he has fallen.



I know.



And he was so good looking too.



I loved Charles in charge for some reason.



I was like, this is a wild.



They were just again.



I know I've talked about it before,

but this is where it was a nice house.



Notorious Scott K: Mm hmm.






Katie: They probably were.



Maybe you're on the wealthier side, but

there were just regular middle class



families that had help in the eighties.



Notorious Scott K: like Mr.



Belvedere and stuff.



Katie: Yes.



I'm like, what is happening?



That's not the case.






We, we can barely afford

our rent or mortgages.






Who's the boss 1 of my that's in my top 5.



It's this was its premier season.



I will go into more detail on who's

the boss in an upcoming episode.



I love it.






Yeah, I think I have a, I know

I have a thing for Italian men.



Cause I'm like everyone

like, Oh God, that Tony Danza



Notorious Scott K: Good old Tony.



And then Alyssa Milano

for those of us who are



Katie: for the men.






Notorious Scott K: cow.



Who's this young lady?



Katie: She, she is a striking beauty.



Notorious Scott K: She is.



I was thinking the theme songs



Katie: Oh, Oh,



Notorious Scott K: I started like

late 70s but the 80s shows like the



theme songs were just so amazing.



Like I have an actual

playlist on my Apple Music.



Of just eighties theme

songs, just because of the



Katie: I love that.






Notorious Scott K: we used to sometimes

like on road trips, we play content.



Can you name it?



But, you know, within like three

bars of what the song is and then



Katie: and you can



Notorious Scott K: Yeah.



And it's, it's just, I



Katie: or, Oh,



Notorious Scott K: like, it's crazy.



Like you say, we're transporting back,

but you really are transported back.



I can remember smells moments days,

like one, a day that I was watching



the show, like it really does bring

back this wave of nostalgia that



you're just kind of like, Holy cow.



That was.



The time and place you didn't realize

really kind of hooked you, you know,



I'm not saying that shows don't have

good ones today, but just, there was



always like a singing version too.



Like it was, it wasn't just like musical.



There was always like

an actual song to it.



Like the golden girls has got a great one.



Katie: my God.






Notorious Scott K: I mean,

they're just, they're,



Katie: Phenomenal.



Notorious Scott K: in your head.



Katie: And I mentioned murder.



She wrote being, you know,

one of the top shows.



I recently posted on the Facebook

page, speaking of theme songs,



the still of the opening or the

ending, still, you can hear it.



Like you can hear.



A picture.



It is wild.






And Jeopardy, I will say, is the last one.



I thought Jeopardy was

older for some reason.



It premiered in 1984 85 season.



Notorious Scott K: it's, it's

the longest, I think running game



show, if I'm not mistaken, like

without break, like without a,



Katie: Oh, I was thinking

Wheel was, maybe.



Notorious Scott K: family feud was

out, but then that kind of goes



into this weird, small studio,

almost like on syndication, but



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: TV.



And then, you know, a couple

of guys bring it back.



I would see guys, why am

I forgetting his name?



Katie: Steve Harvey?



Notorious Scott K: art.






Katie: Yeah.



Notorious Scott K: you know?



But alex Trebek was



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K:

forever the guy, you know,



Katie: Yeah.



Notorious Scott K: and the theme

song, whenever anybody needs a moment



to think someone always hums the



Katie: Mm hmm.



Mm hmm.



Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: are.



If someone needs any more than

three seconds to think some



wise ass is always going to hum

the final jeopardy theme song.



Katie: Okay.



Aside from the Jeffersons, which

this was its finale season, so



it's like, you can very much feel.






Because that seemed in my head.



Like, late 70s, early 80s, and

so it ended this season and then



there are a few cartoons that I

adored that ended this season.



Do you remember the Heathcliff cartoon?



Notorious Scott K: do remember

Heathcliff because a lot of



people don't remember Heathcliff.



He was kind of like that.



He was the Bugs Bunny to

Garfield's Mickey Mouse, right?



Like he was kind of like,

he was an orange tabby cat.



He was, he, they, they wanted to kind of

like have someone who could compete with



Garfield, but without being Garfield,

like they, you know, they didn't lean



into any of the stuff Garfield does the

eating of lasagna, the being mean to



the dog, you know, but I do remember

Heathcliff, but he didn't have a long run.



Katie: No, he didn't.



I think it was like 1 or maybe 2 seasons.



There were quite a few episodes, but yeah.



Now, what I remember about it is this was

a thing that they did with some cartoons.



It was like the 1st half was Heathcliff,

the orange tabby cat, and then the



2nd half was like this they called

them, they were like the rough and



tumble, like alley cat version and

they got into all sorts of antics.



And one of them had a

headband with leg warmers.



It was like a two part cartoon somehow.



You guys know what I'm

talking about at home?



Notorious Scott K: know trouble.



If you're not a child of the

eighties, might not, might









I know.






Katie: Yeah.



And Inspector Gadget.



Well, I



Notorious Scott K: Nickelodeon.



Katie: I love it.



I love it.



He Man and the Masters of the Universe.



It was this last season.



Notorious Scott K: Hmm.



Katie: too.



Well, She Ra, but He Man too.



Notorious Scott K: Hmm.



Katie: the Wuzzles was

also its final season.



Did you ever watch that?



Notorious Scott K: it, but I

don't remember like vividly.



Don't remember it.



Katie: Like the combo?



It was like the stuffed

animals were really popular.



It was a combination of animals.



Notorious Scott K: So kind of

playing with the Care Bears.



Cause the Care Bears



Katie: Yes, you're right.



Notorious Scott K: extra

animals in with them.



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: think that even in

their dolls, elephants and some other



things like started to show up and



Katie: Yep,



Notorious Scott K: the Care Bears.



Katie: yeah, yeah, I do miss this time.



So that was TV I know I know

it is like teleports me back to



being a kid in the living room and



Notorious Scott K: Mm



Katie: 80s



Notorious Scott K: a great time.



Like I say it all the time.



I told my kids are now

adults, young adults.



I was like, listen, I love you and

all, but someone gave me a magic



pill to go back to the eighties.



I can't promise you'd be back again.



I don't, I don't know.



I'd go back.



I'm out.



I'm headed back.



go back now.



Katie: Figure it out.



You're on your own from now on.






Well, let's transition to some music



Notorious Scott K: right.



Katie: eighties, mid eighties.



This is the top 10 billboards




So like Valentine's day.



So careless whisper is

the number one song.



Easy to protect.



Katie: And it says actually

wham featuring George Michael.



I thought that was interesting.



Notorious Scott K: Yeah, I

think that was right around the



time where he was going solo.



Wham had kind of reached its apex.



And I think, cause if you look it up on

even iTunes, you can find it under George



Michael and you can find it under the

wham collection and there is that weird, I



Katie: Okay.



Notorious Scott K: I think he had made it.



I think he was trying to like

separate and keep it as his own song.



Cause it is.



I if you go back and listen to wham, it's

really pop bubblegum stuff, early stuff,



and then careless whisper is something



Katie: So good.



Notorious Scott K: But I think it was

at that moment he was transitioning,



getting ready to release his own album,



Katie: Yeah, that makes sense.



Notorious Scott K: years later.



And so yeah, there was that

unfortunate time that Wham!



was about ready to end.



And George Michael of the late 80s,

early 90s was going to be born.



The leather jacket, the whole thing.



Katie: Oh, it, he, Oh, I remember

being, I had the biggest crush on him.



He was a smoke show.



Notorious Scott K: It's funny, I

remember George Michael from that era.



you know, he was the coolest dude ever.



I look at he, he was gay and you look at

wham, you go, Oh yeah, that makes sense.



Like he



Katie: I didn't, it didn't even, I didn't,

I mean, again, like I'm, yeah, of course.



Notorious Scott K: careless whisper.



Also, he started to get like

the five o'clock shadow.



He's got the earring.



Like he's starting to get like

almost, you know, looking like



Katie: All these models in

the videos, supermodels.



Notorious Scott K: Yes.



But he kind of looks a little bit

like Don Johnson on Miami vice.



Like he's got this like edge to him.



You're kind of like,

got the I want your sex



Katie: Yes.



Notorious Scott K: and

you're kind of like, wow.



And he really, the wham days

to the early George Michael.



days are stark, stark differences,

but yeah, careless whisper is that



that last moment where it's considered

can be part of The web catalog, but



it's really George Michael saying.



a much more serious songwriter and

we would get a lot more serious,



cool songs from him following

this, this, this this year.



Katie: Yes.



Oh, George Michael.



Number two song is a foreigner song.



I want to know what love is.



So these are like,



Notorious Scott K: yeah.



Katie: all these are very

like lovey this week.






Easy lover.



Number three.



Now it's Philip Bailey with Phil Collins.



Who is Philip Bailey?



Notorious Scott K: I don't

know who Phil Bailey was.



The only reason I know Phil Bailey?



is cause he sang the

song with Phil Collins.



Katie: I just thought it

was a Phil Collins song.



Notorious Scott K: singer.



I don't know if he was

a part of another group.



I feel



Katie: Okay.



Notorious Scott K: Bailey



Katie: Yeah.



Notorious Scott K: is really

good because he's also on it,



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: but because it

is Phil Collins of Genesis fame.



And you know, Phil Collins was able

to, he's one of the few artists



to be able to be, have an amazing

eighties with a group and solo at the



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: I don't

think there's another artist out



there has been able to do that.



So Philip Bailey just kind

of gets lost in the shuffle.



We don't know.



Philip Bailey is even to this day.



Here we are 40 plus years later.



We're like, Philip Lou.



Katie: I know.



I feel I literally have never heard

the name before until looking up



with the songs were for this episode.



Billy Ocean has the number

four song with lover boy again.



The first force actually the first

five songs all are about love.



Notorious Scott K: makes sense.



I mean,



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: when the records

companies, and radio stations knew



what the hell they were doing, right?



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: certain

songs at certain points, right?



Like you don't release, pour

some sugar on me in February.



You release it in may and June.



So it's



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: of Cyrus.



It's a summer anthem the

entire time, you know, like



Katie: Great point.



Notorious Scott K: they're doing.



Katie: They used to know

what they were doing.



I don't, gosh, I feel like again,

I was going to look stuff up.



I shit, shit got in the way.



Method of modern love

is the number five song.



Do I know that?



Notorious Scott K: is,



Katie: Yeah.






Notorious Scott K: They're spelling it.



M E T H O D L O V E.



Oh, if L O



Katie: Oh,



Notorious Scott K: they'll sit,

they, they, they, so they spell



the method of modern love the

entire time, but now they're not.






Katie: yeah.



Notorious Scott K: not arguing again.



So haul and oats are not

hauling oats anymore.






Katie: Yep.



Notorious Scott K: having a dispute,

but they're also late seventies.






Katie: was never super into Hall

and Oates and I, maybe that's why.






Notorious Scott K: the



Katie: liked Maneater.



Are they Maneater?



Notorious Scott K: Yes.



They are man eater.



Katie: I like that song,

but other than that,



Notorious Scott K:

they've got private eyes.



Katie: yeah, it's all right.



Notorious Scott K: a

couple of songs in there.









Katie: Yeah



Notorious Scott K: they're just,

they're one of those bands,



like a Huey Lewis in the news.



That was just kind of like One

of those good pop bands that have



a song seem like every year to

go out throughout that decade.



And you go, Oh Yeah



that's right.



I like that song.






Katie: Yeah,



Notorious Scott K: song.






Katie: yeah, that's a good point.



Can't fight this feeling REO Speedwagon

is the number seven and the heat



is on by Glenn Frey is number eight



Notorious Scott K: great song.



I believe that was in Miami vice.



I believe that song might've been in

the Miami vice show at some point.



Katie: Yeah, that, that, that tracks.



Was it in the movie?



Was it in



Notorious Scott K: to

the, or Was it is that in



Beverly Hills cop too?






Katie: Maybe.






Notorious Scott K: it's in one of the,

it's either another 48 hours, Beverly



Hills cop two of my voices in one of those



Katie: hmm.



Notorious Scott K: Shows or movies for



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: It said

that we can't remember.



Katie: I know.



I know Don Henley has the number nine

song the boys of summer They play



that on the radio quite a bit still.



Notorious Scott K: they do.



And at that time, because Glenn and

him were former Eagles at the time,



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: talk that

had to chase Don Henley's ass.



Like Glenn Fry was ahead of him in a song

by one, like just, just ahead of him.



That had to definitely make

Don Henley a little bit upset.



Katie: Well, these are week over week

So like last week it might have been



the other but you know, but yeah, yeah



Notorious Scott K: he's, he's upset.



Katie: Yep, yep, and then I don't

think I know this song the number



10 song is a David Lee Roth song

California girls, do I know this?



Notorious Scott K: So it's

his version, his cover of the



beach boys, California girls.



Katie: Oh, okay.



Notorious Scott K: had

just left Van Halen.



Katie: Hmm.



Notorious Scott K: this is, yeah.



So, cause 1984, their,

their album came on 83.



I was a huge Van Halen fan.



both, both iterations of the band.



not Guy Charon, he's

not a Van Halen person.



Anyways but yeah, he

had just left Van Halen.



this is, and so in 86 is when Sammy

Hagar is officially a part of the band.



They actually released

their first album together.



So this is David Lee Roth transitioning.



So he did release a three or four song EP.



To kind of announce

that he's now who he is.



And so he covers California girls.



It's actually a really good cover.






Katie: Is it?



Notorious Scott K: couple of

solos are pretty good because



he's such an egomaniac, like he

had an amazing band with him.



Stevie Vai was a guitar player.



So he went from Eddie to Stevie.



So he knew what he had to do, but he

became such an egomaniac that after by



the second full album of his, the band

kind of fell apart and then his career



kind of just nosedives off the edge.



Katie: I didn't even know

he had like solo albums.



Notorious Scott K: Oh, he does.






He's a couple of them.



They're not bad.



They're not bad.



But again, he's not the same

as he was with Van Halen.



Katie: Well, you're going to dislike

me because I do not care for Van Halen.



They're just not my thing.



Notorious Scott K: Listen, I don't

think they were aimed at, I don't



think they were aimed at young girls.



They were definitely

aimed at more young men.



Katie: I know, but like I loved,

but I loved Guns and Roses and



Aerosmith and the Rolling Stones.



And so I liked Rock.



Notorious Scott K: to them.



Katie: Yeah.



Notorious Scott K: you know,

there's an, there's an edge.



I don't want to say a bad, but there's

a bit of an edge to, especially



when Aerosmith reinvented themselves



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: the eighties after

they almost all died from heroin



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: Yeah.



So if I get, I mean, cause guns and

roses kind of ends, I know grunge



gets the full credit for ending hair

metal, but it's guns and roads that



really kind of ends because they come

in with like hard rock, like they're



Katie: Yeah,



Notorious Scott K: just trying

to make stripper anthems.



As a lot of these songs became, they

were really trying to, they came



with a whole different attitude.



Just this, Yeah,



like almost a 1970s Rolling Stones

Led Zeppelin type of edge to



Katie: The lyrics behind the

music was, it was substantive.



Notorious Scott K: yes, exactly.



Katie: Yeah.



All right.



Well, that was that was the

music for this Valentine's week.



Do you remember what was

happening in the world?



Let's let's see, Scott.



Okay, so apparently it was like, crazy

cold state record low temperatures



in both Colorado where I live.



Maybell, Colorado don't

know where that is.



Negative 61 Fahrenheit.



I didn't even know it went that

long in regular unless you're



like, in Antarctica or something.



And then in Peter sink, Utah, negative 69.



Fahrenheit that's wild



Notorious Scott K: cold.



Katie: and for non U.






people, that is negative 52 and

negative 56 Celsius, respectively.



Notorious Scott K: It's cold.



Katie: Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: That's the thing cold.



Katie: It is.



Yeah, you can't go outside for.






Notorious Scott K: cold,



Katie: hmm.



And they were in Antarctica.



Notorious Scott K: right?



Katie: okay, this is wild.



20 countries sign a UN

treaty outlawing torture.



Sounds good, right?



Notorious Scott K: Well,

Guess what country did it?



Katie: Guess what country didn't.



Notorious Scott K: The

United States of America.






Katie: I don't know.



Notorious Scott K: That's

not surprising at all.



At all.



Katie: I kind of was to me.



I'm like, oh, but now I'm like, oh, duh.



I don't know.






There was a huge album at

this time in February of 85



Madonna's album, like a virgin.



Notorious Scott K: wow.



Katie: goes number 1, the entire

album, the whole album goes



number 1 for 3 straight weeks.



Notorious Scott K: Makes sense.



That was a big one.



Katie: It was, and I loved Madonna

loved like everything she did.



Until, I don't like the later versions

of Madonna, but the earlier versions.



Notorious Scott K: yeah, I do

feel bad for her because she, I



mean, she has to reinvent herself.



I feel like women have to somehow



Katie: Yes, they do.



Notorious Scott K: themselves, which

is, which is unfair because the



Rolling Stones haven't reinvented

themselves and they're still popular.



You know,



Katie: No,



Notorious Scott K: going on how they're

all alive isn't, that's a true testament.



We should study their

bodies when they die because



Katie: I know Charlie died,

but outside of that, yeah.






Have you seen the Keith Richards

all the memes about like, dude,



if Keith Richards is Yeah.



Notorious Scott K: needs to be

studied for science like he really



does how he's alive is, is really a



Katie: Mm-Hmm.



Notorious Scott K: but yeah, I mean,

and then with Madonna's album coming



out, it became even more popular because

that following fall, she would go on



MTV and have her big performance in

the wedding dress for like a version



Katie: that's right.



Notorious Scott K: awards back when

MTV was a channel for music television.



But yeah, that was, I remember that.



I mean, that was tablet.



That's when, that's when Gen X and the

boomers, that was like, they're okay.



We're definitely going to be different.



You know, you may have had the summer

of love, but we've got Madonna.



You know what I mean?



It was



Katie: Oh yeah.



And the



Notorious Scott K: you can't be watching

this kind of, this is blasphemous as



Katie: the like of a, what was the

music video with the, like a prayer



that was like super controversial.



Notorious Scott K: big time.



Big time.



Katie: Mm-Hmm.




Notorious Scott K: I



think there was like a black Jesus and

she kissed black Jesus like that set



Katie: Yes.



Notorious Scott K: church

went nuts for that.



They would lost their minds on this.



Katie: That was a great video.



Loved it.



But yeah, the.



Notorious Scott K: back when MTV,

when there were the music videos



were like as important as the.






Katie: It was appointment TV you,

you sat and you waited for your



song or the, the music video awards.



Even their movie awards were

such a thing back in the day.



So on a similar note on

Valentine's day, February 14th



Whitney Houston debuts her album.



Whitney Houston.



And it went on to be the Grammy

award best pop vocal performance for



a female in 1986 and the Billboard

album of the year for:



So that was her debut album and

that was the cutesy little Oh, God.






Notorious Scott K: boy,

did she still have a voice.



Katie: Oh, Whitney Houston is,



Notorious Scott K: One of the best



Katie: yeah, agreed.



Mm hmm.



Notorious Scott K: Her voice is she

has the best performance in my opinion



Singing wise of the national anthem



Katie: Oh, hands down.



Notorious Scott K: Super Bowl is the best

performance of the national anthem ever



Katie: She's incredible.



I mean, a lot of people talk Mariah,

but I'm, I'd go Whitney all the way.



Notorious Scott K: Yeah, look it's

great that you can go up and make


00:37:57,152 --> 00:37:58,562

dolphins jump out of water But


00:37:58,667 --> 00:37:59,197

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:37:59,332 --> 00:37:59,962

Notorious Scott K: of a tone.


00:37:59,972 --> 00:38:00,752

You want to hear in


00:38:00,897 --> 00:38:01,127

Katie: Yeah,


00:38:01,532 --> 00:38:01,852

Notorious Scott K: right?


00:38:02,517 --> 00:38:03,167

Katie: I agree.


00:38:03,312 --> 00:38:03,632

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


00:38:03,997 --> 00:38:04,517

Katie: Yeah.


00:38:04,572 --> 00:38:05,802

Notorious Scott K: can she can belt it


00:38:05,967 --> 00:38:06,547

Katie: Yeah.


00:38:06,547 --> 00:38:08,027

Oh, that was sad.


00:38:08,697 --> 00:38:09,467

Poor Whitney.


00:38:09,652 --> 00:38:13,012

Notorious Scott K: She ran to Bobby

Brown and boy, all went downhill from


00:38:13,447 --> 00:38:13,957

Katie: Yeah.


00:38:14,667 --> 00:38:16,537

Men are the undoing of good women.


00:38:17,087 --> 00:38:22,732

So February 15th is, The day

that the mean season came out,


00:38:23,232 --> 00:38:23,722

Notorious Scott K: Yes.


00:38:23,922 --> 00:38:28,992

Katie: you remember, or can you think of

another movie that came out that same day,


00:38:29,152 --> 00:38:33,742



00:38:34,912 --> 00:38:37,272

It is in my top five movies of all time.


00:38:37,422 --> 00:38:40,302

Notorious Scott K: I'm going to, I'm just

going to guess, is it the breakfast club?


00:38:40,622 --> 00:38:43,272

Katie: It is a good guest Scott.


00:38:43,322 --> 00:38:45,222

Notorious Scott K: I was trying,

I was trying to remember okay.


00:38:45,222 --> 00:38:48,142

So I remember breakfast club

had to be early to mid eighties.


00:38:48,142 --> 00:38:49,222

Cause it wasn't late eighties.


00:38:50,062 --> 00:38:51,872

I'm thinking it's gotta be John

Hughes or Steven Spielberg.


00:38:52,022 --> 00:38:54,492

The two that came to mind was

either Spielberg or John Hughes.


00:38:54,502 --> 00:38:57,872

And I thought, well, Spielberg only does

at that time he's doing summer tent poles.


00:38:57,882 --> 00:38:59,682

So I'm like, okay, Spielberg.


00:38:59,682 --> 00:39:01,652

So I, I guessed with John Hughes.


00:39:02,432 --> 00:39:03,042

Katie: Good guess.


00:39:03,112 --> 00:39:03,452



00:39:03,842 --> 00:39:06,342

It came out the same day as the

movie we're going to talk about.


00:39:06,842 --> 00:39:11,812

The next one, there's a TV series

on Netflix called Griselda.


00:39:13,312 --> 00:39:17,962

It's about the godmother of cocaine, the

Colombian, the female Colombian drug Lord.


00:39:18,542 --> 00:39:19,762

And what's her name?


00:39:20,242 --> 00:39:24,882

Sophia Vergara plays her,

who is just so beautiful.


00:39:25,117 --> 00:39:25,337

Notorious Scott K: She


00:39:25,482 --> 00:39:31,232

Katie: The reason I noted this is because

the real, the real Griselda Blanco is.


00:39:32,207 --> 00:39:35,627

This is mean of me to say, but

hideous like, so not attractive at


00:39:35,627 --> 00:39:38,947

ll at any rate in February of:


00:39:39,497 --> 00:39:43,157

She was arrested in California

and then she was later convicted


00:39:43,167 --> 00:39:48,027

serves 15 years for manufacturing

and distributing cocaine.


00:39:49,957 --> 00:39:50,137

Notorious Scott K: years.


00:39:50,137 --> 00:39:50,797

It's not too bad.


00:39:51,802 --> 00:39:52,279

Katie: Actually.


00:39:52,279 --> 00:39:52,755



00:39:52,756 --> 00:39:53,756

15 years.


00:39:53,766 --> 00:39:55,406

Not that bad for America.


00:39:56,051 --> 00:39:58,271

Loved Diet Cherry Coke when I was a kid.


00:39:58,871 --> 00:39:59,721

The diet version,


00:39:59,921 --> 00:40:01,561

Notorious Scott K: not the

diverse, but I loved, I still


00:40:01,561 --> 00:40:02,721

love cherry Coke to this day.


00:40:03,191 --> 00:40:03,701

Katie: well,


00:40:03,751 --> 00:40:03,961

Notorious Scott K: it is


00:40:04,071 --> 00:40:06,671

e: it came out in February of:


00:40:07,401 --> 00:40:07,751

Notorious Scott K: Well,


00:40:07,951 --> 00:40:08,281

Katie: Coke.


00:40:08,941 --> 00:40:11,011

Notorious Scott K: I, you know what I

have some, I should have, if I had known


00:40:11,321 --> 00:40:12,771

I would have a can with me right now.


00:40:12,961 --> 00:40:16,201

So I'd like to drink soda if I can

help it, but if I have to, like it's


00:40:16,431 --> 00:40:16,821

Katie: Yep.


00:40:17,001 --> 00:40:18,341

Notorious Scott K: Coke

is my go to all the time.


00:40:18,761 --> 00:40:19,561

Katie: Yeah, it's good.


00:40:19,641 --> 00:40:20,301

The diet version.


00:40:20,301 --> 00:40:23,761

I just don't like, I think the regular

version of Vinny Soda is too sweet


00:40:23,761 --> 00:40:26,511

for me, but man, I love Diet Cherry.


00:40:26,851 --> 00:40:29,791

Diet Cherry Coke, the diet

version didn't exist yet.


00:40:29,831 --> 00:40:32,051

I don't know what year

that comes out, but okay.


00:40:32,051 --> 00:40:34,421

So a few people, like quite

a few people got married.


00:40:35,111 --> 00:40:35,741

It being


00:40:35,771 --> 00:40:35,961

Notorious Scott K: lot of


00:40:36,171 --> 00:40:41,091

Katie: it being February

and all OJ Simpson


00:40:41,831 --> 00:40:42,531

Notorious Scott K: to Nicole


00:40:43,011 --> 00:40:43,821

Katie: to Nicole


00:40:44,501 --> 00:40:44,941

Notorious Scott K: wow.


00:40:45,021 --> 00:40:47,411

Katie: 9 years later, he murders her


00:40:48,661 --> 00:40:49,521

Notorious Scott K: Allegedly.


00:40:49,621 --> 00:40:50,411

Katie: allegedly.


00:40:50,411 --> 00:40:50,741

I should.


00:40:50,741 --> 00:40:51,081



00:40:51,101 --> 00:40:51,661



00:40:52,571 --> 00:40:54,121

Notorious Scott K: He was

all the way up to his death.


00:40:54,131 --> 00:40:55,581

He was looking for her, her killer.


00:40:56,341 --> 00:40:56,631

They were,


00:40:56,661 --> 00:40:57,081

Katie: yep,


00:40:57,481 --> 00:40:59,051

Notorious Scott K: If you had

anyone know, they were definitely a


00:40:59,051 --> 00:41:02,261

golfer because that's where he was

looking for them on a golf course.


00:41:03,631 --> 00:41:03,921



00:41:04,021 --> 00:41:05,551

Katie: was just watching the Menendez.


00:41:05,611 --> 00:41:10,821

The Menendez boys series on Netflix and

what was the, oh, their dad was like


00:41:10,821 --> 00:41:15,011

a big record producer and TV producer

and he hired OJ for a commercial.


00:41:15,281 --> 00:41:17,331

So there's always an

OJ tie in, I feel like.


00:41:17,511 --> 00:41:18,491

Notorious Scott K:

especially in the eighties,


00:41:18,651 --> 00:41:19,121

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:41:19,391 --> 00:41:20,261

Notorious Scott K: to early nineties.


00:41:20,261 --> 00:41:21,891

It's OJ season.


00:41:23,491 --> 00:41:27,351

Katie: Director Martin Scorsese,

who at this time was 42.


00:41:28,201 --> 00:41:30,211

In my brain, he's always like 75.


00:41:30,591 --> 00:41:31,011

I don't know.


00:41:31,831 --> 00:41:33,631

But he weds producer Barbara D'Affina.


00:41:34,441 --> 00:41:34,741

Notorious Scott K: Hmm.


00:41:35,086 --> 00:41:36,506

Katie: I don't know who that is, but yeah,


00:41:36,651 --> 00:41:36,981

Notorious Scott K: folks.


00:41:37,066 --> 00:41:37,666

Katie: no, he didn't.


00:41:37,666 --> 00:41:40,736

So Martin got married let's see.


00:41:41,236 --> 00:41:43,316

No, he's married to Helen Morris.


00:41:43,416 --> 00:41:47,566

Now they got married in 99,

so they are not still married.


00:41:47,711 --> 00:41:50,171

Notorious Scott K: divorced the

old fashion way, not with murder.


00:41:50,516 --> 00:41:51,556

Katie: Not with murder.


00:41:52,046 --> 00:41:55,246

Joe Montana weds actress

and model Jennifer Wallace.


00:41:55,296 --> 00:41:55,896



00:41:56,041 --> 00:41:57,471

Notorious Scott K: they are still

married if I'm not mistaken.


00:41:58,051 --> 00:41:59,031

Katie: that's impressive.


00:41:59,151 --> 00:42:00,061

Notorious Scott K: I think.


00:42:00,061 --> 00:42:03,031

Katie: He's like a pretty good

looking guy for an old guy still.


00:42:03,061 --> 00:42:03,341

Notorious Scott K: Oh, yeah.


00:42:03,341 --> 00:42:04,971

He's You know, he's got the together.


00:42:05,351 --> 00:42:06,461

Katie: are correct.


00:42:06,781 --> 00:42:06,991

Notorious Scott K: so.


00:42:06,991 --> 00:42:07,681

I thought so.


00:42:07,711 --> 00:42:07,811



00:42:07,961 --> 00:42:10,371

Katie: However, this is his third wife.


00:42:11,121 --> 00:42:13,901

He had been married twice

before this, but this one stuck.


00:42:14,031 --> 00:42:14,891

Third time's a charm.


00:42:14,951 --> 00:42:15,231

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


00:42:15,931 --> 00:42:19,096

Katie: Now speaking of divorces,

George Foreman divorces one


00:42:19,096 --> 00:42:21,806

of his wives, Andrea Skeet.


00:42:22,806 --> 00:42:24,466

And they were only

married for three years.


00:42:24,946 --> 00:42:26,156

They got divorced in February.


00:42:27,886 --> 00:42:28,266

Mm hmm.


00:42:28,271 --> 00:42:31,161

Notorious Scott K: Well, he had

many wives And many children many


00:42:31,206 --> 00:42:33,606

Katie: And they're, and they're

all named George, aren't they?


00:42:33,681 --> 00:42:34,291

Notorious Scott K: They either


00:42:34,456 --> 00:42:35,296

Katie: for the girls, maybe.


00:42:35,601 --> 00:42:37,611

Notorious Scott K: Yeah, I

think one girl's named Georgina.


00:42:37,671 --> 00:42:37,731



00:42:37,816 --> 00:42:38,486

Katie: Georgina.


00:42:38,496 --> 00:42:39,576

Yeah, you're probably right.


00:42:40,126 --> 00:42:43,776

A couple of people died in February

of 85, including Frank Oppenheimer.


00:42:44,076 --> 00:42:49,796

If that sounds familiar to you, he was

the American particle physicist and


00:42:49,796 --> 00:42:53,206

his brother was the Robert Oppenheimer.


00:42:53,481 --> 00:42:55,191

Notorious Scott K: Yes, real Oppenheimer.


00:42:55,466 --> 00:42:58,486

Katie: Yeah, so Frank and

Robert does the name Nicholas.


00:42:58,801 --> 00:43:00,791

Colasanto, mean anything to you?


00:43:01,761 --> 00:43:03,111

Notorious Scott K: No, unless


00:43:03,201 --> 00:43:03,731

Katie: it wrong.


00:43:04,641 --> 00:43:09,421

Nicholas Colasanto, aka Coach from Cheers.


00:43:10,241 --> 00:43:12,121

Notorious Scott K: He oh he

died that's right cuz the coach


00:43:12,121 --> 00:43:13,581

dies and that opens up Woody


00:43:13,931 --> 00:43:14,401

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:43:14,411 --> 00:43:15,651

He was only 61.


00:43:15,751 --> 00:43:16,591

Notorious Scott K: Oh, that's too bad.


00:43:16,781 --> 00:43:17,221

Katie: Yeah,


00:43:17,631 --> 00:43:20,241

Notorious Scott K: that's back

when 60, like it's bizarre.


00:43:20,251 --> 00:43:24,641

60 looked so much older back then.


00:43:24,651 --> 00:43:26,911

Like my grandparents were in their

sixties and they look like people are


00:43:26,911 --> 00:43:27,961

now in their eighties and nineties.


00:43:28,231 --> 00:43:28,381



00:43:28,511 --> 00:43:28,791

Katie: Huh.


00:43:28,851 --> 00:43:31,541

Notorious Scott K: Wilford Brimley

when he was in that one show, he


00:43:31,541 --> 00:43:35,261

was like 40 years old or when he was

in cocoon, he's like late forties.


00:43:35,311 --> 00:43:37,121

I'm in my late forties and

I don't think I look as bad


00:43:37,181 --> 00:43:38,031

Katie: No!


00:43:38,221 --> 00:43:38,501

Notorious Scott K: did at


00:43:38,521 --> 00:43:39,691

Katie: It is wild.


00:43:39,701 --> 00:43:41,631

60 is like 45 now.


00:43:41,741 --> 00:43:41,991

Notorious Scott K: is.


00:43:42,011 --> 00:43:42,451

It really


00:43:43,141 --> 00:43:43,741

Katie: All right.


00:43:44,191 --> 00:43:45,591

Before we get into the movie?


00:43:45,741 --> 00:43:48,891

I know I asked you about Patrick

Let me ask you like what are you it


00:43:48,891 --> 00:43:50,841

seems like dudes your age love Kurt.


00:43:51,041 --> 00:43:52,011

Tell me about it.


00:43:52,281 --> 00:43:54,551

Notorious Scott K: I think the

reason we probably love Kurt more


00:43:54,601 --> 00:43:56,271

than, and this is no slight to Mr.


00:43:56,271 --> 00:43:58,921

Patrick Swayze, because I do love

Patrick Swayze, but I think the reason


00:43:59,251 --> 00:44:01,621

it is two characters, Snake Plissken,


00:44:01,691 --> 00:44:02,371

Katie: Mm


00:44:02,501 --> 00:44:05,061

Notorious Scott K: then he's

in The Thing as well, and he


00:44:05,071 --> 00:44:06,881

does them so close together.


00:44:07,251 --> 00:44:10,961

And then obviously as a Tarantino,

huge Tarantino fan, he's been


00:44:10,961 --> 00:44:12,881

Stuntman Mike now later in his career,


00:44:13,181 --> 00:44:13,431

Katie: Mm


00:44:13,801 --> 00:44:17,021

Notorious Scott K: he is amazing

in The Hateful Eight, and he's in a


00:44:17,021 --> 00:44:20,411

really good movie that he shot around

the same time called Bone Tomahawk.


00:44:20,591 --> 00:44:21,051

Katie: hmm


00:44:21,141 --> 00:44:25,001

Notorious Scott K: I just, Kurt

Russell's just, Oh, he's in one of


00:44:25,001 --> 00:44:26,401

my favorite sport movies of all time.


00:44:26,401 --> 00:44:27,341

He's in what's it?


00:44:27,471 --> 00:44:28,081

God dang it.


00:44:28,661 --> 00:44:30,551

The movie about when we

beat the Russians in hockey.


00:44:30,551 --> 00:44:30,891

Why am I


00:44:30,931 --> 00:44:31,901

Katie: miracle miracle.


00:44:32,291 --> 00:44:32,741

Mm hmm.


00:44:32,751 --> 00:44:33,051

Notorious Scott K: glory.


00:44:33,061 --> 00:44:33,431

it's not glory.


00:44:33,761 --> 00:44:34,601

He's a miracle.


00:44:34,641 --> 00:44:34,921

I don't know.


00:44:34,921 --> 00:44:38,401

He's just something about Kurt Russell

that we always feel like you can trust.


00:44:38,711 --> 00:44:40,111

You know, I don't know

what It is about him.


00:44:40,341 --> 00:44:42,211

I do think though it is snake Plissken.


00:44:43,041 --> 00:44:46,581

And again, this old age is really

sucking because now I can see


00:44:46,581 --> 00:44:48,451

his face in the thing and I can't

think of his name right now.


00:44:48,451 --> 00:44:49,191

I want to call him McCluskey.


00:44:49,191 --> 00:44:49,791

It's not McCluskey.


00:44:49,841 --> 00:44:50,411

Katie: Oh, it's


00:44:52,636 --> 00:44:53,316

Notorious Scott K: Mac


00:44:54,031 --> 00:44:54,581

Katie: Mac


00:44:54,736 --> 00:44:54,816

Notorious Scott K: Oh


00:44:54,911 --> 00:44:55,531

Katie: Mac.


00:44:55,731 --> 00:44:56,841

It is Mac something.


00:44:57,101 --> 00:44:57,571



00:44:57,606 --> 00:44:58,256

Notorious Scott K: And

everyone's listening to


00:44:58,451 --> 00:44:58,781

Katie: Yeah.


00:44:59,251 --> 00:44:59,621



00:45:00,396 --> 00:45:00,806

Notorious Scott K: They're


00:45:00,861 --> 00:45:02,401

Katie: I Should know this I should know


00:45:02,936 --> 00:45:03,496

Notorious Scott K: MacCready


00:45:03,821 --> 00:45:04,671

Katie: MacCready yes.


00:45:04,671 --> 00:45:04,901



00:45:04,911 --> 00:45:05,181



00:45:05,211 --> 00:45:05,591



00:45:05,631 --> 00:45:06,351

Good good one


00:45:06,446 --> 00:45:06,796

Notorious Scott K: because of that.


00:45:06,796 --> 00:45:07,746

I think he becomes one


00:45:07,746 --> 00:45:10,241

of those first Male icons.


00:45:10,471 --> 00:45:11,961

He's there before Schwarzenegger.


00:45:11,961 --> 00:45:13,291

He's there before Stallone, right?


00:45:13,291 --> 00:45:18,731

So he is kind of like this quasi action

hero, but yet kind of like this dark


00:45:18,731 --> 00:45:22,311

brooding guy, like someone we could see

ourselves having the possibility of being,


00:45:22,941 --> 00:45:25,031

Katie: The everyman, so to speak,


00:45:25,271 --> 00:45:27,191

Notorious Scott K: I love

Stallone, but still, I mean,


00:45:27,191 --> 00:45:28,911

that he's on there on the roids.


00:45:28,951 --> 00:45:29,371

They're huge.


00:45:29,421 --> 00:45:30,521

Katie: You can't be Stallone.


00:45:30,531 --> 00:45:31,701

No regular person.


00:45:31,911 --> 00:45:32,271

Mm hmm.


00:45:32,470 --> 00:45:34,020

Notorious Scott K: And

I, I understand that.


00:45:34,220 --> 00:45:34,850

I'm okay with that.


00:45:34,850 --> 00:45:35,850

I've, I've settled that


00:45:36,031 --> 00:45:36,491

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:45:36,731 --> 00:45:37,201

Mm hmm.


00:45:37,250 --> 00:45:38,850

Notorious Scott K: much

Schwarzenegger, but I could be.


00:45:39,025 --> 00:45:41,205

I could be Snake Plissken.


00:45:41,225 --> 00:45:42,225

I could be McCready.


00:45:42,225 --> 00:45:44,345

I could be Jack Burton


00:45:44,681 --> 00:45:45,281

Katie: Oh,


00:45:46,015 --> 00:45:46,825

Notorious Scott K: Big

Trouble in Little China.


00:45:46,971 --> 00:45:47,971

Katie: love that one.


00:45:48,191 --> 00:45:48,571



00:45:49,045 --> 00:45:50,445

Notorious Scott K: like you

said, he is the everyman.


00:45:50,475 --> 00:45:52,695

I do feel like I could be that guy.


00:45:52,715 --> 00:45:55,905

And he is in so many great movies

that, and sometimes he blends so


00:45:55,905 --> 00:45:58,905

well into those characters that you

forget he's in some of these movies.


00:45:59,081 --> 00:45:59,471

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:46:00,345 --> 00:46:04,540

Notorious Scott K: he just, He's a,

such an amazing underrated actor.


00:46:04,580 --> 00:46:08,030

I think we know him because of who

he is and if some of his major roles,


00:46:08,380 --> 00:46:10,590

but you go back to even some of

his cataloging and look at, and you


00:46:10,590 --> 00:46:11,820

go, Oh my God, he was in that film.


00:46:11,820 --> 00:46:12,320

I forget.


00:46:12,550 --> 00:46:15,670

He was in some superhero movie way

back in the early two thousands that


00:46:15,751 --> 00:46:16,141

Katie: Yeah.


00:46:16,160 --> 00:46:17,070

Notorious Scott K: off, right?


00:46:17,070 --> 00:46:19,250

Like it was some kind of like

Disney, like superhero movie before


00:46:19,250 --> 00:46:20,550

his superhero movies were popular.


00:46:21,180 --> 00:46:24,810

And he just has this great ability.


00:46:24,976 --> 00:46:29,305

And, and he's also well

breathed in throughout.


00:46:29,325 --> 00:46:32,245

I think one of his first roles, he's

like, I forget the name of the movie,


00:46:32,245 --> 00:46:33,795

which is like kicking Elvis Presley.


00:46:33,795 --> 00:46:36,395

Like in, in this, in one of the

scenes, like kicks Elvis Presley,


00:46:36,395 --> 00:46:38,490

like He is like, comes from royalty.


00:46:38,500 --> 00:46:39,510

Like he grew up


00:46:40,111 --> 00:46:41,381

Katie: He was a Disney kid.


00:46:41,720 --> 00:46:43,620

Notorious Scott K: era through the

golden era, all the way through, he


00:46:43,620 --> 00:46:47,770

like is a touchstone marker throughout

film that I don't think many realize,


00:46:47,790 --> 00:46:52,980

but for me, for young males in the

eighties, it is snake Plissken.


00:46:52,980 --> 00:46:53,580

It is McCready.


00:46:53,580 --> 00:46:55,290

We want it to be him.


00:46:55,300 --> 00:46:57,280

We thought he could, he

was the coolest thing.


00:46:57,280 --> 00:46:59,400

He made an eye patch look super cool.


00:47:00,710 --> 00:47:01,570

Katie: I love them both.


00:47:01,600 --> 00:47:04,200

And I do see, I can see how Kurt.


00:47:04,680 --> 00:47:06,080

Resonates more with men.


00:47:06,110 --> 00:47:06,630

I can see it.


00:47:06,640 --> 00:47:10,290

He's just super cool He's just cool

dude, and he is a very good actor.


00:47:10,290 --> 00:47:14,240

Like i've never been like he

was phoning it in even when he


00:47:14,280 --> 00:47:15,030

Notorious Scott K: movie's not


00:47:15,130 --> 00:47:16,090

Katie: takes it for money.


00:47:16,110 --> 00:47:17,630

Yeah All


00:47:17,680 --> 00:47:19,720

Notorious Scott K: feels like, yeah,

I think Kurt was really good in it.


00:47:19,720 --> 00:47:22,570

Like Kurt really, really, really

gave us a performance today.


00:47:24,790 --> 00:47:24,980

Katie: right.


00:47:24,980 --> 00:47:28,630

Well, let's get into

it then the mean season


00:47:35,305 --> 00:47:36,935

Now you had not seen this before.


00:47:36,945 --> 00:47:37,475

Had you,


00:47:37,715 --> 00:47:38,785

Notorious Scott K: No, I had not.


00:47:39,455 --> 00:47:43,285

Katie: I had one time before, but

it was pretty recent, like within


00:47:43,285 --> 00:47:45,275

the last two years, probably.


00:47:45,635 --> 00:47:47,815

But I didn't really, we

were watching it last night.


00:47:47,815 --> 00:47:49,035

I was like, oh, I forgot about that.


00:47:49,455 --> 00:47:52,815

It's a, we'll, we'll, we'll get into it.


00:47:52,825 --> 00:47:53,055



00:47:53,055 --> 00:48:03,065

So it's released um, February



00:48:03,655 --> 00:48:07,385

1 on IMDB, which is

pretty high considering.


00:48:07,415 --> 00:48:07,815



00:48:07,915 --> 00:48:08,285

Notorious Scott K: it is.


00:48:08,315 --> 00:48:12,145

I was kind of impressed and I looked

into some of the letterbox stuff and some


00:48:12,145 --> 00:48:15,585

people get some decent praise like they

don't no one takes a shit on the movie.


00:48:15,585 --> 00:48:19,745

No one's like, oh my God,

as we'll discuss that.


00:48:19,965 --> 00:48:20,475

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:48:20,480 --> 00:48:23,100

Notorious Scott K: some things that

hold it back from being higher than a 6.


00:48:23,100 --> 00:48:23,770



00:48:24,425 --> 00:48:26,535

Katie: So almost 40 years ago.


00:48:26,595 --> 00:48:30,475

So people that are listening, if you

have not seen this, or if it's been


00:48:30,485 --> 00:48:33,105

a long time, here's a refresher.


00:48:33,625 --> 00:48:38,455

Malcolm Anderson is a reporter

for a Miami newspaper.


00:48:38,515 --> 00:48:41,725

He's had enough of reporting the

local murders and so promises his


00:48:41,735 --> 00:48:45,925

school teacher girlfriend, Christine,

that they'll move away soon before


00:48:45,925 --> 00:48:47,365

Malcolm can hand in his notice.


00:48:47,375 --> 00:48:50,135

The murderer from his

latest article phones him.


00:48:50,585 --> 00:48:51,935

The murderer tells Malcolm.


00:48:52,275 --> 00:48:56,225

That he's going to kill again, the

phone calls and murders continue soon.


00:48:56,225 --> 00:48:58,935

Malcolm finds that he's

not just reporting story.


00:48:59,235 --> 00:49:00,835

He is the story.


00:49:01,535 --> 00:49:02,045

All right.


00:49:02,205 --> 00:49:07,575

This is directed by Philip Borsos

and you probably don't know him.


00:49:07,775 --> 00:49:10,805

He is a Canadian filmmaker.


00:49:11,375 --> 00:49:12,075



00:49:12,110 --> 00:49:12,510

Notorious Scott K: Knows him.


00:49:13,175 --> 00:49:16,925

Katie: yeah, maybe their best friend,

their best friends he directed Bethune,


00:49:16,935 --> 00:49:19,565

the making of the hero and the gray Fox.


00:49:19,615 --> 00:49:23,405

I think those are both either like

about a Canadian or set in Canada.


00:49:23,815 --> 00:49:26,105

So, this is maybe his 1st American foray.


00:49:27,625 --> 00:49:28,855

It's based on a book,


00:49:29,520 --> 00:49:29,590

Notorious Scott K: I


00:49:29,645 --> 00:49:33,755

Katie: Written written by John

Katzenbach in the heat of summer.


00:49:34,235 --> 00:49:38,325

And that John also wrote the

movies just cause and hearts war.


00:49:39,450 --> 00:49:39,710

Notorious Scott K: Hearts of


00:49:39,810 --> 00:49:40,220

Katie: And


00:49:40,510 --> 00:49:40,980

Notorious Scott K: Willis.


00:49:41,660 --> 00:49:42,360

Katie: did it!


00:49:42,500 --> 00:49:45,480

I can just remember

Josh Hartnett, I think.


00:49:45,890 --> 00:49:47,120

He's the one I remember from that.


00:49:47,380 --> 00:49:47,650



00:49:48,320 --> 00:49:49,180

But yeah, you're right.


00:49:49,630 --> 00:49:51,120

Notorious Scott K: When you

sent me this stuff, I thought


00:49:51,120 --> 00:49:52,510

it said John Katzenberger.


00:49:52,530 --> 00:49:53,930

I was like, the guy from Cheers?


00:49:54,000 --> 00:49:55,260

Katie: Ha ha ha!


00:49:55,260 --> 00:49:55,660



00:49:56,150 --> 00:49:56,990



00:49:57,130 --> 00:49:57,460

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


00:49:59,160 --> 00:50:04,910

Katie: The other writer is Christopher

Crowe, but it's under a pseudonym.


00:50:05,960 --> 00:50:07,370

Leon Piedmont.


00:50:07,840 --> 00:50:11,000

And he also wrote The Last

of the Mohicans and Fear.


00:50:11,540 --> 00:50:14,250

Now, why under a pseudonym, do you ask?


00:50:14,880 --> 00:50:17,720

Well, he did not like the final film.


00:50:18,050 --> 00:50:19,620

So he didn't want his real name on it.


00:50:20,385 --> 00:50:20,895

Notorious Scott K: Hmm.


00:50:21,235 --> 00:50:22,225

That says a lot, right?


00:50:22,295 --> 00:50:22,585



00:50:22,790 --> 00:50:24,650

Katie: Mm hmm


00:50:26,810 --> 00:50:30,820

So I mentioned Kurt Kurt's our man

He plays the the journalist Malcolm


00:50:30,820 --> 00:50:35,400

Anderson and his teacher girlfriend

is played Her name is Christine


00:50:35,400 --> 00:50:38,690

Connelly in the in the movie and

she's played by Mariel Hemingway.


00:50:39,930 --> 00:50:42,420

Do you have thoughts on Mariel Hemingway?


00:50:44,285 --> 00:50:45,605

Notorious Scott K: The

name is always familiar.


00:50:45,690 --> 00:50:46,500

Katie: Yes.


00:50:46,515 --> 00:50:47,635

Notorious Scott K: has not been in much.


00:50:47,755 --> 00:50:49,205

Again, I don't know if

she's even still alive.


00:50:49,205 --> 00:50:50,055

So this is terrible.


00:50:50,785 --> 00:50:54,545

was a, I know she was a well known

actress, maybe even model in the eighties.


00:50:54,740 --> 00:50:55,320

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:50:55,875 --> 00:50:56,355

Notorious Scott K: But


00:51:00,295 --> 00:51:04,325

in this movie, I don't, so the

journey that we get to do as


00:51:04,345 --> 00:51:08,095

podcasts, especially if you do film

stuff, is you start to realize some


00:51:08,105 --> 00:51:09,705

of your old preconceived notions.


00:51:09,735 --> 00:51:13,045

Now you have some some material to back

up things you thought or new thoughts.


00:51:13,410 --> 00:51:13,920

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:51:14,025 --> 00:51:15,425

Notorious Scott K: could just

say, ah, she was terrible.


00:51:15,425 --> 00:51:15,915

He was terrible.


00:51:15,915 --> 00:51:19,195

Isn't that, I don't want to say she's

terrible because she's terrible.


00:51:19,515 --> 00:51:21,815

I just want to think she's

feels like a fish out of water.


00:51:22,255 --> 00:51:25,695

My cohort will say like a lot of

times now you know, instead of


00:51:25,695 --> 00:51:29,775

companies, movie companies making

movies with female characters for them.


00:51:30,015 --> 00:51:33,945

They'll shoe horn a female into an old

male character, which is disservice


00:51:33,945 --> 00:51:37,275

to not only the old movie, but to this

female, because now you've got to, so if


00:51:37,275 --> 00:51:41,145

they made a movie called die hard with a

female lead, there's no way that female


00:51:41,145 --> 00:51:42,835

is going to live up to John McClane and


00:51:42,870 --> 00:51:43,330

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:51:43,435 --> 00:51:43,525

Notorious Scott K: to.


00:51:43,525 --> 00:51:44,215

That's unfair.


00:51:44,505 --> 00:51:47,325

You should make new movies that

this is the female heroine,


00:51:47,325 --> 00:51:49,085

like a, like a kill bill, like a


00:51:49,320 --> 00:51:49,860

Katie: Mm.


00:51:49,995 --> 00:51:52,085

Notorious Scott K: some of these

movies were like, this is their story.


00:51:52,105 --> 00:51:52,885

This is her story.


00:51:52,885 --> 00:51:54,105

The lead character, her story.


00:51:54,880 --> 00:51:58,020

Meryl Hemingway is the

only female in this movie,


00:51:58,450 --> 00:51:59,310

Katie: Oh my God.


00:51:59,380 --> 00:51:59,460

Notorious Scott K: the


00:51:59,680 --> 00:52:00,140

Katie: She


00:52:00,320 --> 00:52:00,550

Notorious Scott K: There


00:52:00,550 --> 00:52:00,960

Katie: is


00:52:01,140 --> 00:52:02,560

Notorious Scott K: other females

that we see in this movie.


00:52:02,560 --> 00:52:03,020

It's her.


00:52:03,020 --> 00:52:04,090

And then, you know, the,


00:52:04,190 --> 00:52:04,840

Katie: dead bodies.


00:52:05,056 --> 00:52:07,235

Yeah, oh,


00:52:07,260 --> 00:52:08,780

Notorious Scott K: she finds out

her daughter actually was killed.


00:52:08,800 --> 00:52:11,020

Is nothing her to do.


00:52:11,030 --> 00:52:12,710

And they always make her.


00:52:13,040 --> 00:52:15,580

Overreact almost as


00:52:15,785 --> 00:52:16,155

Katie: yeah,


00:52:17,040 --> 00:52:19,900

Notorious Scott K: I don't want to

make any disparaging remarks on the


00:52:19,900 --> 00:52:23,040

old director, but it did feel like all

right, Merrill, you got to overreact


00:52:23,050 --> 00:52:26,210

like when there's that dinner scene

and she just gets up and storms off.


00:52:26,910 --> 00:52:29,060

And you're kind of like, I don't

really know that she should


00:52:29,070 --> 00:52:30,250

be this angry at this moment.


00:52:30,300 --> 00:52:30,580

I don't,


00:52:31,405 --> 00:52:32,135

Katie: not yet.


00:52:32,155 --> 00:52:32,805

Or yeah


00:52:32,830 --> 00:52:35,220

Notorious Scott K: I understand she's

upset that Kurt isn't paying attention at


00:52:35,230 --> 00:52:36,970

the moment, but he's really wrapped up.


00:52:36,990 --> 00:52:40,270

I'm like, he's pulled into

a, a serial killer murder.


00:52:40,500 --> 00:52:42,650

Like Hannibal Lecter is talking to him.


00:52:42,880 --> 00:52:46,270

So it's understandable that he

might not be present all the time.


00:52:46,360 --> 00:52:46,560



00:52:46,560 --> 00:52:47,320

I, and I'm not


00:52:47,425 --> 00:52:52,215

Katie: well, I think in her defense, it's

not just that he's not paying attention.


00:52:52,225 --> 00:52:56,335

It's that she previously like, I

don't know, days before it was like,


00:52:56,565 --> 00:53:00,025

because they have these plans to,

to leave Miami and move to some shit


00:53:00,055 --> 00:53:01,705

town in Colorado that we'll get into.


00:53:02,135 --> 00:53:03,465

Notorious Scott K: You don't,

you know, the real story about


00:53:03,465 --> 00:53:04,315

this town they wanted to go


00:53:04,486 --> 00:53:07,296

Katie: oh, my God, I'm like,

why did they pick that town?


00:53:07,796 --> 00:53:09,786

So she's like, should I put in my notice?


00:53:10,751 --> 00:53:11,501

And he says, yes.


00:53:11,511 --> 00:53:15,201

So she puts in her notice and then

thinking that he's doing the same.


00:53:15,201 --> 00:53:16,901

And then all of a sudden

she finds this out.


00:53:16,911 --> 00:53:18,171

So I would be pretty pissed too.


00:53:18,171 --> 00:53:19,381

Okay, now I don't have a job.


00:53:19,801 --> 00:53:20,241

I don't know.


00:53:20,686 --> 00:53:21,566

But, yeah, you're right.


00:53:22,215 --> 00:53:24,115

Notorious Scott K: they also almost

treat her as if she's like an idiot.


00:53:24,125 --> 00:53:26,295

I don't think there's a woman

out there or man out there who


00:53:26,295 --> 00:53:30,105

like, if their significant other

was embroiled in something this


00:53:30,105 --> 00:53:31,735

large, it's making national news.


00:53:32,485 --> 00:53:34,805

That they would suddenly be like, why

aren't you just walking away from it?


00:53:35,025 --> 00:53:38,675

You know, you know like like if she

had been if she was at the school and


00:53:38,675 --> 00:53:41,855

there had there was something about a

Child had been molested or disappeared.


00:53:42,095 --> 00:53:44,455

I don't think he would have been

like why aren't we just moving away?


00:53:44,655 --> 00:53:45,395

Who gives a shit about this


00:53:45,496 --> 00:53:46,476

Katie: Really good point.


00:53:46,626 --> 00:53:47,036



00:53:47,325 --> 00:53:50,835

Notorious Scott K: like they forced her

character to be like not caring about what


00:53:50,835 --> 00:53:55,425

was going on, but yet also like her only

reactions were like overreactions, right?


00:53:55,425 --> 00:53:59,015

It wasn't like, so she storms off and

then he goes out and then I guess it's


00:53:59,015 --> 00:54:00,725

enough weather in the car or whatever.


00:54:00,945 --> 00:54:01,875

I took a cab, whatever.


00:54:01,875 --> 00:54:04,225

And he gets in and they do this

throughout the film, these fake


00:54:04,671 --> 00:54:05,471

Katie: Yes.


00:54:05,475 --> 00:54:06,475

Notorious Scott K:

killer's going to get us.


00:54:06,785 --> 00:54:07,735

And so then she's scared.


00:54:07,735 --> 00:54:10,105

And then it just, I felt bad for her.


00:54:11,335 --> 00:54:12,545

I've, I know this is terrible.


00:54:12,795 --> 00:54:14,485

I feel like the only reason they had

her in the film is because she was


00:54:14,615 --> 00:54:15,765

popular and they paid enough money.


00:54:15,765 --> 00:54:17,075

So she would show her breasts for


00:54:17,146 --> 00:54:17,556

Katie: Yeah.


00:54:17,665 --> 00:54:17,975

Notorious Scott K: scene.


00:54:17,995 --> 00:54:18,915

I really felt like that was it.


00:54:18,945 --> 00:54:20,965

I was like, Oh, There's Merrill's.


00:54:21,325 --> 00:54:25,425

Breasts and our, I guess

that was our:


00:54:25,435 --> 00:54:26,975

We needed breasts in this picture


00:54:27,236 --> 00:54:29,826

Katie: Well, because she had

done I think she got popular from


00:54:29,836 --> 00:54:33,526

a movie, which I haven't seen,

but I think it was about rape.


00:54:33,725 --> 00:54:34,105

Notorious Scott K: Oh,


00:54:34,146 --> 00:54:38,476

Katie: think that's what got

her known and she probably was.


00:54:39,196 --> 00:54:40,576

Maybe naked in it or something.


00:54:40,576 --> 00:54:44,896

And so, yeah, to your point about

her, her breasts, they are nice ones.


00:54:44,896 --> 00:54:46,026

I will say so


00:54:46,365 --> 00:54:49,145

Notorious Scott K: with nudity

and films, but like in the 80s,


00:54:49,315 --> 00:54:50,695

there was a lot of boobs for boobs.


00:54:50,695 --> 00:54:51,095

You know what I


00:54:51,286 --> 00:54:51,836

Katie: it is,


00:54:52,005 --> 00:54:53,475

Notorious Scott K: Oh, there's this is,


00:54:53,716 --> 00:54:56,296

Katie: she was there

for that and to provide.


00:54:57,006 --> 00:54:59,646

Some sort of friction for Kurt's character


00:54:59,755 --> 00:55:00,275

Notorious Scott K: yes.


00:55:00,386 --> 00:55:01,216

Katie: up against.


00:55:01,705 --> 00:55:04,115

Notorious Scott K: Which was

weird that they, I mean, not only


00:55:04,115 --> 00:55:06,785

is she underused, but also joy

pants is in this film, which I


00:55:06,826 --> 00:55:08,546

Katie: Oh, my God.


00:55:08,795 --> 00:55:09,755

Notorious Scott K: barely

in the film, right?


00:55:09,755 --> 00:55:10,295

He's just


00:55:10,295 --> 00:55:11,135

Katie: I love him.


00:55:11,290 --> 00:55:14,390

Notorious Scott K: in it every other frame

and then he disappears for the last third.


00:55:14,650 --> 00:55:15,300

We never see him.


00:55:15,300 --> 00:55:19,150

again I don't know if he a call to

go to the matrix five years early was


00:55:19,180 --> 00:55:20,400

pulled into the matrix I don't know.


00:55:20,630 --> 00:55:21,150

It's kind of like


00:55:21,235 --> 00:55:23,015

Katie: There's some big names.


00:55:23,125 --> 00:55:25,735

Actually, now that you're saying that,

there's some good people in this.


00:55:25,745 --> 00:55:30,960

So, so just to To close the loop on

Mariel she is one of those when you're


00:55:30,960 --> 00:55:33,810

like, well, I feel like I've heard of

her, but she's not really in anything.


00:55:34,190 --> 00:55:37,650

I was shocked when I was looking at,

I'm like, why do we know her so well?


00:55:38,150 --> 00:55:41,500

She's known for Woody Allen's



00:55:41,590 --> 00:55:41,960

Notorious Scott K: Mm hmm.


00:55:42,220 --> 00:55:45,580

Katie: the early:

TV series, Civil War.


00:55:45,850 --> 00:55:53,042

And where I recognize her from is she was

on two episodes of the sitcom Roseanne


00:55:53,532 --> 00:55:56,182

as a lesbian who hits on Roseanne.


00:55:56,707 --> 00:55:58,987

And kisses her in a gay bar,


00:56:00,242 --> 00:56:00,912

Notorious Scott K: Wow,


00:56:01,237 --> 00:56:01,687

Katie: Hemingway.


00:56:01,882 --> 00:56:03,322

Notorious Scott K: would not

ever remember that at all.


00:56:04,187 --> 00:56:04,847

Katie: And


00:56:05,042 --> 00:56:05,882

Notorious Scott K: Naked Gun.


00:56:06,252 --> 00:56:06,492

She was


00:56:06,607 --> 00:56:09,227

Katie: yeah, yeah, yeah, she was well.


00:56:09,227 --> 00:56:10,997

So there was like the Hemingway sister.


00:56:10,997 --> 00:56:14,427

So her sister Margo, I like

those names, Mariel and Margo.


00:56:14,927 --> 00:56:18,677

They both kind of started to get famous

and then Margo's career didn't go so well.


00:56:18,677 --> 00:56:20,107

She had substance abuse issues.


00:56:20,147 --> 00:56:27,927

So the sister died from an overdose



00:56:29,022 --> 00:56:30,392

Ernest Hemingway.


00:56:30,502 --> 00:56:33,562

Notorious Scott K: that's, I mean,

I figured I was like, I think


00:56:33,572 --> 00:56:35,482

there's, there's no way she's not


00:56:36,022 --> 00:56:36,542

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:56:36,712 --> 00:56:37,132

Notorious Scott K: family,


00:56:37,322 --> 00:56:39,972

Katie: I don't think I knew

that like I just I don't know


00:56:39,972 --> 00:56:41,252

when I was a kid I didn't care.


00:56:41,262 --> 00:56:44,412

But yeah, anyway, okay.


00:56:44,412 --> 00:56:45,602

So who's our killer?


00:56:46,242 --> 00:56:48,502

Did you know Richard Jordan from things?


00:56:49,132 --> 00:56:49,722

Notorious Scott K: the face.


00:56:49,732 --> 00:56:54,402

So that's the, so there's so many

people in this movie that you, if


00:56:54,402 --> 00:56:57,722

you're a child of the eighties, you

remember like they brought people back


00:56:57,722 --> 00:56:59,362

from, from the dead kind of thing.


00:56:59,362 --> 00:57:03,062

I didn't know who he was, but

his face was very familiar.


00:57:03,242 --> 00:57:06,262

So I know I'd seen him in

things like Mouser's in it.


00:57:06,392 --> 00:57:07,882

He's from the thing he


00:57:07,897 --> 00:57:08,417

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:57:08,422 --> 00:57:09,222

Notorious Scott K: what's name's boss.


00:57:09,332 --> 00:57:12,552

The guy who might be the

captain or maybe at least the


00:57:12,552 --> 00:57:14,652

partner of Annie Garcia, he's,


00:57:14,947 --> 00:57:15,537

Katie: Bradford.


00:57:15,612 --> 00:57:17,612

Notorious Scott K: yeah, he

plays a character, a police


00:57:17,622 --> 00:57:19,522

captain in the untouchables.


00:57:19,662 --> 00:57:19,792



00:57:19,822 --> 00:57:20,332

Katie: Yes.


00:57:20,427 --> 00:57:22,737

Notorious Scott K: see, and

you're like, Oh my God, I remember


00:57:22,737 --> 00:57:25,172

them from this era, but because

it's been so long, I don't know.


00:57:25,412 --> 00:57:25,942

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:57:26,042 --> 00:57:28,112

Notorious Scott K: just, you know, so many

people have come and gone since almost


00:57:28,112 --> 00:57:30,432

like you go back through a yearbook and

you're like, Oh my God, that's right.


00:57:30,432 --> 00:57:32,002

I wonder how so and so my teacher,


00:57:32,012 --> 00:57:32,542

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:57:32,742 --> 00:57:33,292

Notorious Scott K: kind of thing,


00:57:33,532 --> 00:57:33,952

Katie: Yeah.


00:57:34,002 --> 00:57:34,372



00:57:34,552 --> 00:57:37,232

Notorious Scott K: don't know what

he was in, but the minute I saw him,


00:57:37,592 --> 00:57:39,072

I was like, I remember this face.


00:57:39,072 --> 00:57:40,182

This is a familiar face.


00:57:41,282 --> 00:57:44,562

Katie: The killers name is Alan

Delore played by Richard Jordan.


00:57:44,942 --> 00:57:46,152

I didn't have a connection to him.


00:57:46,372 --> 00:57:50,112

He's known for Dune, the original

one, Logan's Run, The Hunt


00:57:50,122 --> 00:57:51,772

for Red October, Gettysburg.


00:57:52,312 --> 00:57:56,002

And I don't know who he is in this

movie, but I loved The Scoring Up, The


00:57:56,002 --> 00:57:57,692

Secret of My Success with Michael J.


00:57:57,692 --> 00:57:58,002



00:57:58,002 --> 00:57:58,952

Do you remember that movie?


00:58:00,082 --> 00:58:03,712

So Richard was in that and he's a

Harvard educated stage and screen


00:58:03,712 --> 00:58:08,772

actor born in a very socially

prominent family in New York.


00:58:08,772 --> 00:58:13,642

He is the grandson of learned

hand the greatest American jurist


00:58:13,692 --> 00:58:15,172

never to have served on the U.


00:58:15,172 --> 00:58:15,272



00:58:15,282 --> 00:58:15,962

Supreme Court.


00:58:17,322 --> 00:58:17,742



00:58:18,322 --> 00:58:18,612



00:58:18,737 --> 00:58:21,197

Notorious Scott K: my favorite

part of the film of Kurt.


00:58:21,887 --> 00:58:23,797

I thought he played an excellent.


00:58:25,307 --> 00:58:25,717

It's weird.


00:58:25,717 --> 00:58:28,587

Cause this happens well before Hannibal

Lecter, but I felt he played an excellent


00:58:28,597 --> 00:58:30,977

Hannibal Lecter type of sociopath.


00:58:30,987 --> 00:58:34,367

Like I thought he was really

good when he does that little cat


00:58:34,367 --> 00:58:35,957

and mouse game at the trailer.


00:58:36,057 --> 00:58:36,417

I actually,


00:58:36,422 --> 00:58:38,642

Katie: Oh, when he pretends

to be the other guy.


00:58:38,692 --> 00:58:39,112



00:58:39,227 --> 00:58:39,727

Notorious Scott K: it was in him.


00:58:39,727 --> 00:58:40,067

You know, I was like,


00:58:40,282 --> 00:58:40,962

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:58:40,962 --> 00:58:41,142



00:58:41,297 --> 00:58:41,637

Notorious Scott K: twist.


00:58:41,637 --> 00:58:42,987

I was like, Oh my God, that was him.


00:58:43,422 --> 00:58:44,002

Katie: hmm.


00:58:44,187 --> 00:58:44,727

Notorious Scott K: leg thing.


00:58:44,727 --> 00:58:46,697

He sold the hell out of that.


00:58:47,132 --> 00:58:50,382

Katie: Yeah, because he's this really

gross, run down, you're like, ugh.


00:58:50,882 --> 00:58:52,332

Kurt feels sorry for him?


00:58:52,347 --> 00:58:55,597

Notorious Scott K: and he went so far

as to oil that, that fake leg brace.


00:58:55,647 --> 00:58:58,067

That was really, really well done.


00:58:58,067 --> 00:58:59,367

Like he was great.


00:58:59,377 --> 00:59:00,137

He really,


00:59:00,592 --> 00:59:01,252

Katie: He was.


00:59:01,287 --> 00:59:02,867

Notorious Scott K: was for, for a villain.


00:59:03,077 --> 00:59:04,327

He was a really good villain.


00:59:05,017 --> 00:59:08,207

film may have some, some

issues, but He himself was.


00:59:08,207 --> 00:59:09,157

a really good villain.


00:59:09,157 --> 00:59:09,957

I enjoyed him.


00:59:10,502 --> 00:59:11,072

Katie: Agreed.


00:59:11,092 --> 00:59:11,602



00:59:11,682 --> 00:59:15,907

Now, you mentioned Richard Massur, who

plays like the, Editor maybe Kurt's


00:59:15,937 --> 00:59:19,027

editor or yeah, the boss Bill Nolan.


00:59:19,437 --> 00:59:22,317

And like you said, we did talk

about him from the thing episode.


00:59:22,317 --> 00:59:24,217

He played Clark in that.


00:59:24,777 --> 00:59:27,037

And he was also in, I'm like, who was he?


00:59:27,037 --> 00:59:29,957

Was he the dad in License to Drive?


00:59:30,027 --> 00:59:31,507

He was also in My Girl.


00:59:31,857 --> 00:59:33,407

He was also in Risky Business.


00:59:34,237 --> 00:59:36,357

So some more eighties and early nineties.


00:59:36,717 --> 00:59:38,507

Notorious Scott K: character actors,

you go, Oh my God, that's right.


00:59:38,717 --> 00:59:40,497

If you're a fan of eighties movies.


00:59:40,507 --> 00:59:40,757

So if


00:59:40,812 --> 00:59:41,332

Katie: Mm hmm.


00:59:41,837 --> 00:59:42,907

Notorious Scott K: some of

these people, you're like, who


00:59:43,007 --> 00:59:43,807

the hell are you talking about?


00:59:43,807 --> 00:59:44,147



00:59:44,342 --> 00:59:44,752

Katie: hmm.


00:59:44,787 --> 00:59:46,257

Notorious Scott K: That very familiar.


00:59:47,737 --> 00:59:49,987

Could have, but yeah, he plays

a boss and he can play all kinds


00:59:49,987 --> 00:59:51,777

of different characters and

you're like, Oh, that's right.


00:59:51,812 --> 00:59:52,922

Katie: That guy.


00:59:52,982 --> 00:59:54,342

Yeah, that guy.


00:59:54,482 --> 00:59:54,952



00:59:55,322 --> 00:59:56,482

And you mentioned Andy Garcia.


00:59:56,512 --> 00:59:57,522

I love Andy Garcia.


00:59:57,522 --> 00:59:58,752

Very young Andy Garcia.


00:59:58,752 --> 01:00:01,052

He plays like one of the detectives,


01:00:01,217 --> 01:00:01,657

Notorious Scott K: hmm.


01:00:02,532 --> 01:00:06,922

Katie: Ray Martinez and

then his partner, Phil.


01:00:06,932 --> 01:00:09,512

I don't know if they ever say

his name, but his partner, right?


01:00:09,562 --> 01:00:11,072

I assume that was his partner.


01:00:11,677 --> 01:00:14,927

And you mentioned he was in the

Untouchables, he was also in the Legend of


01:00:14,927 --> 01:00:17,817

Billie Jean, and more American Graffiti.


01:00:17,997 --> 01:00:23,557

He wasn't familiar to me, the actor's

name is Richard Bradford, but he


01:00:23,557 --> 01:00:29,907

was good, like he's a handsome

Silver foxy, like older man.


01:00:30,327 --> 01:00:30,927



01:00:31,037 --> 01:00:34,167

Notorious Scott K: Thing is is I only

remember him from the untouchables So


01:00:34,167 --> 01:00:37,737

when he wasn't speaking with a bit of

an Irish accent It was throwing me off


01:00:37,957 --> 01:00:38,747

Katie: Oh,


01:00:38,767 --> 01:00:41,777

Notorious Scott K: movie because I

really only know him there and I've


01:00:41,777 --> 01:00:45,397

seen the untouchables ton of times,

one of my favorite movies growing up.


01:00:45,837 --> 01:00:46,967

And so when I saw him, I was like, Oh,


01:00:46,967 --> 01:00:47,537

my God.


01:00:47,777 --> 01:00:49,027

And Andy Garcia's in the untouchable too.


01:00:49,027 --> 01:00:49,397

So I'm like,


01:00:50,107 --> 01:00:50,917

Katie: Oh yeah.


01:00:51,717 --> 01:00:54,277

Notorious Scott K: And, but you know,

I've seen Andy Garcia, a thousand


01:00:54,277 --> 01:00:57,402

other things, but this guy only

really know from the untouchables.


01:00:57,402 --> 01:01:01,167

And so when he didn't have that English

accent or that Scottish accent, or


01:01:01,247 --> 01:01:02,822

sorry, Irish accent that he perfects.


01:01:03,032 --> 01:01:03,872

In that movie.


01:01:03,902 --> 01:01:05,892

I was just, it was throwing

me off the entire time.


01:01:05,892 --> 01:01:09,582

I was waiting for him to break

into that, that, that accent.


01:01:09,622 --> 01:01:09,902



01:01:10,057 --> 01:01:11,087

Katie: I have not seen that.


01:01:11,097 --> 01:01:12,797

No, I haven't seen that in so long.


01:01:12,797 --> 01:01:13,287

It's interesting.


01:01:13,287 --> 01:01:14,977

Cause obviously this

movie is set in Miami.


01:01:14,977 --> 01:01:18,227

So there's a lot of Cuban like overtones.


01:01:18,767 --> 01:01:22,287

And I sort of thought that

he was supposed to be Cuban.


01:01:22,762 --> 01:01:23,812

Notorious Scott K: Well,

he does have that dark,


01:01:24,367 --> 01:01:25,097

Katie: Yeah.


01:01:25,812 --> 01:01:27,542

Yeah, and I don't know.


01:01:27,542 --> 01:01:28,872

I don't know what his heritage is.


01:01:28,942 --> 01:01:30,292

Notorious Scott K: bit

of a disparaging remark.


01:01:30,342 --> 01:01:31,102

I use busting


01:01:31,152 --> 01:01:31,532

Katie: Yeah.


01:01:31,842 --> 01:01:34,152

Notorious Scott K: because

Andy Garcia says to.


01:01:34,502 --> 01:01:37,112

After one of the phone calls that

they're late at night to Kurt Russell


01:01:37,112 --> 01:01:38,292

Would you like some Cuban coffee?


01:01:38,602 --> 01:01:41,282

And so he like, takes a

coffee puts it and then once


01:01:41,312 --> 01:01:42,372

Katie: gonna get American copy.


01:01:42,412 --> 01:01:44,252

Notorious Scott K: so he says he

walks away cuz him and Kurt have a


01:01:44,252 --> 01:01:46,832

little spat and he walks I'm gonna go

get an American coffee or whatever.


01:01:47,002 --> 01:01:47,442

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:01:47,662 --> 01:01:49,922

Notorious Scott K: so I think he was

basically telling us I'm not Cuban at all


01:01:50,242 --> 01:01:52,552

Katie: Yeah, I, after he said

that, I was like, oh, maybe not.


01:01:52,552 --> 01:01:53,742

But he has that, I don't know.


01:01:54,222 --> 01:01:58,392

He, one thing I noted when I was

looking into him, two things, actually.


01:01:58,772 --> 01:02:01,502

He was the best man at

Jack Nicholson's wedding.


01:02:01,662 --> 01:02:05,282

Notorious Scott K: Wow,

which one which which wedding


01:02:05,352 --> 01:02:05,992

Katie: I don't know.


01:02:06,542 --> 01:02:08,962

Probably one of the probably

one of the early ones.


01:02:09,512 --> 01:02:11,692

And that hair.


01:02:11,942 --> 01:02:12,342

Notorious Scott K: Yeah,


01:02:12,412 --> 01:02:14,472

Katie: got that silver white hair.


01:02:14,612 --> 01:02:18,242

He said in an interview that

his hair started graying at age.


01:02:19,482 --> 01:02:20,102



01:02:20,342 --> 01:02:23,062

Notorious Scott K: seven I wanted to go


01:02:23,322 --> 01:02:23,672

Katie: nobody's


01:02:23,902 --> 01:02:24,522

Notorious Scott K: Am I right?


01:02:25,622 --> 01:02:26,532

Did I get it right?


01:02:27,132 --> 01:02:28,862

Katie: no no no 16


01:02:29,022 --> 01:02:29,622

Notorious Scott K: 16


01:02:29,852 --> 01:02:30,372

Katie: 16


01:02:30,392 --> 01:02:32,092

Notorious Scott K: like, you

know, let's go really low.


01:02:32,122 --> 01:02:32,602



01:02:32,612 --> 01:02:35,147

Like he has one of those weird

follicle diseases where like.


01:02:35,312 --> 01:02:35,802

For seven.


01:02:36,067 --> 01:02:42,687

Katie: 16 yeah and then we cannot

forget joe pantoliano is in this oh


01:02:43,097 --> 01:02:45,447

joey pants he is the photographer


01:02:45,482 --> 01:02:46,082

Notorious Scott K: Mm hmm.


01:02:46,082 --> 01:02:46,242



01:02:46,737 --> 01:02:51,207

Katie: in this and he was always wearing

like a hawaiian miami shirt and i love


01:02:51,207 --> 01:02:53,617

him he has a full head of hair in this too


01:02:53,682 --> 01:02:54,482

Notorious Scott K: was a little shocking.


01:02:55,492 --> 01:02:56,812

but he was so underused to begin.


01:02:57,842 --> 01:03:00,812

I have to always remind myself that

I'm looking at a movie from:


01:03:00,812 --> 01:03:02,702

Joey pants isn't anybody in:


01:03:03,327 --> 01:03:03,767

Katie: true


01:03:04,437 --> 01:03:06,757

Notorious Scott K: I know Joey Pants

from a lot of films that he would get


01:03:06,757 --> 01:03:11,117

himself into that are very memorable

that I like, and I have to remember, he


01:03:11,117 --> 01:03:12,367

was still young, you know what I mean?


01:03:12,367 --> 01:03:13,967

Andy Garcia was still young back then.


01:03:14,297 --> 01:03:16,187

Katie: true it


01:03:16,277 --> 01:03:18,067

Notorious Scott K: Pants and be

like, why did they use him more?


01:03:18,077 --> 01:03:19,387

Because they didn't

know what they had back


01:03:19,547 --> 01:03:20,507

Katie: was a bit part yeah you're


01:03:20,627 --> 01:03:20,747

Notorious Scott K: he


01:03:20,947 --> 01:03:26,132

Katie: but joey Yes,


01:03:26,257 --> 01:03:27,047

Notorious Scott K: And then

all of a sudden they're like,


01:03:27,387 --> 01:03:28,597

all right, Joey, thanks a lot.


01:03:28,657 --> 01:03:31,777

We, we, we, thanks for your coming in

for these couple of days of acting.


01:03:32,187 --> 01:03:32,907

We'll see you later.


01:03:33,067 --> 01:03:34,127

that's all of the money we have for you.


01:03:34,127 --> 01:03:37,087

And they, he just disappears

with no reason he's gone.


01:03:38,032 --> 01:03:38,742

Katie: that's true.


01:03:39,682 --> 01:03:44,732

One of the things I noted, the opening

credits, the music was very effective.


01:03:45,352 --> 01:03:49,802

It's like very frantic and makes

you, it's a little stressful.


01:03:50,137 --> 01:03:50,367

Notorious Scott K: It's


01:03:50,412 --> 01:03:51,062

Katie: Did you,


01:03:51,137 --> 01:03:52,137

Notorious Scott K: in the

eighties that we forget.


01:03:52,442 --> 01:03:52,842

Katie: yeah.


01:03:53,302 --> 01:03:55,042

Notorious Scott K: aren't a thing

anymore, really, they really aren't


01:03:55,042 --> 01:04:01,032

a thing anymore, but there's many TV

shows, movies that use the paper assembly


01:04:01,032 --> 01:04:07,262

line in as like a montage, you know,

it's back when journalism was respected


01:04:07,262 --> 01:04:08,952

in our country, not made a fraud by


01:04:09,187 --> 01:04:09,587

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:04:10,267 --> 01:04:10,877

Mm hmm.


01:04:10,952 --> 01:04:11,292

Notorious Scott K: in that


01:04:11,607 --> 01:04:12,527

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:04:12,632 --> 01:04:15,542

Notorious Scott K: everything, but

it was a time where like newspaper.


01:04:15,837 --> 01:04:19,737

Was a big deal, you know, the

way journalism was and things


01:04:19,737 --> 01:04:22,947

were kind of told through the

newspaper before TV, because we


01:04:22,947 --> 01:04:24,217

didn't have 24 hour news cycles.


01:04:24,497 --> 01:04:25,037

Katie: No.


01:04:25,047 --> 01:04:26,777

Notorious Scott K: three major

channels and you had your local


01:04:26,937 --> 01:04:28,147

affiliates and that was it.


01:04:28,147 --> 01:04:31,127

And so a lot of people did get

their news from the newspaper


01:04:31,177 --> 01:04:32,167

and you know, what is it?


01:04:32,167 --> 01:04:33,967

The Watergate was broke

by newspaper people.


01:04:34,527 --> 01:04:34,797



01:04:34,897 --> 01:04:35,517

Katie: Well, and that's,


01:04:35,977 --> 01:04:36,117

Notorious Scott K: thing.


01:04:36,117 --> 01:04:37,247

It wasn't a TV thing.


01:04:37,247 --> 01:04:41,207

And the news used to be broken by

journalists who held people's feet to


01:04:41,207 --> 01:04:42,857

the fire or we get investigative stuff.


01:04:42,867 --> 01:04:43,227



01:04:43,297 --> 01:04:44,157

Katie: get that story.


01:04:44,187 --> 01:04:46,777

Notorious Scott K: a throwback to a

time that seems to have disappeared, but


01:04:46,777 --> 01:04:50,937

it was a very cool, as soon as I saw,

I was like, it was like it was like a


01:04:50,937 --> 01:04:53,287

nostalgic thing for me, but it's like,

man, they don't, they don't, you can't


01:04:53,287 --> 01:04:58,217

see a movie of since:

that really has the newspaper production


01:04:58,387 --> 01:05:01,457

montage of how papers are made and

put together kind of thing anymore.


01:05:01,457 --> 01:05:02,107

I don't think they.


01:05:02,437 --> 01:05:03,727

Put him in TV or movie anymore.


01:05:04,777 --> 01:05:05,277

Katie: No, it's not.


01:05:05,447 --> 01:05:05,767



01:05:05,777 --> 01:05:08,487

I mean, now it's like, I

don't know, YouTube star with


01:05:08,487 --> 01:05:09,547

their ring light or something.


01:05:09,547 --> 01:05:09,807

I don't know.


01:05:09,917 --> 01:05:10,247

Notorious Scott K: Yes.


01:05:10,457 --> 01:05:11,957

YouTube started doing

their makeup telling us


01:05:11,977 --> 01:05:12,346

Katie: Yeah.


01:05:13,812 --> 01:05:14,232

Notorious Scott K: Mm-Hmm.


01:05:14,257 --> 01:05:17,947

Katie: Kurt in this, Malcolm

even says he's disillusioned.


01:05:17,957 --> 01:05:20,467

He's been at this paper for eight

years and he's like, it's just, I


01:05:20,467 --> 01:05:21,977

don't, it's, I'm, I'm burned out.


01:05:22,427 --> 01:05:24,897

And his boss is like,

well, what do you want?


01:05:25,157 --> 01:05:26,577

And he's like, I want my Watergate.


01:05:27,402 --> 01:05:28,672

Yeah, to your point about Watergate.


01:05:29,152 --> 01:05:29,572

Notorious Scott K: Mm-Hmm?


01:05:30,242 --> 01:05:33,452

Katie: Well, I did bring up the music

because it was like at the beginning


01:05:33,452 --> 01:05:38,252

the end were bookends with that frantic,

nervous music that I really liked.


01:05:38,742 --> 01:05:44,522

The music composer here is kind of a big

deal, but I was not familiar with him.


01:05:44,692 --> 01:05:45,482

Were you?


01:05:45,687 --> 01:05:47,247

Notorious Scott K: I was,

yes, I'd heard of him.


01:05:47,247 --> 01:05:47,547



01:05:47,552 --> 01:05:47,812



01:05:48,312 --> 01:05:50,072

Katie: So it's Lalo Schifrin,


01:05:50,172 --> 01:05:50,592

Notorious Scott K: Mm-Hmm?


01:05:50,862 --> 01:05:53,852

Katie: and he was born

Boris Claudio Schifrin.


01:05:53,882 --> 01:05:56,022

So Claudio became Lalo.


01:05:57,062 --> 01:05:59,462

And he's Argentinian.


01:06:00,602 --> 01:06:05,162

Pianist, composer, arranger, conductor,

five time Grammy winner, nominated


01:06:05,172 --> 01:06:09,482

for six Academy Awards, four Emmys,

best known compositions include


01:06:09,522 --> 01:06:11,552

the theme for Mission Impossible?


01:06:11,832 --> 01:06:12,252

Notorious Scott K: Mm-Hmm.


01:06:12,702 --> 01:06:13,112

Katie: Wow.


01:06:13,112 --> 01:06:16,971

And he scored like Cool Hand Luke,

Enter the Dragon, The Four Musketeers,


01:06:17,182 --> 01:06:19,912

Amityville Horror, The Rush Hour Trilogy.


01:06:20,232 --> 01:06:25,332

And he's known for his collaborations

with Clint Eastwood from the 60s to the


01:06:25,342 --> 01:06:28,082

80s, particularly the Dirty Harry series.


01:06:28,302 --> 01:06:28,721

Notorious Scott K: Mm-Hmm.


01:06:29,692 --> 01:06:31,982

Katie: you know, the

Paramount Pictures Fanfare.


01:06:32,322 --> 01:06:33,782

Dun, dun, dun, dun.


01:06:33,782 --> 01:06:36,302

Is that, yeah, that's him.


01:06:36,502 --> 01:06:37,422

He composed that.


01:06:37,532 --> 01:06:38,732

Notorious Scott K: He's pretty,

it was a pretty big deal.


01:06:38,732 --> 01:06:40,247

He's a pretty big composer for


01:06:40,322 --> 01:06:40,802

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:06:42,072 --> 01:06:42,882

And Lalo.


01:06:43,612 --> 01:06:47,032

I love that because my only other

reference to Lalo was from Breaking Bad.


01:06:47,032 --> 01:06:47,292

Lalo Salaman


01:06:47,607 --> 01:06:48,357

Notorious Scott K: Yes.


01:06:48,417 --> 01:06:48,837

Oh, I love


01:06:48,872 --> 01:06:51,522

Katie: Salamanca, right?


01:06:51,742 --> 01:06:52,092



01:06:52,642 --> 01:06:55,752

So, alright, this movie

did not make money.


01:06:56,367 --> 01:06:57,357

Notorious Scott K: No, I think I


01:06:57,372 --> 01:06:57,832

Katie: It,


01:06:57,897 --> 01:06:58,137

Notorious Scott K: Which is


01:06:58,262 --> 01:06:58,512

Katie: it,


01:06:58,527 --> 01:06:58,647


Notorious Scott K: cause


01:06:58,782 --> 01:06:59,172

Katie: yes.


01:06:59,187 --> 01:06:59,637

Notorious Scott K: a budget.


01:07:00,662 --> 01:07:01,082

Katie: No.


01:07:01,302 --> 01:07:05,532

It was only differing sources

between 7 10 million dollars is


01:07:05,532 --> 01:07:06,672

what it cost to make the movie.


01:07:06,672 --> 01:07:08,672

And it only grossed a little over 4.


01:07:09,392 --> 01:07:10,172

That's wild.


01:07:10,447 --> 01:07:14,747

Notorious Scott K: Well, I think

because unfortunate for it, it came


01:07:14,747 --> 01:07:18,127

out at the Valentine's day timeframe

and the breakfast club came out and


01:07:18,127 --> 01:07:20,177

the breakfast club became a sensation.


01:07:20,667 --> 01:07:22,117

And so it was sunk.


01:07:22,337 --> 01:07:23,757

We talk about music.


01:07:24,596 --> 01:07:28,747

biggest album that David Lee Roth was on



01:07:28,747 --> 01:07:30,642

because it came out against Thriller.


01:07:30,782 --> 01:07:31,362



01:07:31,562 --> 01:07:33,372

Katie: Oh.


01:07:33,812 --> 01:07:35,022

Notorious Scott K: down by what comes out


01:07:35,292 --> 01:07:35,912

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:07:36,092 --> 01:07:36,532

Mm hmm.


01:07:36,532 --> 01:07:37,102



01:07:37,172 --> 01:07:39,412

Notorious Scott K: was is the

greatest selling album of all time.


01:07:40,322 --> 01:07:44,492

It's hard to be a movie that is

such a eighties touchstone, like the


01:07:44,492 --> 01:07:46,982

breakfast club, especially when it's

coming out, high schoolers are going


01:07:46,982 --> 01:07:48,482

to go see it during Valentine's day.


01:07:48,822 --> 01:07:53,162

That is a romantic comedy of sorts as

well as a, you know, coming of age story.


01:07:53,492 --> 01:07:53,892



01:07:54,352 --> 01:07:54,912

Katie: hmm.


01:07:55,082 --> 01:07:57,282

Notorious Scott K: like this is going

to get lost in the shuffle for sure.


01:07:57,282 --> 01:07:58,012

Katie: Great point.


01:07:58,152 --> 01:07:58,312

Notorious Scott K: know?


01:07:59,452 --> 01:08:00,221

Katie: Great point.


01:08:00,402 --> 01:08:03,132

Notorious Scott K: to come out in

March probably does better, right?


01:08:03,132 --> 01:08:05,742

Come or January because those are

usually the dead time, but you come


01:08:05,742 --> 01:08:07,112

out against that movie and who knew?


01:08:07,142 --> 01:08:10,422

I mean, there's no way the movie makers

could have known that that movie is


01:08:10,422 --> 01:08:13,912

going to be the movie became but It got


01:08:14,022 --> 01:08:15,702

Katie: I, yeah, that's a good point.


01:08:15,832 --> 01:08:18,822

I actually had never heard of it

until recently, you know, doing my


01:08:18,822 --> 01:08:24,422

Kurt season and I kind of wonder

if they kind of didn't promote it.


01:08:24,432 --> 01:08:26,841

There was a, you know, how sometimes

they're like, they realize it's not


01:08:26,841 --> 01:08:30,261

going to be much and then so they don't

really put any effort into promoting it.


01:08:30,272 --> 01:08:31,801

And then it just kind

of goes by the wayside


01:08:31,952 --> 01:08:32,341

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


01:08:32,341 --> 01:08:35,511

Katie: or if there are other factors

at play, because at this time, there


01:08:35,511 --> 01:08:39,112

would have been a ton of other movies

in the theater also with breakfast club.


01:08:39,182 --> 01:08:39,752

You know what I mean?


01:08:39,752 --> 01:08:42,261

In the 80s, there were a lot,

but that is a good point.


01:08:42,942 --> 01:08:43,452

I don't know.


01:08:43,971 --> 01:08:47,662

Okay, Scott, what are your overall?


01:08:47,662 --> 01:08:49,702

Give me, give me your overall thoughts.


01:08:49,702 --> 01:08:50,402

What do you think?


01:08:50,801 --> 01:08:54,602

Notorious Scott K: a movie with real

potential that just kind of falls flat.


01:08:54,631 --> 01:08:55,312

I think?


01:08:55,312 --> 01:09:01,247

You Kurt's good in it but it's hard

because now you're, I try not to


01:09:01,247 --> 01:09:05,567

watch a movie from the past with

today's eyes, but it is strange.


01:09:05,567 --> 01:09:09,037

It's a strange film where like the,

the journalist is actually running the


01:09:09,037 --> 01:09:12,117

investigation when really the cops would

be running the investigation, regardless


01:09:12,117 --> 01:09:13,067

of what the journalist was told.


01:09:13,077 --> 01:09:16,117

Like he wouldn't be allowed to be

out there in the woods with it.


01:09:16,117 --> 01:09:18,397

Like none of the stuff that happens

would be a lot, but it's okay.


01:09:18,397 --> 01:09:20,277

It's a movie, so we can suspend belief.


01:09:22,812 --> 01:09:25,082

it's, there's a lot of old

tropes that we have moved past,


01:09:25,082 --> 01:09:26,011

which is a good thing, right?


01:09:26,011 --> 01:09:32,131

But the four times in this film, we

are made to believe that the killer is


01:09:32,131 --> 01:09:36,902

going to sneak up and kill one of the

main characters four times in the film.


01:09:36,922 --> 01:09:37,471

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:09:37,522 --> 01:09:38,011

Mm hmm.


01:09:38,072 --> 01:09:39,652

Notorious Scott K: Meryl's

breasts show, but she's in the


01:09:39,652 --> 01:09:41,471

shower and Kurt For no reason.


01:09:41,471 --> 01:09:42,131

scares her.


01:09:42,562 --> 01:09:44,392

She pops up in the back car with him.


01:09:44,721 --> 01:09:47,852

There's the Hispanic man bringing the

newspaper who, for some reason, decides


01:09:47,852 --> 01:09:49,832

to creepily sneak through the backyard.


01:09:49,912 --> 01:09:51,332

And he starts walking

down the driveway to play.


01:09:52,232 --> 01:09:52,952

Katie: For no reason.


01:09:52,961 --> 01:09:53,341



01:09:53,471 --> 01:09:53,932

Mm hmm.


01:09:54,022 --> 01:09:54,822

Notorious Scott K: set up to that.


01:09:54,822 --> 01:09:59,382

Eventually it leads up to where

a thing that happened a lot in


01:09:59,382 --> 01:10:00,982

the eighties and I hated it.


01:10:00,992 --> 01:10:03,112

It's the old they're dead,

but they're not dead.


01:10:03,122 --> 01:10:03,952

Katie: They're not dead.


01:10:04,302 --> 01:10:05,542

Notorious Scott K: do, do, do, you know?


01:10:05,542 --> 01:10:10,612

So he dragged a guy's body out there

that, you know, like in the, you know,


01:10:10,612 --> 01:10:13,692

at the end, in the, in the Everglades

and it was just properly placed


01:10:13,722 --> 01:10:15,692

and he, they quickly changed Okay.


01:10:15,692 --> 01:10:17,062

Katie: Well, you knew I see.


01:10:17,062 --> 01:10:18,782

I want, here's the thing is I know,


01:10:19,032 --> 01:10:19,252

Notorious Scott K: for it.


01:10:19,252 --> 01:10:20,822

I was like, Oh, he took his own life.


01:10:20,842 --> 01:10:23,262

Okay, that was the fifth

guy he had to kill.


01:10:23,272 --> 01:10:23,462



01:10:23,662 --> 01:10:26,002

Katie: but you knew you

didn't, didn't you see it?


01:10:26,012 --> 01:10:27,222

You're like, Oh no, that.


01:10:27,352 --> 01:10:30,182

Notorious Scott K: been so long since

I've I've watched a movie where we brought


01:10:30,202 --> 01:10:34,362

someone back from the dead who wasn't

dead that I was like, soon as we didn't


01:10:34,472 --> 01:10:36,192

end the movie there, I was like, oh shit.


01:10:36,642 --> 01:10:36,892

It was


01:10:36,977 --> 01:10:37,857

Katie: He's not dead.


01:10:37,892 --> 01:10:39,452

Notorious Scott K: I was like, and the

music kicked, I was like, He's not dead.


01:10:39,937 --> 01:10:40,527

Katie: He's not dead.


01:10:40,602 --> 01:10:40,772

Notorious Scott K: doing


01:10:40,807 --> 01:10:45,807

Katie: The reason, and again, see

again, like I can't tell if that would


01:10:45,807 --> 01:10:48,947

ve been more of a novelty in:


01:10:49,002 --> 01:10:49,812

Notorious Scott K: I think it was.


01:10:49,842 --> 01:10:52,392

Because that's what we do with

our, our major killers, right?


01:10:52,392 --> 01:10:53,172

Oh, Freddy's dead.


01:10:53,202 --> 01:10:54,192

Oh, he's not dead.


01:10:54,202 --> 01:10:54,722

You know what I mean?


01:10:54,722 --> 01:10:55,462

Jason's dead.


01:10:55,692 --> 01:10:56,542

He's not dead.


01:10:56,552 --> 01:10:58,952

It's that kind of we couldn't

kill someone off right away.


01:10:58,952 --> 01:11:00,142

It was always like a little twist.


01:11:00,977 --> 01:11:03,247

And I think that was kind

of the suspense angle of it.


01:11:03,247 --> 01:11:07,247

I think the problem with this movie

is it doesn't know if it wants to be a


01:11:07,247 --> 01:11:12,627

psychological thriller or if it wants

to be an investigative movie, right?


01:11:12,627 --> 01:11:15,827

It doesn't know what it wants to be

because it tries to play in both.


01:11:16,057 --> 01:11:17,367

Katie: It's meshing them together.


01:11:17,867 --> 01:11:18,977

Notorious Scott K: We don't

get enough Andy Garcia.


01:11:19,417 --> 01:11:20,127

Katie: No.


01:11:20,437 --> 01:11:20,747

Notorious Scott K: and


01:11:20,787 --> 01:11:22,737

Katie: Well, again, he

wasn't really a big deal.


01:11:22,877 --> 01:11:23,367

Notorious Scott K: to do.


01:11:23,427 --> 01:11:23,547



01:11:23,612 --> 01:11:24,262

Katie: Yeah, yeah,


01:11:24,397 --> 01:11:24,457

Notorious Scott K: of


01:11:24,752 --> 01:11:25,032

Katie: yeah,


01:11:25,387 --> 01:11:26,287

Notorious Scott K: there

was one point where he's


01:11:26,302 --> 01:11:26,652

Katie: yeah,


01:11:26,817 --> 01:11:27,457

Notorious Scott K: going to arrest him.


01:11:27,457 --> 01:11:28,127

So we can all go home.


01:11:28,127 --> 01:11:30,307

It's kind of like, how would you

step in a frame with the job?


01:11:31,267 --> 01:11:33,317

I was like, Kurt, why don't

you stop interfering with


01:11:33,452 --> 01:11:35,402

Katie: but he's just so handsome.


01:11:35,517 --> 01:11:36,597

Notorious Scott K: Oh, he's

got a great head of hair.


01:11:36,607 --> 01:11:37,357

Even my wife saw it.


01:11:37,367 --> 01:11:38,277

She goes, God, he's got great hair.


01:11:38,277 --> 01:11:39,697

I said, he's always had a great head of


01:11:39,862 --> 01:11:41,872

Katie: Oh, he, it's his trademark.


01:11:41,882 --> 01:11:42,852

It's his trademark.


01:11:42,857 --> 01:11:43,367

Notorious Scott K: facial hair.


01:11:43,397 --> 01:11:46,577

Like he, that man, he should

also be studied because he


01:11:46,577 --> 01:11:47,527

has got great follicles.


01:11:47,527 --> 01:11:50,917

Whatever his genetics are, he's

got great genetic follicles.


01:11:50,917 --> 01:11:51,787

He's got great hair.


01:11:51,787 --> 01:11:53,877

He can great, great beards and mustaches.


01:11:54,217 --> 01:11:56,257

He is, I mean, that's why

every man wants to be like him.


01:11:56,257 --> 01:11:59,397

Because, You know, He can

just have amazing facial hair.


01:11:59,567 --> 01:12:00,727

It's unbelievable


01:12:01,212 --> 01:12:03,192

Katie: You have some pretty

good facial hair, Scott.


01:12:03,247 --> 01:12:04,357

Notorious Scott K: can't

grow hair in my head.


01:12:04,437 --> 01:12:05,067

That's the problem.


01:12:05,077 --> 01:12:06,197

Like I can't beat Kurt.


01:12:06,237 --> 01:12:10,077

Kurt can grow beautiful hair and beautiful

beard, and he can look like Santa


01:12:10,077 --> 01:12:12,437

Claus or a killer or a wild West guy.


01:12:12,927 --> 01:12:16,107

You know, I'm kind of stuck in

one, one genre at this point.


01:12:16,217 --> 01:12:19,837

Katie: Oh, and he has those

piercing eyes, and it's, oh,


01:12:19,952 --> 01:12:20,412

Notorious Scott K: amazing in


01:12:20,597 --> 01:12:22,367

Katie: so handsome in this.


01:12:22,607 --> 01:12:25,257

Notorious Scott K: Meryl's not

great, but that's not Meryl's fault.


01:12:25,357 --> 01:12:25,727



01:12:25,767 --> 01:12:26,347

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:12:26,377 --> 01:12:27,427

Notorious Scott K: the girl there.


01:12:27,427 --> 01:12:28,787

She's the eye candy.


01:12:29,247 --> 01:12:32,827

She doesn't get a whole lot to

do besides overreact to Kurt.


01:12:32,837 --> 01:12:34,777

And like you said, be the bit of the.


01:12:36,687 --> 01:12:40,497

I honestly, his biggest

antagonist is her until the end.


01:12:40,507 --> 01:12:42,937

Like really, his biggest antagonist is her


01:12:43,507 --> 01:12:44,117



01:12:44,512 --> 01:12:47,552

Katie: screaming at the TV

during the final fight scene.


01:12:47,552 --> 01:12:48,832

So we're in Miami.


01:12:48,832 --> 01:12:49,342

It's storm.


01:12:49,352 --> 01:12:51,822

It's like the storm season We'll get

into why the movie was named the mean


01:12:51,822 --> 01:12:56,712

season but so there's a storm and

that causes a power outage during


01:12:56,712 --> 01:12:59,572

the final fight, so I knew again.


01:12:59,572 --> 01:13:04,092

I don't know if it's because I have

Hindsight it being:


01:13:04,092 --> 01:13:07,152

this the second that they showed the

dead body and it was his face blown


01:13:07,152 --> 01:13:11,392

out So you couldn't see who he was I

was like I knew it, that's not him.


01:13:11,577 --> 01:13:14,917

Notorious Scott K: that if he, having

been in the military and having done


01:13:14,917 --> 01:13:18,317

some police work when I was in the

military and having been around corpses,


01:13:18,537 --> 01:13:21,987

I did think that a handgun shot.


01:13:22,672 --> 01:13:26,852

if he shot himself behind the ear like a

suicide, that was a really big exit wound.


01:13:26,862 --> 01:13:30,212

Like his, it looked like he had been

shot in the face with a Shotgun.


01:13:30,642 --> 01:13:30,822

And I


01:13:30,832 --> 01:13:31,272

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:13:31,712 --> 01:13:32,032

Notorious Scott K: damn.


01:13:32,902 --> 01:13:34,622

impressed by the practical effect though.


01:13:34,662 --> 01:13:34,942

I was kind


01:13:34,942 --> 01:13:35,622

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:13:36,192 --> 01:13:38,002

Notorious Scott K: This looks better

than some of the movie practical


01:13:38,112 --> 01:13:39,372

Katie: On a low, low budget.


01:13:39,382 --> 01:13:39,822



01:13:39,832 --> 01:13:40,172



01:13:40,192 --> 01:13:41,222

Notorious Scott K: I was like,

man, they really put a lot


01:13:41,222 --> 01:13:42,142

of money and time into that.


01:13:42,142 --> 01:13:42,862

It looks really good.


01:13:42,872 --> 01:13:46,562

Like you could almost say that that was

a person they found who was dead in the


01:13:46,562 --> 01:13:49,982

Everglades and they just put a body A

thing on and they used it like this is


01:13:50,032 --> 01:13:51,792

Katie: Can we go to the

shop the morgue for a while?


01:13:52,342 --> 01:13:54,592

Notorious Scott K: I was disappointed

that that was going to end that


01:13:54,592 --> 01:13:58,012

way and then Again, it's the 80s.


01:13:58,022 --> 01:14:00,222

So I can't, I try not

to be too tough on it.


01:14:00,232 --> 01:14:03,542

Cause it was, it is a movie of

its time, but even the end fight,


01:14:03,602 --> 01:14:07,742

poor Merrill is screaming, the

gun is on the floor nowadays.


01:14:07,782 --> 01:14:09,082

I love how we've changed.


01:14:09,082 --> 01:14:12,652

I love that we have moved away from

women are just damsels in distresses who


01:14:12,812 --> 01:14:15,182

Katie: Oh my god, I was screaming!


01:14:15,202 --> 01:14:18,312

Notorious Scott K: was like, is say

this word, I don't mean I was like,


01:14:18,332 --> 01:14:19,922

I want to go, bitch, grab the gun.


01:14:20,002 --> 01:14:20,242



01:14:20,302 --> 01:14:21,122

Katie: No shit!


01:14:21,192 --> 01:14:21,922

Notorious Scott K: it's right there.


01:14:22,182 --> 01:14:23,062

It's right there.


01:14:23,412 --> 01:14:25,272

Katie: Do something!


01:14:25,342 --> 01:14:26,062

Notorious Scott K: both at this point.


01:14:26,092 --> 01:14:27,132

They're both a pain in your ass.


01:14:27,252 --> 01:14:30,032

Kill them both and move on to

Colorado and go do your thing.


01:14:30,042 --> 01:14:33,432

Get rid of both these gentlemen who cause

nothing but heartache and pain and end it.


01:14:33,492 --> 01:14:35,292

And then you knew that.


01:14:35,362 --> 01:14:37,882

And again, this is the old way

of doing things in the movies.


01:14:37,882 --> 01:14:39,662

They write dialogue for a purpose.


01:14:39,732 --> 01:14:40,252

And I hate.


01:14:40,642 --> 01:14:43,862

Knowing this stuff because it does

ruin movies for me, when he said,


01:14:43,882 --> 01:14:46,402

oh, yeah, we've got camera equipment

and lights I thought I was gonna this


01:14:46,402 --> 01:14:50,342

is how he's gonna is how he's gonna

distract him I was like and then again


01:14:50,342 --> 01:14:55,582

the lights come on at the right moment

for one second So he can flash him


01:14:55,582 --> 01:14:57,452

in the face with the camera lights.


01:14:57,452 --> 01:14:58,102

I thought oh


01:15:00,122 --> 01:15:02,322

I was like, I'm glad

what's not:


01:15:02,362 --> 01:15:02,452



01:15:02,572 --> 01:15:03,022

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:15:03,032 --> 01:15:03,702

Notorious Scott K: but there I


01:15:03,722 --> 01:15:04,172

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:15:04,442 --> 01:15:06,842

Notorious Scott K: away some of

these really hokey movie tropes that


01:15:06,842 --> 01:15:09,317

just Take you out of a film, right?


01:15:09,522 --> 01:15:10,002

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:15:10,037 --> 01:15:11,807

Notorious Scott K: a pretty

decent story for the most part.


01:15:12,002 --> 01:15:12,252

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:15:12,497 --> 01:15:17,267

Notorious Scott K: of see where maybe

I mean, it's like a predecessor to some


01:15:17,267 --> 01:15:20,557

really good movies we would get in the

nineties, where we would start to really


01:15:21,617 --> 01:15:25,347

able to do not only a police drama,

but also make a psychological thriller.


01:15:25,347 --> 01:15:27,657

When you look at the silence of the

lambs, you look at seven, because


01:15:27,802 --> 01:15:28,452

Katie: Oh yeah.


01:15:28,537 --> 01:15:30,437

Notorious Scott K: down

the road, you go, okay.


01:15:30,437 --> 01:15:34,457

And there's some moments in

this film where you go, okay,


01:15:34,457 --> 01:15:35,237

I see where they're playing.


01:15:35,237 --> 01:15:39,467

I see where this could go under the

proper direction and the proper script


01:15:39,467 --> 01:15:40,817

writing, because you had the cast.


01:15:40,867 --> 01:15:41,727

I do believe you had the


01:15:41,852 --> 01:15:43,232

Katie: Oh, it was a great cast.


01:15:43,907 --> 01:15:47,517

Notorious Scott K: But it's just the

execution was really poor and we leaned


01:15:47,527 --> 01:15:53,372

into These terrible tropes that i'm

glad are gone that really just the


01:15:53,372 --> 01:15:54,782

film because it takes you out of it.


01:15:54,782 --> 01:15:57,312

And it just, it ends up being a, okay.


01:15:57,582 --> 01:15:59,882

You know, I don't go like, Oh, that

was the worst film I've ever seen.


01:15:59,892 --> 01:16:00,442

It wasn't,


01:16:01,032 --> 01:16:01,542

Katie: It was,


01:16:01,742 --> 01:16:01,812

Notorious Scott K: you


01:16:01,922 --> 01:16:02,292

Katie: yeah,


01:16:02,322 --> 01:16:04,552

Notorious Scott K: you're like, ah, it's

like, if you go, you're like, I'm going to


01:16:04,562 --> 01:16:05,902

go to this really nice restaurant tonight.


01:16:06,822 --> 01:16:07,462

Katie: mm.


01:16:07,732 --> 01:16:09,792

Notorious Scott K: you're like,

God, it's got really good reviews.


01:16:09,802 --> 01:16:10,982

And the waiter is kind of good.


01:16:10,982 --> 01:16:14,912

And the staff, the staff is good, but

they just don't, they're just like tired.


01:16:15,352 --> 01:16:16,982

And then you get like a decent meal.


01:16:16,982 --> 01:16:19,152

You're like, Oh, I've had

better from them before.


01:16:19,292 --> 01:16:19,752

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:16:19,892 --> 01:16:20,312

Mm hmm.


01:16:20,492 --> 01:16:20,632

Notorious Scott K: like.


01:16:20,632 --> 01:16:22,092

It was like, I've had better from them.


01:16:22,752 --> 01:16:23,692

Katie: Good analogy.


01:16:23,822 --> 01:16:28,182

There were far too many, you could see

this fake setups coming from a mile away.


01:16:28,682 --> 01:16:30,252

So I was never really in fear.


01:16:30,252 --> 01:16:33,322

Oh, and even when she gets, the

girlfriend gets kidnapped at the end


01:16:33,622 --> 01:16:36,712

and you hear a gunshot, like I was never

scared that he actually killed her.


01:16:36,942 --> 01:16:38,262

I knew she wasn't dead.


01:16:38,992 --> 01:16:40,852

Like the, we were meant to be like,


01:16:40,987 --> 01:16:41,147

Notorious Scott K: I


01:16:41,312 --> 01:16:41,672

Katie: you did


01:16:41,717 --> 01:16:44,167

Notorious Scott K: Oh, did this is where

I was hoping that this is where some of


01:16:44,202 --> 01:16:44,302

Katie: it.


01:16:44,302 --> 01:16:45,302

Maybe it would have been better.


01:16:45,457 --> 01:16:46,477

Notorious Scott K: the road came from.


01:16:46,537 --> 01:16:47,517

Ooh, this is the movie,


01:16:47,862 --> 01:16:49,092

Katie: He does kill the girlfriend.


01:16:49,187 --> 01:16:50,017

Notorious Scott K: he

kills the girlfriend.


01:16:50,017 --> 01:16:52,247

and that starts to A thing that now we


01:16:52,732 --> 01:16:53,182

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:16:53,307 --> 01:16:55,287

Notorious Scott K: set on a back

foot when we go into movies, not


01:16:55,297 --> 01:16:56,917

knowing if a character is safe or not.


01:16:57,432 --> 01:16:57,852

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:16:58,357 --> 01:16:58,767

Notorious Scott K: I was like


01:16:58,792 --> 01:16:59,302

Katie: Yeah,


01:16:59,397 --> 01:17:00,237

Notorious Scott K: ah, she's going to be


01:17:00,412 --> 01:17:01,342

Katie: I was never,


01:17:01,487 --> 01:17:01,637

Notorious Scott K: ha.


01:17:01,822 --> 01:17:04,982

Katie: aside from the music

creating some tension, I was never


01:17:04,992 --> 01:17:08,112

scared that any of our characters,

nothing would happen to them.


01:17:08,122 --> 01:17:09,541

Notorious Scott K: knew at

the end that we were gonna hit


01:17:09,552 --> 01:17:11,291

the guy bag cuz that's the 80s


01:17:11,822 --> 01:17:12,291

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:17:12,582 --> 01:17:15,012

Notorious Scott K: this many times on,

on my other shows, especially when we're


01:17:15,012 --> 01:17:19,392

doing the we look back at action and why

Bruce Willis kind of started to change


01:17:19,422 --> 01:17:22,182

and we get different movies as we move

forward out of the eighties, but you


01:17:22,192 --> 01:17:24,492

never are at fear for the hero, the hero.


01:17:24,722 --> 01:17:27,272

They put them in some, some

positions and you wonder how they're


01:17:27,272 --> 01:17:28,082

going to get out of it, but you


01:17:28,132 --> 01:17:28,592

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:17:28,702 --> 01:17:31,372

Notorious Scott K: go,

Oh, they're, they're in


01:17:31,632 --> 01:17:32,302

Katie: They might die.


01:17:32,312 --> 01:17:32,672



01:17:32,791 --> 01:17:33,182

Notorious Scott K: never.


01:17:33,182 --> 01:17:35,582

I never have ever thought that

even John McClane was going to die.


01:17:36,092 --> 01:17:36,512

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:17:36,892 --> 01:17:38,032

Notorious Scott K: I was

like, no, he's not dying.


01:17:38,291 --> 01:17:41,762

And we did a lethal weapon too, where

they wanted to kill off Riggs's character.


01:17:42,166 --> 01:17:44,007

But they decided not to, it

was in the original script.


01:17:44,317 --> 01:17:44,497



01:17:44,622 --> 01:17:45,472

Katie: Studio won't.


01:17:45,502 --> 01:17:46,041



01:17:46,227 --> 01:17:46,767

Notorious Scott K: not going to die.


01:17:46,767 --> 01:17:47,107



01:17:49,207 --> 01:17:53,357

it does become a problem when you

know, especially, you know, and I


01:17:53,367 --> 01:17:54,557

think that's why movies had to change.


01:17:54,567 --> 01:17:58,437

But when you start to watch movies and

you go, okay, if there are no stakes


01:17:58,477 --> 01:18:00,017

as a viewer, why am I watching it?


01:18:00,467 --> 01:18:00,707



01:18:00,772 --> 01:18:01,612

Katie: Good point.


01:18:01,717 --> 01:18:03,777

Notorious Scott K: if I'm going to

go into it and everyone's going to


01:18:03,777 --> 01:18:05,817

get out of this, the way we always

think they're going to be in good


01:18:05,817 --> 01:18:07,977

guys, always going to win, then why

are you making the movie at all?


01:18:07,997 --> 01:18:08,467

What is your


01:18:08,522 --> 01:18:08,992

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:18:09,166 --> 01:18:09,307

Notorious Scott K: You


01:18:09,332 --> 01:18:09,942

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:18:10,067 --> 01:18:11,767

Notorious Scott K: kind of the thing

is they didn't know what to do with


01:18:11,897 --> 01:18:13,467

like when the first woman is killed.


01:18:14,897 --> 01:18:17,687

Or why he even kills we don't know

why he does any of these things.


01:18:18,437 --> 01:18:21,847

That's the other thing is like we of,

that's why they didn't know what world


01:18:21,847 --> 01:18:25,277

they were playing in is because there's

a reason he's making, he's doing these


01:18:25,277 --> 01:18:28,207

murders and why he reaches out to

the guy besides he's a good writer.


01:18:29,087 --> 01:18:33,087

So there's a story he wants

to tell, but we never hear it.


01:18:33,367 --> 01:18:34,467

We never get that discussion.


01:18:34,487 --> 01:18:37,477

Even in the last fight, normally that's

the monologue where the villain tells


01:18:37,477 --> 01:18:38,827

you his plans and then you kill him.


01:18:39,577 --> 01:18:42,347

The old trope from back in the

twenties, thirties and forties,


01:18:42,357 --> 01:18:43,307

when they used to do that stuff.


01:18:43,307 --> 01:18:43,327



01:18:43,727 --> 01:18:44,637

We don't get that either.


01:18:44,916 --> 01:18:45,937

We get none of that.


01:18:46,262 --> 01:18:47,012

Katie: You're right.


01:18:47,117 --> 01:18:48,727

Notorious Scott K: took over popularity.


01:18:49,172 --> 01:18:49,732

Katie: Yes.


01:18:49,827 --> 01:18:49,927

Notorious Scott K: the


01:18:50,162 --> 01:18:50,632

Katie: That was


01:18:50,647 --> 01:18:51,877

Notorious Scott K: he's

doing what he's doing.


01:18:52,567 --> 01:18:53,047

So we really


01:18:53,112 --> 01:18:53,752

Katie: for attention.


01:18:54,002 --> 01:18:56,772

We kind of assume at the end

it's because of attention.


01:18:57,162 --> 01:19:01,012

There was one point that maybe I was

just confused where they're talking.


01:19:01,642 --> 01:19:03,702

About the 5 murders.


01:19:03,712 --> 01:19:06,022

So there's 5 murders, 3 women, 2 men.


01:19:07,252 --> 01:19:10,052

And I thought, oh, he's recreating

those murders that happened.


01:19:10,072 --> 01:19:12,282

Was it in Chicago or Wisconsin

somewhere or something?


01:19:12,357 --> 01:19:14,187

Notorious Scott K: That feels like

that's where it's going to lead, but


01:19:14,942 --> 01:19:18,532

Katie: Yeah, yeah, I was like, oh, he's

recreating those, but yeah, you're right.


01:19:18,582 --> 01:19:20,252

It that fell way short.


01:19:20,812 --> 01:19:23,482

There were some little the

things I liked about it.


01:19:23,482 --> 01:19:27,832

I was like, oh, Kurt has this cool

like 60s era convertible Mustang.


01:19:28,657 --> 01:19:30,777

Are you a car guy at all?


01:19:30,992 --> 01:19:33,082

Notorious Scott K: I have noticed though

if you notice as you start to watch


01:19:33,082 --> 01:19:34,962

movies We know our characters cool.


01:19:35,132 --> 01:19:36,422

They always have a muscle car


01:19:36,477 --> 01:19:37,367

Katie: You're right.


01:19:37,607 --> 01:19:38,837

You're right.


01:19:38,942 --> 01:19:40,312

Notorious Scott K: that matter

what their profession is?


01:19:40,372 --> 01:19:41,772

They could be if they're a cool teacher.


01:19:42,022 --> 01:19:43,172

They've got some car that they've


01:19:43,307 --> 01:19:43,657

Katie: Yeah.


01:19:43,657 --> 01:19:46,447



01:19:46,602 --> 01:19:49,777

Notorious Scott K: male American If

you're a cool guy and you're white,


01:19:50,187 --> 01:19:51,107

Katie: have a cool car.


01:19:51,137 --> 01:19:51,827

Notorious Scott K: a muscle car.


01:19:52,057 --> 01:19:52,817

or motorcycles.


01:19:52,817 --> 01:19:53,637

One of those two, right?


01:19:53,637 --> 01:19:53,757



01:19:53,897 --> 01:19:54,547

Katie: You're right.


01:19:54,557 --> 01:19:55,916

Notorious Scott K: how

we know you're a badass.


01:19:55,937 --> 01:19:58,177

You know, it's the same thing.


01:19:58,227 --> 01:20:00,517

I like go through all of the

movies and you start going.


01:20:01,067 --> 01:20:01,747

Oh, yeah, that's right.


01:20:01,747 --> 01:20:02,257

He drives that.


01:20:02,297 --> 01:20:02,697

Oh, yeah.


01:20:02,697 --> 01:20:03,007



01:20:03,007 --> 01:20:03,627

He all right.


01:20:03,627 --> 01:20:05,217

Yeah, they're all driving Cool cars.


01:20:05,217 --> 01:20:06,027

No one's getting into


01:20:06,557 --> 01:20:07,647

Katie: Cool guy checklist.


01:20:07,647 --> 01:20:13,727



01:20:14,117 --> 01:20:15,677

Notorious Scott K: usually they're

working at it at some point.


01:20:16,337 --> 01:20:17,157

hood's always up.


01:20:17,397 --> 01:20:18,416

There's some tools out.


01:20:18,416 --> 01:20:21,147

We don't know what they're fixing, but

they're always in there making wrench


01:20:21,147 --> 01:20:22,867

sounds and we're like, okay, he's fixing.


01:20:24,177 --> 01:20:25,087

You have no idea what he's doing.


01:20:25,087 --> 01:20:27,557

He could just be changing the

oil, but he's just always a wrench


01:20:27,557 --> 01:20:30,987

sound and hand me this and that's

that's our standard dialogue


01:20:31,607 --> 01:20:32,197

Katie: You're right.


01:20:32,347 --> 01:20:32,957

You're right.


01:20:33,507 --> 01:20:36,697

I of course noticed a lot

of what people were wearing.


01:20:36,697 --> 01:20:39,397

I always noticed that Kurt,

it was those glasses that he,


01:20:39,447 --> 01:20:41,617

those very eighties glasses.


01:20:41,617 --> 01:20:44,717

I don't even know what, is

that what they were called?


01:20:44,777 --> 01:20:45,047

Notorious Scott K: aviator.


01:20:45,067 --> 01:20:48,297

So they're they're basically

become the this is terrible, but


01:20:48,297 --> 01:20:49,677

they seem to be the new glasses.


01:20:50,122 --> 01:20:53,041

That whether that was intentional or

because they were cheaper, but serial


01:20:53,041 --> 01:20:55,152

killers and like pedophile people and


01:20:55,207 --> 01:20:55,507

Katie: Yes.


01:20:55,507 --> 01:20:56,817



01:20:57,202 --> 01:20:58,652

Notorious Scott K: I mean,

Jeffrey Dahmer wears them,


01:20:59,027 --> 01:20:59,597

Katie: Yes.


01:20:59,642 --> 01:21:01,202

Notorious Scott K: I mean, they just, I

mean, I know they weren't intentionally


01:21:01,202 --> 01:21:02,982

made that way, but I think they

were because they were the cheapest


01:21:02,982 --> 01:21:04,232

version of glasses you could get.


01:21:04,452 --> 01:21:05,652

So they're easy to have.


01:21:05,791 --> 01:21:06,462

So it just became


01:21:06,517 --> 01:21:06,537

Katie: Yeah.


01:21:06,802 --> 01:21:10,682

Notorious Scott K: but yet he did

have would become the, you're on a


01:21:10,682 --> 01:21:14,402

list glasses, you know, like he may

touch children or kill people and


01:21:14,467 --> 01:21:14,897

Katie: Yep.


01:21:15,247 --> 01:21:16,257

Those glasses.


01:21:16,416 --> 01:21:20,737

He had those and the mid eighties jeans.


01:21:21,117 --> 01:21:23,166

I on a good looking man.


01:21:23,217 --> 01:21:25,297

Oh, I loved it.


01:21:25,487 --> 01:21:26,457

It was great.


01:21:26,547 --> 01:21:28,357

Jeans on Kurt Russell and his hair.


01:21:28,357 --> 01:21:28,987

He was just.


01:21:29,117 --> 01:21:31,247

Notorious Scott K: I was like, you

guys are in the summertime in Miami.


01:21:31,247 --> 01:21:31,287



01:21:31,567 --> 01:21:32,137

Katie: Miami,


01:21:32,317 --> 01:21:33,107

Notorious Scott K: a

little too much clothes.


01:21:33,137 --> 01:21:34,257

Like I've been in Miami that time.


01:21:34,257 --> 01:21:35,767

Like you guys probably


01:21:35,937 --> 01:21:37,166

Katie: especially at this time


01:21:37,367 --> 01:21:38,267

Notorious Scott K: was like dressed like


01:21:38,727 --> 01:21:39,087

Katie: norm.


01:21:39,557 --> 01:21:41,087

Yes, I noticed too.


01:21:41,087 --> 01:21:45,357

They're like, crawling around in

the Marsh Everglade area in suit.


01:21:45,387 --> 01:21:48,567

The detectives still have their

suit jackets on crawling around.


01:21:48,577 --> 01:21:49,347

What are you doing?


01:21:49,347 --> 01:21:50,227

It's July.


01:21:50,477 --> 01:21:50,587

Notorious Scott K: I


01:21:50,802 --> 01:21:53,492

Katie: It takes place in, doesn't it?


01:21:53,492 --> 01:21:53,852

Yeah, I


01:21:53,872 --> 01:21:54,302

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


01:21:54,332 --> 01:21:56,572

Katie: it takes place in July in Miami.


01:21:57,002 --> 01:21:58,022

Notorious Scott K: In hurricane season,


01:21:58,472 --> 01:22:00,012

Katie: yes, speaking of which,


01:22:00,112 --> 01:22:00,462

Notorious Scott K: Yep.


01:22:00,462 --> 01:22:01,492



01:22:01,702 --> 01:22:06,832

Katie: there's a few things like the power

outage and why was there school in July?


01:22:08,662 --> 01:22:09,052

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


01:22:09,382 --> 01:22:10,172

That's what I'm thinking.


01:22:10,172 --> 01:22:10,522



01:22:10,612 --> 01:22:14,982

Or, or maybe if it's not July, it's June,

May, maybe, but the South gets out in May.


01:22:16,372 --> 01:22:17,552

Katie: We do too.


01:22:17,822 --> 01:22:19,902

I know the coasts usually.


01:22:20,142 --> 01:22:20,612



01:22:20,677 --> 01:22:21,447

Notorious Scott K: in September.


01:22:22,257 --> 01:22:25,527

because of the heat, they get out in

May and go back in August, which is


01:22:25,632 --> 01:22:27,302

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:22:27,427 --> 01:22:29,587

Notorious Scott K: there is that bit

of a switch just based on because


01:22:29,587 --> 01:22:32,217

of how much hotter it actually

gets down in The South than it


01:22:32,217 --> 01:22:33,697

does out here up in the East coast.


01:22:34,337 --> 01:22:35,987

But yeah, I don't know.


01:22:36,077 --> 01:22:36,657

I, yeah.


01:22:36,692 --> 01:22:39,602

Katie: reason I think it's July or

maybe even August is because it's


01:22:39,602 --> 01:22:45,622

called the mean season and that

typically refers to late summer


01:22:45,957 --> 01:22:46,227

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


01:22:46,422 --> 01:22:46,872

Katie: in.


01:22:47,037 --> 01:22:48,047

Notorious Scott K: hurricane season down


01:22:48,102 --> 01:22:50,092

Katie: Yeah, yeah, yeah.


01:22:50,142 --> 01:22:52,222

So, so when I was looking up,

because I had never heard that


01:22:52,222 --> 01:22:54,222

term before, but I guess in Miami.


01:22:54,541 --> 01:22:55,632

Oh, yeah, it is July.


01:22:56,437 --> 01:23:00,447

I guess the main season refers to Miami,

Florida, July a pattern of weather.


01:23:00,587 --> 01:23:00,847



01:23:01,047 --> 01:23:03,627

A pattern of weather

that occurs in Florida


01:23:03,627 --> 01:23:05,027

Notorious Scott K: I've lived

in the summertime there.


01:23:05,067 --> 01:23:06,797

It is awful.


01:23:07,027 --> 01:23:10,127

It is so goddamn hot.


01:23:10,416 --> 01:23:10,916



01:23:10,927 --> 01:23:12,557

So a lot of


01:23:12,698 --> 01:23:14,077

Katie: It's the humidity.


01:23:14,137 --> 01:23:16,627

Notorious Scott K: of people live up here

in like a Northern climate like you do.


01:23:17,027 --> 01:23:17,247



01:23:17,247 --> 01:23:18,437

They're tired of the snow and I get it.


01:23:18,447 --> 01:23:19,797

You go down there in February, March.


01:23:19,937 --> 01:23:20,457

It's gorgeous.


01:23:20,457 --> 01:23:20,727



01:23:20,727 --> 01:23:21,157

I get it.


01:23:21,597 --> 01:23:26,487

But from may till sometimes October,

it is in the hundreds in the nineties


01:23:26,527 --> 01:23:28,007

and it's like 95 percent humidity.


01:23:28,017 --> 01:23:29,412

And it is just, Brutal.


01:23:29,422 --> 01:23:33,342

So you go from where we're up

here from you know, a warm house


01:23:33,362 --> 01:23:34,902

to a warmed up car in the winter.


01:23:35,162 --> 01:23:36,912

You go from air conditioned

house to an air conditioner car.


01:23:37,032 --> 01:23:39,442

You don't enjoy the summertime in Florida.


01:23:39,622 --> 01:23:41,722

Summertime in Florida

is in our wintertime.


01:23:41,722 --> 01:23:42,322

That's the only time


01:23:42,358 --> 01:23:43,688

Katie: Yeah, yeah, yeah,


01:23:43,752 --> 01:23:45,272

Notorious Scott K: so goddamn hot.


01:23:45,548 --> 01:23:47,768

Katie: the humidity just like over to you.


01:23:47,798 --> 01:23:52,508

I walked I was there last month for work

and I walked out of my hotel and verbally.


01:23:52,632 --> 01:23:52,902

Notorious Scott K: you?


01:23:52,978 --> 01:23:55,538

Katie: I, it was, I verbally said, ew,


01:23:55,562 --> 01:23:55,862

Notorious Scott K: Yes.


01:23:55,958 --> 01:23:56,258

Katie: I,


01:23:56,291 --> 01:23:57,592

Notorious Scott K: hotel to

whatever car you're getting


01:23:57,798 --> 01:23:58,298

Katie: yes,


01:23:58,462 --> 01:24:00,802

Notorious Scott K: were already sweating

and you're like, I've only been outside.


01:24:01,262 --> 01:24:02,322

30 seconds and I'm


01:24:02,568 --> 01:24:06,628

Katie: but the problem, the

problem is it's so cold indoors.


01:24:06,893 --> 01:24:08,613

What are you supposed to wear?


01:24:08,943 --> 01:24:10,563

Cause I'm cold inside.


01:24:10,782 --> 01:24:11,153



01:24:11,692 --> 01:24:13,262

Notorious Scott K: degrees in the hotel.


01:24:13,502 --> 01:24:14,882

It's 120 outside.


01:24:14,972 --> 01:24:16,912

It's just such an extreme.


01:24:17,323 --> 01:24:17,683

Katie: Yeah.


01:24:17,683 --> 01:24:21,583

At any rate, the mean season, it's

known for the late summer months,


01:24:21,583 --> 01:24:25,633

hot mornings, sticky weather leading

to violent thunderstorms that


01:24:25,633 --> 01:24:28,853

blow in from the Caribbean and the

Gulf of Mexico in the afternoon.


01:24:28,943 --> 01:24:32,543

However, the rain does not alleviate

the heat like it would in some places.


01:24:32,753 --> 01:24:35,243

It only makes things

hotter in the evening and.


01:24:35,657 --> 01:24:37,998

Cycle repeats every day for a month.


01:24:38,438 --> 01:24:40,878

That's what's called the mean season.


01:24:41,018 --> 01:24:41,708

I didn't know that.


01:24:41,932 --> 01:24:44,612

Notorious Scott K: it will come

in around two 30, between two 34.


01:24:44,662 --> 01:24:49,522

And then because it, it torrential

downpours, like it rains biblically


01:24:49,541 --> 01:24:50,372

and then all of a sudden it's gone.


01:24:51,102 --> 01:24:53,112

It blows away and then

the sun comes back out.


01:24:53,362 --> 01:24:56,582

And if anyone knows anything about

science, I know in Florida, you don't


01:24:56,592 --> 01:25:01,202

really, but in science, heat warms

up the water, turns it into vapor.


01:25:01,202 --> 01:25:02,812

So it becomes a steam bath.


01:25:02,822 --> 01:25:05,192

So normally like even up here,

if it rains, usually it's a


01:25:05,192 --> 01:25:06,282

cold front comes in behind it.


01:25:06,282 --> 01:25:10,482

So it can drop it from 80 to

about 75, 70 degrees in a three


01:25:10,482 --> 01:25:11,472

hour period because of the rain.


01:25:11,472 --> 01:25:11,972

So now we


01:25:12,108 --> 01:25:12,558

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:25:12,558 --> 01:25:13,688

Mm hmm.


01:25:13,772 --> 01:25:15,022

Notorious Scott K: it only made it hotter.


01:25:15,262 --> 01:25:16,712

It would just be like even worse.


01:25:16,742 --> 01:25:18,202

It's just like you went from a sauna.


01:25:18,422 --> 01:25:20,342

You took a hot shower and

then went into a sauna.


01:25:20,342 --> 01:25:20,572



01:25:20,888 --> 01:25:21,068

Katie: Ugh.


01:25:21,068 --> 01:25:21,637



01:25:21,902 --> 01:25:23,182

Notorious Scott K: it's, it's terrible.


01:25:23,218 --> 01:25:23,418

Katie: mm.


01:25:23,418 --> 01:25:24,157



01:25:24,302 --> 01:25:27,642

Notorious Scott K: The water, the water,

the pool water, you see 90 degrees.


01:25:27,962 --> 01:25:28,791

It's awful.


01:25:29,448 --> 01:25:30,528

Katie: Yeah, that doesn't sound good.


01:25:31,002 --> 01:25:31,612

Notorious Scott K: I used to take my kids.


01:25:31,612 --> 01:25:34,072

We would jump into the hot tub at

night to get our body temperature


01:25:34,072 --> 01:25:34,982

up to about 100 something.


01:25:35,212 --> 01:25:37,582

So when we jumped into 95

degree weather pool, It


01:25:37,668 --> 01:25:38,488

Katie: It felt cold.


01:25:38,938 --> 01:25:39,577

Oh my God.


01:25:39,838 --> 01:25:40,598



01:25:40,902 --> 01:25:41,272

Notorious Scott K: Terrible.


01:25:42,133 --> 01:25:45,023

Katie: Of the other things I noticed

about Joey Pants was, so he's the


01:25:45,023 --> 01:25:49,993

photographer and they're, he's out,

he in one scene has five different


01:25:49,993 --> 01:25:52,773

cameras hanging, like hanging from him.


01:25:53,193 --> 01:25:56,323

Now, I am not a photographer, but

that's not, that seemed odd to me.


01:25:56,323 --> 01:25:58,573

Why, why five different cameras?


01:25:58,573 --> 01:26:00,365



01:26:00,462 --> 01:26:03,972

Notorious Scott K: on when they

actually started making how easy it


01:26:03,992 --> 01:26:05,492

was to make interchangeable lenses.


01:26:06,172 --> 01:26:11,022

So for him, he may have had five

cameras on so that at any moment


01:26:11,032 --> 01:26:15,202

he could switch through focal

lengths to get a picture he needed


01:26:15,833 --> 01:26:16,963

Katie: Oh, what a pain in the ass.


01:26:17,041 --> 01:26:20,312

Notorious Scott K: Again, I think back in



01:26:20,312 --> 01:26:23,412

as it is now where like the bags come

with the quick interchangeable lenses.


01:26:23,572 --> 01:26:24,802

That may not have been a thing.


01:26:25,373 --> 01:26:25,833

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:26:25,902 --> 01:26:26,702

Notorious Scott K: So

I don't know for sure.


01:26:26,702 --> 01:26:28,642

So there may be someone

on here older who lives


01:26:28,653 --> 01:26:29,452

Katie: The tracks though.


01:26:29,532 --> 01:26:31,222

Notorious Scott K: out and

let you know, but that's the


01:26:31,222 --> 01:26:32,002

assumption I'm going to make.


01:26:32,002 --> 01:26:32,922

There was just quicker.


01:26:33,282 --> 01:26:34,382

For him in a fast


01:26:34,513 --> 01:26:35,343

Katie: Just grab one.


01:26:35,353 --> 01:26:35,753



01:26:35,812 --> 01:26:36,422

Notorious Scott K: and take a picture.


01:26:36,422 --> 01:26:39,812

He knew what he was using, but

he's not running anywhere, right?


01:26:39,812 --> 01:26:41,782

Katie: No, they're like big cameras, too.


01:26:41,802 --> 01:26:42,112



01:26:42,202 --> 01:26:43,422

Notorious Scott K: into your chest cavity.


01:26:43,692 --> 01:26:44,682

Katie: Yeah, yeah


01:26:44,702 --> 01:26:46,592

Notorious Scott K: has made

the decision to walk wherever


01:26:46,592 --> 01:26:47,902

he is going and going from.


01:26:49,041 --> 01:26:49,352

Katie: Okay.


01:26:49,352 --> 01:26:54,182

Now I need to address the elephant

in my room Which is that they


01:26:54,202 --> 01:26:58,632

are planning to move from miami

to a small town in colorado.


01:26:58,791 --> 01:26:59,952

Sounds great Right.


01:27:00,322 --> 01:27:03,492

The town they're choosing

is greely colorado.


01:27:04,252 --> 01:27:05,582

I don't know if anybody You


01:27:05,672 --> 01:27:06,002

Notorious Scott K: Greeley,


01:27:06,287 --> 01:27:11,497

Katie: Is familiar with it, it

is definitely not a destination.


01:27:11,617 --> 01:27:15,017

There are so many places it is

and maybe it wasn't in the 80s.


01:27:15,037 --> 01:27:15,837

So really.


01:27:16,717 --> 01:27:19,317

Is a typical of other Colorado towns.


01:27:19,317 --> 01:27:20,047

It's not pretty.


01:27:20,047 --> 01:27:21,027

It's not near the mountains.


01:27:21,517 --> 01:27:26,147

It is slaughterhouse and,

meet what do they where they,


01:27:26,267 --> 01:27:27,537

they bring them all in to.


01:27:28,072 --> 01:27:28,791

Fatten them up.


01:27:28,791 --> 01:27:29,362

What do you call that?


01:27:29,632 --> 01:27:33,642

Like these commercial feed

lots like that's Greeley.


01:27:34,832 --> 01:27:40,332

So there's a smell and It is

it's it's not a destination.


01:27:40,332 --> 01:27:43,582

Anybody would go I don't know why

they didn't choose like some cute


01:27:43,632 --> 01:27:48,347

quaint mountain town of which

there's thousands But really, I


01:27:48,347 --> 01:27:50,217

just thought that was so weird.


01:27:51,477 --> 01:27:54,307

Maybe it's just the Colorado people

that will get that, you know,


01:27:54,337 --> 01:27:55,617

understand what I'm talking about.


01:27:55,672 --> 01:27:57,852

Notorious Scott K: he does the, it's

funny you say that, but the murderer


01:27:57,852 --> 01:28:02,032

does tell him after the second killing

that there's a certain smell that once


01:28:02,032 --> 01:28:04,482

you, you don't know what it is until

you smell, but then it never leaves you.


01:28:04,502 --> 01:28:07,122

So maybe he was talking

quietly about Greeley.


01:28:07,337 --> 01:28:07,637

Katie: good.


01:28:07,687 --> 01:28:13,017

Yeah, because it's known here for

its smells because there's cow flesh.


01:28:13,517 --> 01:28:15,097

It's the smell of death.


01:28:15,512 --> 01:28:16,212

And manure.


01:28:18,852 --> 01:28:22,022

Mm hmm.


01:28:22,222 --> 01:28:26,172

I do support moving from Miami

to some town in Colorado.


01:28:26,172 --> 01:28:26,962

Just not Greeley.


01:28:26,972 --> 01:28:28,682

Okay, I'll get off, I'll

get off of that now.


01:28:30,552 --> 01:28:35,452

I did read though that the production in

terms of the principal photography was


01:28:35,472 --> 01:28:38,322

filmed in real life Miami Herald newsroom.


01:28:38,407 --> 01:28:38,747

Notorious Scott K: wow.


01:28:38,752 --> 01:28:42,132

Katie: was yeah, but they had to

do it between the hours of 10 30


01:28:42,132 --> 01:28:44,412

PM and 6 30 AM so that they could


01:28:44,647 --> 01:28:45,037

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


01:28:45,102 --> 01:28:45,472

Katie: work.


01:28:45,522 --> 01:28:45,882



01:28:47,041 --> 01:28:51,952

And you mentioned Andy Garcia and Richard

Bradford both being in The Untouchables.


01:28:53,077 --> 01:28:53,467

Notorious Scott K: Yes.


01:28:53,552 --> 01:28:54,102

Katie: is true.


01:28:54,682 --> 01:28:58,862

They were in several movies

together, which I'm like, hmm,


01:28:58,862 --> 01:28:59,791

I wonder what's going on there.


01:29:00,162 --> 01:29:05,272

In addition to The Untouchables, Internal

Affairs, Steel Big Steel Little, Hoodlum,


01:29:05,462 --> 01:29:07,282

Just the Ticket, and The Lost City.


01:29:08,932 --> 01:29:09,212



01:29:09,277 --> 01:29:09,577

Notorious Scott K: know.


01:29:09,657 --> 01:29:12,377

Or maybe Jack Nicholson, maybe

those are the ones he produced


01:29:12,377 --> 01:29:13,237

and this is the best man.


01:29:13,237 --> 01:29:14,327

So he's going to get, he's going to


01:29:14,452 --> 01:29:18,362

Katie: maybe that could be

could be anything else stand


01:29:18,362 --> 01:29:20,272

out or scenes or anything.


01:29:20,972 --> 01:29:23,572

Notorious Scott K: I think what we

discussed there's a lot of potential,


01:29:23,922 --> 01:29:29,802

but the best scene is that sudden we

meet the killer realize he's the killer.


01:29:30,217 --> 01:29:31,437

Until afterwards.


01:29:31,487 --> 01:29:31,987

And that was


01:29:32,027 --> 01:29:32,416

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:29:32,827 --> 01:29:35,837

Notorious Scott K: well done

scene, really well done.


01:29:36,337 --> 01:29:39,407

Like I said, I knew that man's

face looked familiar, but I bought


01:29:39,447 --> 01:29:40,647

every, and I hadn't seen the movie.


01:29:40,647 --> 01:29:47,607

So I bought every second that he was

some former vets who just, you know,


01:29:47,617 --> 01:29:51,577

he knew some information and, and, you

know, was trying to, trying to do his,


01:29:51,717 --> 01:29:54,527

you know, be a good Samaritan and give

up the information, but also didn't want


01:29:54,527 --> 01:29:56,197

to get killed because of the killer.


01:29:56,217 --> 01:30:00,541

And then thing we know it is the guy

and I was like, Oh my god, even they


01:30:00,541 --> 01:30:04,382

even surprised me that was happening

I just thought this was like, okay


01:30:04,382 --> 01:30:07,342

This is this is a cool look guy

who he look he looked apart, right?


01:30:07,342 --> 01:30:08,012

Like this guy looked


01:30:08,137 --> 01:30:08,666

Katie: Oh


01:30:08,812 --> 01:30:09,692

Notorious Scott K: being some trailer


01:30:09,717 --> 01:30:16,377

Katie: Slovenly like Slovenly

You felt sorry for him Yeah,


01:30:16,672 --> 01:30:19,032

Notorious Scott K: Yeah, I mean when

he's the I love the touches of him


01:30:19,052 --> 01:30:23,032

oiling just the knee brace I was like

this then once I realized it wasn't real


01:30:23,032 --> 01:30:24,402

I was like that is really well done.


01:30:24,592 --> 01:30:26,342

That was a tip of the

hat to the filmmakers.


01:30:26,342 --> 01:30:30,007

That was a great scene They really they

really Sold the hell out of that, but


01:30:30,027 --> 01:30:34,627

Katie: I liked that as well, especially

because I had a visceral reaction to his


01:30:34,627 --> 01:30:37,177

appearance When he was played that guy,


01:30:37,207 --> 01:30:37,737

Notorious Scott K: Mm


01:30:37,887 --> 01:30:40,377

Katie: and then we see him in like a suit.


01:30:40,647 --> 01:30:44,487

Like he's gonna go pretend to be

a substitute teacher to kidnap


01:30:44,557 --> 01:30:46,057

Muriel Hemingway's character.


01:30:46,087 --> 01:30:49,347

And he looks completely

different like it you.


01:30:49,397 --> 01:30:49,567

Notorious Scott K: Mm


01:30:49,647 --> 01:30:51,057

Katie: And I was like, oh, wow.


01:30:51,447 --> 01:30:53,887

That was, I that I agree.


01:30:53,887 --> 01:30:55,177

That was pretty well done.


01:30:55,252 --> 01:30:55,672



01:30:55,697 --> 01:30:57,727

Notorious Scott K: could have done more

of that, that's the problem with the


01:30:57,727 --> 01:31:01,767

film is that they do the fake scares I've

never really worried about the killer.


01:31:01,877 --> 01:31:05,416

They didn't know how they wanted the

killer to be, know They wanted to be


01:31:05,416 --> 01:31:09,497

like this ominous character, but we

never felt it because the opening kill


01:31:10,517 --> 01:31:14,097

is and again I'm not trying to be some

kind of gore hound But if you're if we're


01:31:14,097 --> 01:31:17,527

supposed to be thinking that we've got

a serial killer who is dangerous This


01:31:17,557 --> 01:31:20,477

kill needs to be more than him Just

walking some girl out into the beach and


01:31:20,477 --> 01:31:22,227

then just shooting her like that just


01:31:22,492 --> 01:31:22,912

Katie: Mm-Hmm.


01:31:22,972 --> 01:31:23,492

Notorious Scott K: Weird.


01:31:23,502 --> 01:31:26,182

Like even that opening like they

were so worried even then about


01:31:26,192 --> 01:31:27,532

getting the right rating for it.


01:31:27,532 --> 01:31:30,642

So that it could be watched by more

people that they didn't give anyone


01:31:30,642 --> 01:31:33,442

who would want to see that kind

of movie, a reason to go see it.


01:31:33,912 --> 01:31:36,522

And then even it just was kind of like,

like you said, it's just like, okay.


01:31:36,622 --> 01:31:37,262

It's another one of those movies.


01:31:37,262 --> 01:31:38,572

Like you could see on

a Netflix or something.


01:31:38,572 --> 01:31:38,772

You go.


01:31:39,232 --> 01:31:39,492

All right.


01:31:39,541 --> 01:31:40,212

And you'll forget about it.


01:31:40,272 --> 01:31:43,582

I will probably forget about this movie

until something comes up or maybe I'll


01:31:43,582 --> 01:31:45,652

see another movie in the same vein.


01:31:45,652 --> 01:31:47,992

I'll go, Oh, you know, that

was what, what it's a call.


01:31:48,012 --> 01:31:50,352

Could have been mean season

could have been this way.


01:31:50,352 --> 01:31:55,291

And, you know, they really could have

played a lot more in the serial killer.


01:31:55,672 --> 01:31:58,332

If that movie comes out in the

nineties, it's a different movie.


01:31:58,442 --> 01:32:01,552

It's a lot darker, better film, much.


01:32:01,572 --> 01:32:02,112

better film


01:32:02,597 --> 01:32:06,166

Katie: It was trying to be too

many, like everything to everyone.


01:32:06,202 --> 01:32:06,662

Notorious Scott K: agreed


01:32:07,517 --> 01:32:08,537

Katie: and then it ends up.


01:32:09,507 --> 01:32:10,997

Peeling to no one.


01:32:11,202 --> 01:32:11,392

Notorious Scott K: one.


01:32:11,437 --> 01:32:13,427

Katie: I, I, I did


01:32:13,602 --> 01:32:13,692

Notorious Scott K: the


01:32:13,797 --> 01:32:14,787

Katie: it's yeah.


01:32:14,927 --> 01:32:15,377



01:32:15,592 --> 01:32:15,882

Notorious Scott K: Mm


01:32:15,987 --> 01:32:18,797

Katie: your point about I'll forget

about I have seen this movie recently


01:32:18,797 --> 01:32:21,857

within the last year or two, but

rewatching it last night, I was like,


01:32:21,857 --> 01:32:23,027

Oh, I totally forgot about this.


01:32:23,087 --> 01:32:24,577

Like I didn't recall any of it.


01:32:25,187 --> 01:32:27,247

So it didn't have a lasting effect on me.


01:32:27,897 --> 01:32:34,847

One, one last question for you that

I noticed the detectives, Andy, Andy


01:32:34,847 --> 01:32:36,377

Garcia, and what was the other guy?


01:32:36,887 --> 01:32:37,747

Richard Bradford.


01:32:38,327 --> 01:32:39,947

They had revolvers.


01:32:40,532 --> 01:32:42,412

And I don't know why I took note of that.


01:32:42,812 --> 01:32:44,202

Was that a thing in the eight?


01:32:44,202 --> 01:32:44,462

Cause I,


01:32:44,512 --> 01:32:45,592

Notorious Scott K: that

was an old school way


01:32:45,632 --> 01:32:46,492

Katie: Oh,


01:32:46,782 --> 01:32:49,322

Notorious Scott K: if you look a

lot of Films back then, they all


01:32:49,332 --> 01:32:51,182

carried revolvers at the time that


01:32:51,257 --> 01:32:52,217

Katie: Mm.


01:32:52,362 --> 01:32:55,552

Notorious Scott K: standard until,

So they've gone to now the different


01:32:55,552 --> 01:32:58,732

side on more of the automatic

semi automatic sidearm that, that,


01:32:58,732 --> 01:33:00,082

that, that is prevalent now today.


01:33:00,082 --> 01:33:00,382

But yeah, it


01:33:00,567 --> 01:33:01,097

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:33:01,452 --> 01:33:02,222

Notorious Scott K: the old revolver.


01:33:02,222 --> 01:33:05,712

I mean, even dirty Harry had the, I mean,

he, of course he's dirty Harry, but he has


01:33:05,777 --> 01:33:06,217

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:33:06,732 --> 01:33:07,222

Notorious Scott K: you

know, you're kind of like,


01:33:07,327 --> 01:33:07,777

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:33:07,802 --> 01:33:09,791

Notorious Scott K: that's maybe

a little overkill, but yeah.


01:33:09,892 --> 01:33:10,672

That was a standard.


01:33:10,672 --> 01:33:11,332

I mean, I think


01:33:11,587 --> 01:33:12,147

Katie: Okay.


01:33:12,192 --> 01:33:14,592

Notorious Scott K: you look even the

dire films, I think all the cops, you


01:33:14,592 --> 01:33:16,332

know, then they all have revolvers.


01:33:16,332 --> 01:33:16,422



01:33:16,557 --> 01:33:17,227

Katie: Really?


01:33:17,257 --> 01:33:17,757



01:33:18,937 --> 01:33:19,147



01:33:19,147 --> 01:33:20,557

I don't know anything about guns.


01:33:20,597 --> 01:33:22,457

I just, but I did somehow notice that.


01:33:22,457 --> 01:33:25,117

Cause I feel like I do like cop shows.


01:33:25,752 --> 01:33:28,822

And maybe they're just

like more SVU ones newer.


01:33:28,822 --> 01:33:30,802

And so they have a different kind of gun.


01:33:30,852 --> 01:33:31,182

And so


01:33:31,192 --> 01:33:33,262

Notorious Scott K: thing about

that is the revolver's one of


01:33:33,262 --> 01:33:34,702

the weapons that doesn't jam.


01:33:34,732 --> 01:33:38,362

It may be loud but doesn't jam where

like your sidearm that now have the


01:33:38,362 --> 01:33:42,142

automatics, they have tend to jam and

have jammed and misfired in situations.


01:33:42,142 --> 01:33:45,052

The one thing about a revolver, you can

always pretty much count on the revolver


01:33:45,382 --> 01:33:45,972

Katie: true,


01:33:46,282 --> 01:33:46,972

Notorious Scott K: To do its thing.


01:33:47,532 --> 01:33:48,692

Katie: but then there's only like,


01:33:48,902 --> 01:33:48,992

Notorious Scott K: Yep.


01:33:49,342 --> 01:33:51,512

Katie: but isn't there only like 5 or 6?


01:33:51,592 --> 01:33:52,552

Oh, okay.


01:33:52,557 --> 01:33:52,877

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


01:33:52,947 --> 01:33:53,467

Depending on what


01:33:53,472 --> 01:33:53,862

Katie: Okay,


01:33:54,307 --> 01:33:54,547

Notorious Scott K: Yeah.


01:33:54,547 --> 01:33:54,916



01:33:55,107 --> 01:33:57,357

But at the same time, You're at least

going to get all six and eight shots


01:33:57,522 --> 01:33:57,982

Katie: true.


01:33:58,027 --> 01:33:59,007

Notorious Scott K: opposed

to firing a bullet.


01:33:59,007 --> 01:33:59,817

And then all of a sudden it jams.


01:33:59,817 --> 01:34:00,317

And now


01:34:00,982 --> 01:34:01,472

Katie: You're dead.


01:34:01,782 --> 01:34:02,112



01:34:02,152 --> 01:34:02,462



01:34:03,352 --> 01:34:03,692



01:34:03,692 --> 01:34:04,072



01:34:04,072 --> 01:34:04,692



01:34:04,702 --> 01:34:05,512

All right.


01:34:05,602 --> 01:34:08,152

Well, do you have any final thoughts?


01:34:08,672 --> 01:34:10,242

About the mean season.


01:34:10,382 --> 01:34:10,762



01:34:10,847 --> 01:34:15,097

Notorious Scott K: anyone who's of an

age that's not Gen X or older, it's


01:34:15,097 --> 01:34:19,057

worth taking a look because it's always

worth seeing how films have progressed.


01:34:19,057 --> 01:34:21,767

I think you, I don't

think you can appreciate.


01:34:22,142 --> 01:34:25,272

The films you watch or how they've

changed, unless you've seen where


01:34:25,272 --> 01:34:28,922

they've come from, you know, like you

may not be a fan of black and white


01:34:28,922 --> 01:34:32,332

movies, but if you don't know where the

film language started, you have no idea


01:34:32,332 --> 01:34:33,822

how it got to where it is, you know?


01:34:33,822 --> 01:34:37,402

So it's easy to go, well, this movie



01:34:37,402 --> 01:34:39,522

like the movies in:


01:34:39,722 --> 01:34:43,121

Like it shouldn't, like we should

have progressed in 40 years


01:34:43,562 --> 01:34:44,022

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:34:44,202 --> 01:34:44,432

Notorious Scott K: then.


01:34:44,432 --> 01:34:47,062

That was probably a better film

than what we got in the forties.


01:34:47,172 --> 01:34:49,752

So, you know, they would, but

it was still using some of


01:34:49,752 --> 01:34:51,212

that same film language that.


01:34:51,617 --> 01:34:55,577

You know, the, the tropes, the,

the, the fake out scares, the, the


01:34:55,577 --> 01:34:57,227

guy, the bad guy's not dead yet.


01:34:57,227 --> 01:34:59,807

We've got to have a final

confrontation kind of thing.


01:34:59,817 --> 01:35:02,587

That was stuff that used

to be very prevalent.


01:35:02,587 --> 01:35:06,307

So I just think it's always good to

go back and watch films and see where


01:35:06,307 --> 01:35:08,916

people came from or where things come

from, even if they're not good films.


01:35:09,246 --> 01:35:12,737

I think you don't get appreciation of

great films without seeing everything.


01:35:13,032 --> 01:35:13,202



01:35:13,212 --> 01:35:16,212

Like what's what's how do you know

the bar if you don't see even dog crap


01:35:16,302 --> 01:35:17,472

Katie: Good point.


01:35:17,522 --> 01:35:18,432

Notorious Scott K: greatest, you know,


01:35:18,552 --> 01:35:19,522

Katie: I love that.


01:35:19,552 --> 01:35:20,152

Notorious Scott K: pick movies They go.


01:35:20,182 --> 01:35:22,371

Oh, that's the greatest movie ever seen

but have you seen these other movies


01:35:22,371 --> 01:35:25,692

like there's far better movies than

what you're talking about and you have


01:35:25,722 --> 01:35:26,492

Katie: Yes.


01:35:26,592 --> 01:35:29,202

Notorious Scott K: in one little

lane and you don't know good and


01:35:29,212 --> 01:35:30,291

bad without seeing everything.


01:35:30,291 --> 01:35:30,552



01:35:30,767 --> 01:35:31,177

Katie: Mm hmm.


01:35:31,217 --> 01:35:32,047

I love that.


01:35:32,057 --> 01:35:32,877

Good advice, Scott.


01:35:32,887 --> 01:35:33,487

I like it.


01:35:33,937 --> 01:35:34,157



01:35:34,157 --> 01:35:38,757

Well, I mean the mean season may not

have been a hit but I very much enjoyed


01:35:38,757 --> 01:35:43,567

watching Kurt for an hour and a half

Because you know hit those eyes those


01:35:43,647 --> 01:35:50,172

cheekbones that jawline that hair Those

jeans i'm i'm in it for kurt And I also


01:35:50,192 --> 01:35:51,952

really like Joey Pants and Andy Garcia.


01:35:51,992 --> 01:35:52,822

So it was fun.


01:35:52,902 --> 01:35:53,152

Notorious Scott K: think the


01:35:53,202 --> 01:35:54,092

Katie: It was a fun watch


01:35:54,352 --> 01:35:54,512

Notorious Scott K: right?


01:35:54,772 --> 01:35:55,142

I think the


01:35:55,142 --> 01:35:55,862

Katie: and the villain.


01:35:55,862 --> 01:35:56,112



01:35:56,202 --> 01:35:56,422

Notorious Scott K: good.


01:35:56,482 --> 01:35:57,072

Katie: I agree.


01:35:57,212 --> 01:35:57,742

I agree.


01:35:57,743 --> 01:35:58,862



01:35:58,862 --> 01:35:59,982



01:36:00,207 --> 01:36:00,817

Notorious Scott K: like, He


01:36:00,827 --> 01:36:03,287

could have been one of those great

villains in cinematic history, but they


01:36:03,287 --> 01:36:04,737

just didn't give him enough to do so.


01:36:05,717 --> 01:36:08,777

He could have been a Hannibal Lecter

type a real creep that we were like,


01:36:08,777 --> 01:36:09,857

Jesus, remember that guy from that


01:36:09,862 --> 01:36:11,332

Katie: has that creepiness.


01:36:11,371 --> 01:36:12,291

Yeah, you're right.


01:36:12,312 --> 01:36:12,732



01:36:12,947 --> 01:36:13,187

Notorious Scott K: for it.


01:36:13,187 --> 01:36:14,237

He has the character.


01:36:14,246 --> 01:36:15,437

The guy who played him had it.


01:36:15,797 --> 01:36:18,377

They just didn't give him

enough to do to really sell it.


01:36:19,052 --> 01:36:19,572

Katie: Agreed.


01:36:20,252 --> 01:36:24,562

Well, I guess our recommendation

is watch it if you haven't seen it.


01:36:24,817 --> 01:36:25,607

Notorious Scott K: Give it a shot.


01:36:25,662 --> 01:36:26,212

Katie: Yes.


01:36:26,371 --> 01:36:30,462

And it is now time to return to

the present day reality until


01:36:30,462 --> 01:36:31,982

the next episode of Retro Made.


01:36:33,277 --> 01:36:35,977

Scott, thank you so

much for hanging with me


01:36:36,027 --> 01:36:36,407

Notorious Scott K: appreciate


01:36:36,427 --> 01:36:37,527

Katie: for the mean season.


01:36:37,687 --> 01:36:37,837

Notorious Scott K: it.


01:36:38,377 --> 01:36:41,087

Katie: Remind us what should

we look forward to for


01:36:41,117 --> 01:36:41,567

Notorious Scott K: Oh,


01:36:41,746 --> 01:36:43,117

Katie: coming up in some of your new.


01:36:43,166 --> 01:36:46,666

Notorious Scott K: October, since I, my

main podcast at the church Tarantino, I


01:36:46,666 --> 01:36:50,357

have been doing Pulp Fiction the entire

season, looking at many aspects of it.


01:36:50,377 --> 01:36:54,447

Since it's turning 30, it actually the

day on Monday after we've recorded,


01:36:54,737 --> 01:36:57,297

this will probably be a couple of

weeks, but on the 14th of October, it


01:36:57,337 --> 01:36:59,137

will be its actual 30th anniversary.


01:36:59,427 --> 01:37:03,087

I have a special anniversary show

coming out and then I have more episodes


01:37:03,087 --> 01:37:04,047

coming up to the end of the year.


01:37:04,987 --> 01:37:06,147

for the.


01:37:07,397 --> 01:37:08,227

Men of action.


01:37:08,237 --> 01:37:09,707

We will be doing Stallone.


01:37:09,707 --> 01:37:10,817

Actually, we'll be coming out in November.


01:37:10,817 --> 01:37:14,347

We just had the one you talked

about, but we're putting Rambo two


01:37:14,377 --> 01:37:15,617

up against the expendables too.


01:37:15,627 --> 01:37:17,347

We're taking his two big franchises


01:37:17,347 --> 01:37:19,537

Katie: Oh, that's an easy one.


01:37:19,587 --> 01:37:20,457

Notorious Scott K: that's going to go.


01:37:20,957 --> 01:37:23,557

For Bruce, we'll be reaching at

the end of October, our 20th.


01:37:23,617 --> 01:37:25,017

We have a very special guest.


01:37:25,567 --> 01:37:26,617

Sean O'Connell, who is


01:37:26,812 --> 01:37:28,107

Katie: Oh,


01:37:28,187 --> 01:37:30,457

Notorious Scott K: blend and he's

also on the real blend podcast,


01:37:30,467 --> 01:37:32,227

very popular movie podcast.


01:37:32,227 --> 01:37:35,496

So he comes on, he wrote a book about

Bruce and he's done this journey.


01:37:35,496 --> 01:37:38,777

So we have a really good conversation

about a movie called cosmic sin.


01:37:40,187 --> 01:37:40,607

Really good.


01:37:40,887 --> 01:37:42,467

And then kill Mary smash eat.


01:37:42,467 --> 01:37:46,637

We'll be wrapping up the Wednesday after

the election day here, but you were


01:37:46,637 --> 01:37:51,062

on episode two, but recently for this

month, I think we've had It'll be The


01:37:51,062 --> 01:37:56,312

Matrix, Sopranos, Pulp Fiction Beverly



01:37:56,312 --> 01:38:00,702

it out with Star Trek The Next Generation

will be the last of our 10 episodes


01:38:00,916 --> 01:38:01,387

Katie: are good ones.


01:38:01,387 --> 01:38:03,017

The Sopranos was good.


01:38:03,017 --> 01:38:03,367



01:38:03,467 --> 01:38:04,697

I was on the friends episodes.


01:38:05,257 --> 01:38:07,187

I think it's such a fun concept.


01:38:07,272 --> 01:38:07,742

Notorious Scott K: fun to do.


01:38:07,752 --> 01:38:07,942



01:38:07,962 --> 01:38:08,342

it's a lot


01:38:08,407 --> 01:38:08,757

Katie: Yeah.


01:38:08,982 --> 01:38:09,262

Notorious Scott K: so.


01:38:09,837 --> 01:38:11,166

Katie: Well, thank you so much.


01:38:11,172 --> 01:38:11,962

Notorious Scott K: having me on as well.


01:38:12,307 --> 01:38:13,127

Katie: Yeah, of course.


01:38:13,127 --> 01:38:14,037



01:38:14,147 --> 01:38:17,467

And thank you all for listening

or watching on YouTube.


01:38:17,987 --> 01:38:19,147

Please share the show.


01:38:19,147 --> 01:38:22,067

I know I've been gone a little

while, so I could use the extra help.


01:38:22,416 --> 01:38:25,757

And you know, I could

always use a a new review.


01:38:26,117 --> 01:38:30,097

It goes a long way to help

retro junkies find RetroMade.


01:38:30,487 --> 01:38:33,797

Until next time, be kind, rewind,

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